- 网络middle temporal gyrus;gyrus temporalis medius

Results Processing of real words and pseudowords activated a highly comparable neural network , including bilateral inferior frontal gyrus ( IFG ), middle temporal gyrus , fusiform gyrus , lingual gyrus , supramarginal gyrus , and thalamus .
Basal ganglia ; Hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage ; Middle temporal gyrus ; Modified transpterional approach .
The left middle frontal gyrus BA 9 , 10 , left posterior central gyrus BA 3 and right middle temporal gyrus BA 21 were the common activated areas in English spontaneous writing and copying with right hands tasks .
Elder subjects showed stronger activations in right gyrus frontal inferior and right gyrus temporalis medius than younger .
Results The right middle temporal gyrus and right superior temporal gyrus were more activated by Chinese task than English one .
The results of amnesic patients indicate that the hippocampal region is critical for recollection , whereas surrounding structures in the medial and inferior temporal lobe are important for familiarity .
Conclusion The linguistic center of auditory function in Chinese people coincides with the classic language center , ie. is located at middle temporal gyrus , superior temporal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus .
Comparing pre-learning and post-learning task shows that during pre-learning task stronger activities on right inferior frontal gyrus , left posterior cingulate gyrus , left intraparietal sulcus and left middle temporal gyrus .
Naming animals ' network are mainly located in supplementary motor areas , bilateral posterior middle temporal gyrus , and bilateral posterior middle frontal gyrus with a significant left dominance , bilateral inferior frontal gyrus and superior parietal lobule , and left inferior parietal lobule .
Language-related cortex included angular gyrus , middle frontal gyrus , inferior frontal gyrus , superior temporal gyrus , middle temporal gyrus .
Processing of pseudo words and real words activated a highly comparable network of brain regions , including bilateral inferior frontal gyrus , superior , middle temporal gyrus , calcarine and lingual gyrus , and left supramarginal gyrus .
Results Significant reductions in anisotropy were found in the white matter of bilateral mesial temporal lobes , right middle temporal gyrus and left parietal lobe , left lateral capsule , right superior longitudinal fasciculus and fornix .
[ Result ] ( 1 ) Bilateral superior temporal gyrus and right precentral gyrus , postcentral gyrus , supramarginal gyrus , middle temporal gyrus , dorsal thalamus , caudate nucleus are all activated ( r0.8 ) .