
  • 网络HKPF;hong kong police;The Hong Kong Police Force
  1. 有组织罪案及三合会调查科〔香港警务处〕

    Organized Crime and Triad Bureau [ Hong Kong Police Force ]

  2. 指挥及控制综合通信系统〔香港警务处〕

    Command and Control Integrated Communications System [ Hong Kong Police Force ]

  3. 社区老人精神科小组区重案组〔香港警务处〕

    Community psychogeriatric team District Crime Squad [ Hong Kong Police Force ]

  4. 未完成调查的开枪个案信息系统〔香港警务处〕

    Information System for Outstanding Shooting Cases [ Hong Kong Police Force ]

  5. 资讯科技处行政小组先进科技组〔香港警务处〕

    ITB Admin Team Advanced Technology Unit [ Hong Kong Police Force ]

  6. 第二代警务处姓名索引计算机系统〔香港警务处〕

    Enhanced Police Operational Nominal Index Computer System [ Hong Kong Police Force ]

  7. 保安产品及服务信息系统〔香港警务处〕

    Information System on Security Products and Services [ Hong Kong Police Force ]

  8. 该部门将由中国香港警务处处长邓炳强领导。

    The unit will be guided by Hong Kong police commissioner Chris Tang Ping-keung .

  9. 新聘警员训练信息系统〔香港警务处〕

    Information System on the Training of Police Constable Recruits [ Hong Kong Police Force ]

  10. 警司警诫计划〔香港警务处〕环境信息、评估和预警司

    Superintendent 's Discretion Scheme [ Hong Kong Police Force ] Division of Environmental Information , Assessment and Early Warning

  11. 紧急车辆编配册〔香港警务处〕定点发车模式中最小编成辆数的研究

    Emergency Vehicle Allocation List [ Hong Kong Police Force ] Study on the Minimum Number of Cars in Fixed-point Departure Mode

  12. 中国香港警务处处长表示,香港维护国家安全法将令执法过程有法可依。

    The Hong Kong Police commissioner says the law on safeguarding national security in the city will provide legal supports for law enforcement .

  13. 中国空气动力研究与发展中心高速所科技处。先进科技组〔香港警务处〕

    The Department of Science and Technology , High Speed Institute , China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center ( CARDC ) . Advanced Technology Unit [ Hong Kong Police Force ]

  14. 《申诉专员条例》也赋予申诉专员权力,对政府部门(包括香港警务处和廉政公署)违反《公开资料守则》的投诉展开调查。

    The Ombudsman Ordinance also empowers the Ombudsman to investigate complaints of non-compliance with the code on access to information against government departments , including the Hong Kong Police Force and the Independent Commission against corruption .

  15. 到目前为止,这些个案均没有涉及香港银行客户金钱上的损失,个案亦已交由香港警务处跟进调查。

    These cases , which have not involved any financial loss to bank customers in Hong Kong so far , have been reported to the Hong Kong police for investigation .

  16. 这些历史档案妥善地保存公有和来自私人的香港历史和发展资料,有助于建立市民对香港的认同感。机要档案室〔香港警务处〕

    The public archives also help to foster the identity of the Hong Kong community through the safe keeping of permanent records from both public and private sources on the territory 's history and development .