
  • 网络capacitive effect
  1. 阐述了750kV输电线路的电容效应、互感效应以及合闸过电压的问题,指出单相接地故障时若采用三相重合闸将不可避免地产生较高过电压。

    This paper expounds the capacitive effect , asymmetric effect and over-voltage problems of 750 kV long-distance transmission line . Analysis indicates that three-phase reclosure will produce intolerably serious over-voltage at single-phase faults .

  2. 抑制电容效应的脉冲电源及其应用

    A New Pulse power supply for inhibiting capacitive effect and its application

  3. Neumann边条件无电容效应Sine-Gordon系统的动力学

    Dynamics of Sine - Gordon System Without Capacitance Effect Under Neumann Boundary Condition

  4. 但二极管PN结中存在电容效应,若要正确地用做脉冲开关,就必须了解二极管的反向恢复时间等重要参数。

    However , as the capacitance effect of the diode P-N junction , diode parameters such as reverse-recovery time must be studied before the diode can be used correctly as pulse switch .

  5. 研究表明:金属Cu、Mn具有比较明显的准电容效应,Co、Ni可提高中孔活性炭的放电容量,而金属Mo、Fe和Y的准电容效应不显著;

    It was found that Cu and Mn had obvious pseudo-capacitance effect , and Co and Ni could improve the discharge capacitance of mesopore activated carbon , but Mo , Fe and Y had not contribution to discharge capacitance .

  6. 研究表明,CCTO陶瓷中的负电容效应与Sandoval等在发光二极管中P-N结上观察到的负电容效应有本质不同。

    It was essentially different with the negative capacitance observed in the P-N junction in the light-emitting diode .

  7. 应用电容效应,低温下载流子冻结机制和不同偏压下载流子产生和复合的物理过程分析可以相应地解释不同温度下Kink效应。

    The Kink characteristics at the three temperatures can be explained by capacitance effect , carriers freezen mechanism at low temperature and generation and recombination of carriers under different bias voltages .

  8. 证明当扩散系数适当大时Neumann边条件下无电容效应的SineGordon系统全局吸引子是一条不变曲线,系统在其上的行为类似于圆周上的保向同胚。

    In this paper we prove that the global attractor for the Sine-Gordon system without capacitance effect under Neumann boundary condition is an invariant curve . The behavior of the system on the curve is like the orientation preserving homeomorphism on a circle .

  9. 特别地,CCTO在低频段发现的负电容效应,为我们在特定频段利用电容代替电感提供了可能。

    In particular , this found that the negative capacitance effect at some frequency provides us with the possibility to use capacitor instead of inductance in some frequency band .

  10. 关于二极管电容效应的讨论


  11. 高自然功率紧凑型输电线路电容效应探讨

    Technology Research for Large Surge-impedance Loading Power Compact Type Transmission with Capacitance Application

  12. 电容效应对冷阴极荧光灯电流平衡的影响

    Capacitive Effect on Current Balancing of Cold-Cathode Fluorescent Lamps

  13. 晶界对信号传输的电容效应研究

    Capacitive effect of grain boundaries on signal transmission

  14. 钢纤维砂浆的界面电容效应

    Effect of Interface Capacitance of Steel Fiber Mortar

  15. 双电层电容效应是其一个重要的负载特性。

    The double layer capacitor effect is significant .

  16. 这种双频测定法不存在理论误差,消除了交流测定法中电容效应给电导率测量精度带来的影响,能够准确测定水的电导率。

    The method eliminates the error generated by capacitance effect in alternative current method to measure water conductivity .

  17. 采用抗寄生电容效应的开关电容电路测量上、下极板之间的电容;

    A stray - immune switching circuit is employed to measure the capacitance of the two steel plates .

  18. 通过将这两种电容效应进行对比,进一步展示了交换相互作用在自旋交流输运体系中的作用。

    Comparing these two capacitive effect-s , the role of exchange interaction on spin-dependent ac transport are further demonstrated .

  19. 研究表明对于较薄的聚合物膜,电容效应影响较小,离子注入能量较高。

    For the thinner polymer , the dielectric capacitance could be neglected , and the incident energy of ion is high .

  20. 影响电导率准确测量的因素主要有三方面:极化效应、电容效应和温度。

    The factors that affect the electrical conductivity accurate measurement are mainly three areas : polarization effects , capacitance effects and temperature .

  21. 而在带有门极的三端模型中,我们类比门极的电荷电容效应,引入了类似的自旋电容性效应。

    And in the gated three-terminal model , we introduced a similar spin-capacitive effects imitating the charge capacitive effects of the gate .

  22. 这种庞磁电容效应与传统的磁电材料中由于直接的磁电耦合机制而产生的磁电容效应不同,它将会具有很高的实际应用价值。

    This magnetocapacitance effect is different with which directly induced by magnetoelectric coupling in conventional materials , which will be advantageous for practical applications .

  23. 仪器采用双极性脉冲电压作为电导率测量的激励源,较好地解决高纯水电导率测量中的极化效应和电容效应对测量结果的影响。

    The instrument adopts the bi-directional pulsed voltage as its exciting source , which has a better solution to the negative of capacitive and polarizational effects at the electrodes .

  24. 且由于敏感的寄生电容效应、元件的不匹配、制程变动与梯度效应都将导致布局结果可能是一个不好的布局,也造成了产品的不准确性与良率的降低。

    Poor layout due to its sensitivity to parasitic capacitance , device mismatching , process variations and gradient errors will result in both the product inaccuracy and yield loss .

  25. 讨论了空载线路在电容效应下产生的工频过电压,并对并联电抗器抑制工频过电压的作用进行了理论分析。

    The power frequency overvoltage of unloaded line because of the capacity effect is studied , and the effect of eliminating power frequency overvoltage using shunt reactors is analyzed .

  26. 研究表明,利用充电法测试材料静电衰减性能时,由于电容效应,测试结果不能正确反映被测材料的静电性能。

    Through the measurement , when power charging methed is used , the test result can not correctly reflect the electrostatic property of the matericals under test because of capacitance effect .

  27. 脉冲电压波形主要影响废水处理的三个物理化学过程,即:电容效应、液相传质、吸附和脱吸附。

    The effects of pulse voltage waveform on physical and chemical water treatment processes include double layer capacitor effect , mass transport , absorption and deabsorption on the surface of electrode .

  28. 目前血液透析机上的透析液电导率主要采用电极电导率测量法,由于电极的极化效应和电容效应的影响测量精度不高、误差较大,同时测量的电路较复杂,影响了实时性。

    The electrode conductivity measurement is mainly applied in the hemodialysis machine . But the electrode polarization and capacitance effect lead to low precision and large error , at the same time the measuring circuit is too complex and influence the real time performance .

  29. 本论文建立了修正寄生电阻、电容效应的模型,并把这种修正方法应用到电导法对界面态的表征中。(2)研究了退火条件对TiN/HfO2/GeON/p-Ge电容的影响。

    In this paper , the modles considering the parasitical effect are built up and they are applied to the characterization of interface states by the conductance method . ( 2 ) The annealing effects on TiN / HfO2 / GeON / p-Ge capacitor are studied .

  30. 电容耦合效应对介观LC电路量子效应的影响

    The Influence of Capacitor 's Coupling Effects to Mesoscopic LC Electric Circuit