
tè shū ɡǎn jué
  • special sense
  1. 随后,研究人员使用了控制方法,降低了参测者因为多种语言特殊感觉偏差造成的(测试结果不准确)风险(例如英语ColdFeet可理解为害怕,不情愿或犹豫)。

    Afterward , researchers applied controls to reduce the risk that participants may have been biased by sensation-specific phrases common to many languages ( such as the English cold feet as a metaphor for fear , reluctance or hesitation ) .

  2. 随后,研究人员使用了控制方法,降低了参测者因为多种语言特殊感觉偏差造成的(测试结果不准确)风险(例如英语“coldfeet”可理解为害怕,不情愿或犹豫)。

    Afterward , researchers applied controls to reduce the risk that participants may have been biased by sensation-specific phrases common to many languages ( such as the English " cold feet " as a metaphor for fear , reluctance or hesitation ) .

  3. 老实说,过后我倒没什么特殊感觉。

    To be honest , I felt nothing special afterward .

  4. 我见到男演员时我没有那种特殊感觉。

    I guess I don 't have any fluttering when seeing an actor .

  5. 他们具备着我们所没有的特殊感觉。

    They have senses that we don 't possess .

  6. 这些孩子通常在各种文化下独立成长,对家并没有特殊感觉。

    They typically grow up with one foot in each culture , without ever feeling completely at home in either .

  7. 值此发生你将无任何特殊感觉,但是你-字面上说-已经移入到了另一个世界。

    When this happens , you don 't feel anything at all , but you – literarily-have moved into another world .

  8. 特殊感觉核,如前庭内侧核和脊核、蜗神经核、外侧丘系核;

    The special sensory nuclei , such as the medial and spinal vestibular nuclei , the cochlear nucleus , and the lateral lemniscus nucleus ;

  9. 在许多情况下非先天性听力损失的原因是在内耳的特殊感觉细胞毛细胞的变性造成的。

    In many cases of non-congenital hearing loss , the cause is degeneration of specialized sensory cells in the inner ear , called hair cells .

  10. 大多数药品来源正常。对非医疗目的使用、多药使用、使用频率高、从非正常渠道获得、使用后有特殊感觉、容易获得的情况有必要进行进一步调查。

    Further and necessary investigations should be conducted on non-medical use , poly-drug use , frequent use , non-normal resources , special feeling after using , easy obtainment etc.

  11. 在我的童年里什么事都没发生&没有创伤之类东西,当我问到他何以如此敏感的时候,凯夫回答,我只是对可怖的东西有一种遗传的特殊感觉。

    Nothing happened in my childhood & no trauma or anything , Cave said , when I asked after the origins of his sensibility . I just had a genetic disposition toward things that were horrible .

  12. 但是由大英博物馆古生物学家杰拉米尔纳博士领导的研究团队写道:直到他们研究始祖鸟,对于始祖鸟的脑和特殊感觉因应飞行而发生了何种程度的改变的认识尚知之甚少。

    But the research team , led by Dr. Angela Milner , a paleontologist at the British museum , wrote that until their investigation of Archaeopteryx , " little was understood about the extent to which its brain and special senses were adapted for flight . "

  13. 他粗犷豪放,给人一种特殊的感觉。

    He possessed a raw energy allied to a feeling of something special .

  14. 视神经(OpticNerve)由特殊躯体感觉纤维组成,传导视觉冲动。

    Optic nerve conducts visual impulses , which is made of sensory fibers .

  15. 特殊青少年感觉寻求特质的研究

    An experimental study on the sensation seeking trait of special teen-agers

  16. 对于制作好玩的游戏关卡有着特殊的感觉。

    Great sense for what makes a game or level fun to play .

  17. 鉴别力是一种综合了听觉、视觉和嗅觉的特殊的感觉。

    And a scent is like a sixth sense which combines hearing , seeing and smelling .

  18. 我们有一种特殊的感觉。

    We feel a special feeling .

  19. 这是一种非常特殊的感觉,你知道任何东西都不能取代它。

    It 's a feeling so unique unto itself and you know you wouldn 't trade it for anything .

  20. 我说我对他并没有什么特殊的感觉,而且这进展太快了。

    I told him I don 't have any special feeling for him yet , and it is too fast .

  21. 记者:你又一次曾经在电视上说,在成为网球运动员之前,你对做女人有一种十分特殊的感觉。

    Q.You said to the television you have a very special feeling to be a woman before being a tennis player .

  22. 现在,如果我站在父母的面前,直面他们时,我会有一种特殊的感觉。

    Now , I have a certain feeling if I stand in front of my parents , when I stand straight in front of them .

  23. 它也许不是每次都很美好,但它都会给你留下一点特殊的感觉,一种你以前从来没有过的感觉。

    Love is many not work out all the time but it leaves you a special sort of feeling , like nothing you have ever imagined .

  24. 通感是人所具有的特殊的感觉方式,过去研究者主要从修辞学、语言学等角度对其进行研究。

    Synesthesia is one kind of particular perception means , the researchers studied it mainly from the point of the rhetoric , the linguistics and so on before .

  25. 移频可以使您听到并辨别传统助听器无法使您听到的高频语言声。鉴别力是一种综合了听觉、视觉和嗅觉的特殊的感觉。

    ImpaCt will allow you to hear the high frequency speech cues that traditional amplification does not . And a scent is like a sixth sense which combines hearing , seeing and smelling .

  26. 我去城里时每次都从她的目光里看到她在期待着我,并且她会亲自对我承认在所有的那些天里她有一种特殊的感觉猜想我应该来了。

    And when I went to the town I saw every time from her eyes that she was expecting me , and she would confess to me herself that she had had a peculiar feeling all that day guessed that I should come .

  27. 我对她有种特殊的感觉,尤其当我发现她从不迷路,而且还会在路上的里程碑处等着我们。她始终在奔跑,感觉好像从来就不会累一样。他说。

    " I have a special feeling about her , especially when I found she was never lost , waited for us at milestones on the road , and ran all the time , making me feel that she never feels tired ," he said .

  28. 第二部分有关项链嗅觉系统转基因小鼠的构建项链嗅觉系统由嗅觉系统中一类特殊的嗅觉感觉神经元和它们对应的僧帽细胞等突触后细胞组成。

    The necklace olfactory system is formed by a group of specialized olfactory sensory neurons and their corresponding post-synaptic neurons , like mitral cells .

  29. 首先,该论文从教学作为一种人类实践的特殊性和感觉的实践性发展开始,讨论了教学实践感的内涵。

    Firstly , beginning with the originality of teaching as a practice peculiar to human and the practice-based development of sense , this thesis discusses the connotation of sense of teaching practice .