
  • Liang Chaowei;【人名】Leung Tong
  1. 出演该片的还有奥卡菲娜、陈法拉、杨紫琼和梁朝伟,梁朝伟饰演真满大人和十戒帮的老大。

    The film also stars Awkwafina , Fala Chen , Michelle Yeoh and Tony Chiu-Wai Leung , the latter of which plays the real Mandarin5 and the leader of the Ten Rings organization .

  2. 《尚气与十环传奇》是漫威第一部由亚洲人领衔主演的超级英雄大片,包括奥卡菲娜、杨紫琼、梁朝伟、刘思慕在内的所有主要演员都是亚洲人或亚裔。

    Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is the first of Marvel 's superhero blockbusters to have an Asian lead character , and all of its main actors – including Awkwafina , Michelle Yeoh , Tony Leung , and Simu Liu as Shang-Chi himself – are Asian or of Asian descent .

  3. 今年1月,该公司称,其首个电影项目将由导演王家卫(WongKar-Wai)和演员梁朝伟(TonyLeung)加盟。

    In January it said that its first film project would involve director Wong Kar-Wai and actor Tony Leung .

  4. 阿里影业1月份表示,其首部电影将与两大明星合作:制片人王家卫(WongKar-Wai)和演员梁朝伟(TonyLeung)。

    In January it said its first film will be a collaboration with two big stars : producer Wong Kar-Wai and actor Tony Leung .

  5. 执导了《花样年华》(IntheMoodforLove)和《2046》等影片的王家卫(WongKar-wai)今年1月也携《一代宗师》(TheGrandmaster)来“凑热闹”,其中梁朝伟饰演叶问。

    In January , Wong Kar-wai , director of cinephile fare such as ' In the Mood for Love ' and ' 2046 , ' joined the party with ' The Grandmaster , ' starring Tony Leung Chiu-wai .

  6. 颇为浪漫而又忧郁柔情的梁朝伟有打斗戏份,但其缺乏类似于查尔顿•赫斯顿(CharltonHeston)或三船敏郎(ToshirMifune)等武术英雄的体格或威严。

    More of a romantic , melancholy heartthrob , Leung has the acting chops but not the physique or the commanding presence of a martial hero that would be the equivalent of Charlton Heston or Toshio Mifune .

  7. 目前还没有梁朝伟经纪人的评述。

    No comments were available from Tony leung 's agent .

  8. 有的牌子上写着:我儿子长得像梁朝伟。

    Some wrote : " My son looks like Tony Leung " .

  9. 王家卫在评价梁朝伟的专业精神和工作激情时称其为罕见。

    Mr. Wong called Mr. Leung 's professionalism and passion ' rare . '

  10. 梁朝伟饰演片中的大反派满大人,是钢铁侠的宿敌。

    Leung plays The Mandarin , a supervillain and Iron Man 's archenemy .

  11. 关于梁朝伟的武术训练:

    On Tony Leung 's Martial-Arts Training :

  12. 梁朝伟说,武打戏对我来说很难。

    ' The action part was really tough for me , ' Mr. Leung said .

  13. 梁朝伟说过:男人如果爱你,那你就一定会感觉到。

    Tony leung said : If a man loves you , you must feel it .

  14. 梁朝伟是一个梦想。

    Leung Chiu-wai is a dream .

  15. 小乔(林志玲):我们叫它萌萌吧!周瑜(梁朝伟):厄?!萌萌!

    Xiao Qiao : Let 's call it Mengmeng ! Yu Chou : Oops ?! Mengmeng !

  16. 梁朝伟说,他和张曼玉都在努力领会张艺谋的导演技巧。

    Tony Leung said he and Maggie Cheung were struggling to understand Zhang 's directorial technique .

  17. 主演还有嘎纳电影节影帝梁朝伟和中国青年演员汤唯。

    The film also stars Cannes best actor winner Tony Leung Chiu-wai and Chinese newcomer Tang Wei .

  18. 梁朝伟两次摔断了他的胳膊。第一次发生在他排演的时候。

    ' Tony Leung broke his arm twice . ' The first time happened while he was rehearsing .

  19. 在这部表现间谍的影片中,汤唯和香港演员梁朝伟上演了赤裸裸的情欲戏。

    The spy actioner features explicit sex scenes between Tang Wei and Hong Kong star Tony Leung Chiu-wai .

  20. 她反复看了梁朝伟给汤唯买大钻戒的那部分。

    She rewound and rewatched the part where the hero purchases a big diamond ring for the heroine .

  21. 对于梁朝伟来说,和他心仪已久的导演李安的合作仿佛是一连串的痛苦严峻的考验。

    For Tony Leung , realizing his Long-held dream of collaborating Ang Lee was a series of ordeals .

  22. 梁朝伟那轻松的迷人魅力与电影偶像的美貌使他对复杂角色的刻画得心应手。

    Leung 's relaxed charm and matinee-idol looks make it easy to overlook the complexity of his performances .

  23. 诸葛亮(金城武)对周瑜(梁朝伟)说:我不是在看你,我是在欣赏你!

    " I 'm not watching you , I just appreciating you !" Liang Chu-keh said to Yu Chou .

  24. 梁朝伟主演的《2046》,关于不可能的浪漫爱情的未来狂想曲。

    Tony Leung Chiu Wai stars in " 2046 ," a futuristic fantasy about the impossibility of romantic love .

  25. 在新浪微博上,#梁朝伟出演漫威新片的标签迅速积攒了4.1亿浏览量和近6.4万条评论。

    On the Twitter-like Sina Weibo , \# TonyLeungChiu-waistarringnewMarvelfilm quickly accumulated 410 million views and spawned nearly 64000 posts .

  26. 本周,刚从戛纳归来的著名演员梁朝伟在参加影展之前出席了新闻发布会。

    This week , well-known actor Tony Leung came fresh from Cannes and joined the press conference before the event .

  27. 据报道梁朝伟剧本很有吸引力,但是6个月的拍摄时间太长他无法接受。

    Tony Leung has reportedly said the plot was attractive , but the six-month-long shoot was longer than he expected .

  28. 小乔(林志玲):我们给它取个好名字吧?周瑜(梁朝伟):它出生在荆州

    Xiao Qiao : Let 's give it a name ? Shall we ? Yu Chou : It was born in JIngzhou

  29. 他的名字叫梁朝伟,我记得你也提到过日本演员渡边谦来和梁朝伟比较。

    His name is Tony Leung . I remember you mentioned the Japanese actor Ken Watanabe the other day compare with Tony .

  30. 更有消息称,著名演员梁朝伟、梅艳芳等将出现在电影节的颁奖晚会上。

    It is also said , famous movie stars such as Tony Leung , Anita Mui will present for the award presentation ceremony .