
  1. 全文共分六章,第一章介绍联学大师梁章钜的生平事迹与丰富的著述。

    The first chapter is to give a brief introduction of Liang 's life story and his enormous works .

  2. 梁章钜将“雅”的以上三重含义兼收并蓄,并将之与“切”相结合,形成了其内涵丰富的“雅切”范畴,灵活运用在《丛话》系列的对联批评中。

    Combining of the three meanings in Ya above and integrating with Qie , Liang presented his Ya-Qie which includes rich thinking and applied it to couplets comments in CongHua serials vividly .

  3. 本文力图将梁章钜与业师翁方纲共置于当时的历史背景中,探究梁章钜与翁方纲的交游关系以及梁章钜的书法题跋所受翁方纲的影响。

    This thesis intends to probe into Liang Zhangju 's association with Weng Fanggang , his teacher , and the influence of Weng on Liang 's calligraphy annotations in this historic background .

  4. 在《丛话》系列众多批评范畴中,雅切不但使用频率远远高于其它范畴,而且体现了梁章钜对联批评的基本要求和理想标准。

    In lots of comment categories of Ying Lian Cong Hua , not only were Ya-Qie used more frequently than other categories , but they also present Liang 's basic requirement and ideal standards to comment of couplets .