
  • 网络Hong Kong Police;hong kong police force;HK POLICE;HKP
  1. 而这部电影主要讲述的是一名香港警察的冒险故事。

    The movie is about a Hong Kong police officer 's adventures .

  2. 记住,千万不要惊动香港警察。

    Try not to run into the Hong Kong police .

  3. 香港警察才不会理,我保证。

    The H.K.P. won 't care , I promise .

  4. 你们香港警察管不了我们。

    The Hong Kong police cannot touch us .

  5. 香港警察体育事务委员会

    Hong Kong Police Sports Council

  6. 他们大都体格健硕,所以在第二次世界大战前,受聘加入皇家香港警察队服务的为数甚多。

    Because of their generally strong physique , they also comprised a large segment of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force before World War II .

  7. 我们一大群人等在铁丝网的这边,证件递到香港警察那里进行检查。

    A group of us stood waiting after the Hong Kong Police on the other side of the barbed wire had taken our papers away to be studied .

  8. 1981年参加香港皇家警察。

    Joined the Royal Hong Kong Police in1981 .

  9. 香港辅助警察队薪酬是以每小时或每日计算,并会每年调整。

    The pay rates for Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force are on daily hourly basis and are adjusted annually .

  10. 而我在回到香港协助警察破案的时候才发现,他们复制了整个硬盘的内容,恢复了其中的数据。

    Now , what I actually found out after returning to Hong Kong and assisting the police was that they had copied my whole hard drive and then they had recovered my memory .