
  • 网络Auditory pathway;acoustic pathway
  1. 结论:BAEP检测是一项客观敏感的神经电生理学指标,对于评价耳外伤后的听觉传导通路功能状况具有重要价值。

    Conclusion : BAEP might be an objective and sensitive eletroneurophysiological indicator and might be of important value in evaluating the function state of auditory pathway after ear-trauma .

  2. 微弱的声音刺激对脑内听觉传导通路发育没有显著的影响。

    Weak sound stimulation had no significant effect on development of auditory pathway .

  3. MRI优于CT能显示视觉、听觉传导通路上病灶。

    MRI was better to reveal the pathological changes for auditory and visual pathway .

  4. 结论:VIP不仅参与耳蜗微循环的神经体液性调节,还可能是听觉传导通路的神经递质;

    Conclusion : VIP not only contributes to regulate the cochlea microcirculation , but also acts as the neurotransmitter in the pathway of the auditory system .

  5. 结论BAEP是检测2型糖尿病患者听觉传导通路功能的敏感指标,可较早期地诊断并显示听觉外周和中枢神经传导功能障碍的部位和程度。

    Conclusions The pathological changes of peripheral and central nervous system in type 2 diabetic patients , and BAEP technique was a sensitive and helpful indicator of early diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy .

  6. 听觉传导通路不同部位的病变对中枢掩蔽的影响

    Pathology in Different Sites of Auditory Pathway had Different Effects on the Central Masking

  7. 评估患者听觉传导通路功能;二、定期进行言语处理器调试。

    First , assessing the function of auditory conductive system . Second , adjusting cochlear implant processor periodically .

  8. 结论听神经病是一种临床表现主要为听力学异常的,包括耳蜗后第Ⅷ颅神经耳蜗支和听觉传导通路直至大脑听觉皮层在内的听觉系统疾患。

    Conclusions Auditory neuropathy is an audiology disease with pathological lesions from the ⅷ cranial nerve to auditory cortex .

  9. 目的探索听觉传导通路中听神经和下丘的单位放电记录并对其反应特性进行观察。

    Objective To explore a proper recording of the unit discharge in auditory nerve and inferior colliculus for the observation of characteristics of response potential .

  10. 螺旋神经节细胞是听觉传导通路的第一级神经元,其接受毛细胞释放的兴奋性递质谷氨酸的刺激产生兴奋性电位,传导至延髓脑桥连接处的蜗神经腹核和背核。

    Spiral ganglion neurons ( SGNs ) are primary afferent fibers of auditory pathway , which accept the stimulation of glutamate released by hair cells and conduct the excitatory action potentials to the nucleus of cochlear nerve .

  11. 气导听觉剥夺对听觉传导通路发育的影响及神经干细胞耳蜗核移植听力正常者交替短声诱发的耳蜗电图特征

    Effect of Early Auditory Deprivation on the Development of Auditory Pathway and Transplantation of Neural Stem Cells to the Cochlea Nucleus A Clinical Study of Alternating Click Evoked ECochG in Normal-Hearing Subjects

  12. 一系列改变说明,发育关键期对动物进行气导听觉剥夺,对于整个听觉传导通路的发育都产生了明显的影响乃至于发生了功能的改变。

    All of these indicated that the auditory deprivation of air-conduction in the crucial time might cause the great effect on the development of auditory neural pathway and its function . 5 .