
  • 网络middle temporal gyrus;gyrus temporalis medius
  1. 结果真、假词的判断激活了相似的包括双侧额下回,颞中回,梭状回和舌回,双侧缘上回,丘脑等区域。

    Results Processing of real words and pseudowords activated a highly comparable neural network , including bilateral inferior frontal gyrus ( IFG ), middle temporal gyrus , fusiform gyrus , lingual gyrus , supramarginal gyrus , and thalamus .

  2. 基底节区;高血压脑出血;颞中回;改良翼点入路。

    Basal ganglia ; Hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage ; Middle temporal gyrus ; Modified transpterional approach .

  3. 右手英文主动书写和抄写共同激活左额中回BA9、10区,左中央后回BA3区及右侧颞中回BA21区。

    The left middle frontal gyrus BA 9 , 10 , left posterior central gyrus BA 3 and right middle temporal gyrus BA 21 were the common activated areas in English spontaneous writing and copying with right hands tasks .

  4. 老年人在右侧额下回和右侧颞中回的激活体积明显大于青年人。

    Elder subjects showed stronger activations in right gyrus frontal inferior and right gyrus temporalis medius than younger .

  5. 结果与英语声音相比,汉语声音引起显著激活的脑区为右颞中回和右颞上回。

    Results The right middle temporal gyrus and right superior temporal gyrus were more activated by Chinese task than English one .

  6. 通过对健忘症病人的研究发现海马区域对于回想是重要的,而颞中回和颞下回的周围结构对于熟悉性是重要的。

    The results of amnesic patients indicate that the hippocampal region is critical for recollection , whereas surrounding structures in the medial and inferior temporal lobe are important for familiarity .

  7. 结论母语为汉语的正常人听觉性语言中枢与经典的语言中枢基本相符,即听觉性语言中枢定位于左侧颞中回、颞上回、缘上回。

    Conclusion The linguistic center of auditory function in Chinese people coincides with the classic language center , ie. is located at middle temporal gyrus , superior temporal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus .

  8. 比较学习前后的脑区激活结构,学习前右侧额下回、左侧扣带回后部、左侧顶间沟周围脑区、左侧颞中回激活明显强于学习后;

    Comparing pre-learning and post-learning task shows that during pre-learning task stronger activities on right inferior frontal gyrus , left posterior cingulate gyrus , left intraparietal sulcus and left middle temporal gyrus .

  9. 动物命名激活脑区网络则主要位于辅助运动区,双侧颞中回后部、额中回(左侧明显优势)、额下回、顶上小叶和左侧顶下小叶。

    Naming animals ' network are mainly located in supplementary motor areas , bilateral posterior middle temporal gyrus , and bilateral posterior middle frontal gyrus with a significant left dominance , bilateral inferior frontal gyrus and superior parietal lobule , and left inferior parietal lobule .

  10. 震动触觉刺激下,实验组与对照组激活语言相关脑区包括额中回、额下回、颞上回、颞中回、角回。

    Language-related cortex included angular gyrus , middle frontal gyrus , inferior frontal gyrus , superior temporal gyrus , middle temporal gyrus .

  11. 对真假词的判断激活了两侧额下回、颞上回、颞中回、距状回、舌回及左侧缘上回等脑区。

    Processing of pseudo words and real words activated a highly comparable network of brain regions , including bilateral inferior frontal gyrus , superior , middle temporal gyrus , calcarine and lingual gyrus , and left supramarginal gyrus .

  12. 结果对照组和AD组的双侧内颞叶、右颞中回、左侧顶叶白质,左侧外囊,右上纵束和穹窿的各向异性FA值差异具有显著性意义。

    Results Significant reductions in anisotropy were found in the white matter of bilateral mesial temporal lobes , right middle temporal gyrus and left parietal lobe , left lateral capsule , right superior longitudinal fasciculus and fornix .

  13. [结果](1)6例正常人左右侧颞上回,右侧中央前回、中央后回、缘上回、颞中回、背侧丘脑、尾状核激活(r0·8)。

    [ Result ] ( 1 ) Bilateral superior temporal gyrus and right precentral gyrus , postcentral gyrus , supramarginal gyrus , middle temporal gyrus , dorsal thalamus , caudate nucleus are all activated ( r0.8 ) .