
  • 网络atv;TVB;Asia Television Limited
  1. 本次颁奖盛典由亚洲电视和合肥电视台共同主办,这也是自1985年“亚洲小姐”活动启动以来,首次在中国内地举行颁奖盛典。

    This grand ceremony is co-sponsored by Hong Kong based ATV and Hefei TV Station and it is the first time a mainland city hosts such an event since the " Miss Asia " pageant was launched in1985 .

  2. 本周日晚8点,亚洲电视将同步播出颁奖盛况,合肥电视台新闻频道、影院频道、生活频道也将对晚会进行报道。

    This Sunday at8 pm , the awards ceremony will be broadcast live by ATV , at the same time , the news channel , movie channel and lifestyle channel of Hefei TV Station will also cover the ceremony .

  3. 香港亚洲电视经典剧集。

    A classic TV drama produced by Hong Kong Asia tv .

  4. 两个,无线电视和亚洲电视。

    Two , TVB and aTV .

  5. 亚洲电视体育市场缺少本土品牌赛事的强力支撑。

    In Asia , sports event TV broadcasting market is in lack of powerful support of native representative sports events .

  6. 得奖作品即将于亚洲电视及廉政公署网页「廉政频道」播放。

    The award-winning video and advertisement will be shown on ATV and on the ICAC Channel of the agency 's website .

  7. 曾经的亚洲电视剧市场,日剧与韩剧一直平分秋色,现在却只有韩剧一边独大。这着实让我有些伤感。

    It 's actually quite sad to think that the two countries used to be competitive rivals in the Asian TV drama market , but now it 's just a lopsided battle .

  8. 在职业生涯的较早时期,他曾担任英国电信公司BSkyB和福克斯的亚洲卫星电视集团星空传媒(Star)的首席执行官。

    Earlier in his career , he was the chief executive of the British telecom BSkyB and the chief executive of Star , Fox 's Asian satellite television group .

  9. 本文是作者在参与了亚洲广播电视联合会的机器人大赛ROBOCON的中国区比赛CCTV首届全国大学生机器人电视大赛后的一篇总结性论文。

    This article is a conclusive thesis after the author took part in China Central Television ( CCTV ) 1st China university Robot Contest , part of Robocon organized by Asia Broadcasting Union ( ABU ) .

  10. 升级或替换?&谈亚洲数字电视的天馈线系统

    Upgrade or Replace ? & On DTV Antenna-Feeder System in Asia

  11. 亚洲音乐电视董事长说,他在西方看到了对亚洲不断增长的兴趣和亚洲艺术家正在做什么。

    Frank Brown , President of MTV Asia , says that he sees in the west a growing interest in Asia and what Asian artists are doing .

  12. 除美国有线电视外,许多亚洲主流电视台也表示有兴趣播放该剧的英文版本,尽管他们已经播放过原始版本。

    In addition to U.S. cable , several Asian mainstream TV stations are also showing interest to air the English version despite already airing the original version .

  13. 报告发现,去年亚洲付费电视用户总数为2.55亿,预计5年内将增至3.81亿,到2015年将达到4.46亿。

    It found that total pay-TV subscribers in Asia were 255m last year , a number that is expected to increase to 381m in five years and 446m by 2015 .

  14. 同时,许多播放过中文版《甄嬛传》的亚洲主流电视台也对英文版《甄嬛传》的电视剧和电视电影非常期待。

    At the same time , many Asian main stream TV stations which have shown the Chinese version before look forward to the English drama and TV movie as well .

  15. 我们相信这三档节目将会为全亚洲的电视观众提供一个理性而深入的视角,从而透彻剖析公司决策层的操作内幕以及管理层的商业策略。

    We believe these three programs give viewers in Asia an excellent look behind the board room door at how companies are run and how executives and managers run their businesses .

  16. 现在,受近年韩国歌手、演员走红的鼓舞,亚洲各家电视台更乐于播出这个邻国的电视、音乐节目,而非美国货。

    Now , egged on by the popularity of South Korean singers and actors in recent years , Asian broadcasters are more comfortable using their neighbors'TV dramas or music instead of American fare .

  17. 对中国电视剧在俄罗斯传播做出了巨大贡献的一家业余字幕翻译网站表示,无需额外的推广,亚洲系列电视剧正吸引着越来越多的没有学习东方语言的普通俄罗斯观众。

    Without extra promotion , Asian series are attracting a rising number of ordinary Russian viewers who are not studying the oriental languages , said amateur subtitle translators in Russia , who have made a great contribution to the spread of Chinese TV series in Russia .

  18. 在台湾乃至整个亚洲地区,电视和电信业务正日益融为一体。

    Television and telecommunications businesses are increasingly converging in Taiwan and across Asia .

  19. 欧洲与亚洲的卫星电视播放业者,已经开始提供各种不受规的节目内容给客户,而且多以美国节目为主。

    Satellite broadcasters in Europe and Asia are already offering subscribers an unregulated mix of programming dominated by American shows .

  20. 过去几年,亚洲的有线电视及卫星电视频道大增,为制作者提供现成的市场。

    The boom in Asian cable and satellite channels over the last few years has provided a ready market for producers .

  21. 在上海期间,身为英国电影电视艺术学院主席的威廉王子,将利用此次机会探讨组织打算培养英国和亚洲电影、电视和游戏产业工作者的创新意识和进行文化交流。

    While in Shanghai the Duke , who is president of Bafta , will use the opportunity to discuss the organisation 's intentions to foster creative and cultural exchanges between British and Asian workers in the film , television and games industries .

  22. 根据dealogic的数据,这将使其成为亚洲最大的有线电视交易,也是自2006年以来亚洲最大的私人股本交易。

    This would make it the biggest cable TV deal in Asia and the largest private equity transaction in the region since 2006 , according to Dealogic .

  23. 作为亚洲有线及卫星电视广播协会(CASBAA)监管理事会成员,高女士亦参与制定业界对区内广泛议题的立场和处理方法。

    She is also on The Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia ( CASBAA ) Council of Governors , which collectively shapes the industry 's actions on a wide range of issues in the region .

  24. 马来西亚将推出亚洲第一个互动电视网

    Malaysia to Launch First Interactive TV Network in Asia

  25. 据权威机构的报告显示,到2010年全世界将会有1.2亿用户收看手机实况电视节目,而亚洲将成为手机电视服务最普遍的地区。

    According to an authoritative organization report showed that , by 2010 the world will have 120 million mobile users to watch live TV program . Asia will become the most common mobile TV service areas .