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  • 网络Ben Cheung
  1. “谁?”我慌张地问。

    Who ? 'I asked in a flurry .

  2. 一个小孩指着一张照片问是否真的是通缉犯的照片。

    One of the youngsters pointed to a picture and asked if it really was the photo of a wanted person .

  3. 谈话即将结束时,随着嘉宾们开始品尝甜点,张欣问哈迪德是否会退休。

    Near the end of the women 's conversation , as guests nibbled on dessert , Zhang asked Hadid if she will ever retire .

  4. 在出席晚宴的150余位嘉宾面前,张欣问哈迪德,在位于北京西南1000多公里的重庆,有一幢新建筑像极了哈迪德在北京的最新作品,这一山寨建筑是对她的恭维,还是场闹剧?

    In front of the event 's 150-plus VIP dinner guests , Zhang asked Hadid about a building in Chongqing - a city 1100 miles from Beijing in southwest China - that looks strikingly similar to Hadid 's newest Beijing building : Is the knock-off flattery or farce ?

  5. 海娜给他的仆人讲了你们的早餐聚会,那让他感到很高兴,马奇太太说,很多年前他就认识我父亲。今天下午他送来张纸条,问他可否给我的孩子送些圣诞礼物。

    Hannah told his servant about your breakfast party , and that pleased him , said Mrs March . He knew my faher many years ago , and he sent me a note this afternoon , asking if he could send my cbildren a few small Christmas presents .

  6. 那女人奇怪地看了他一眼,抽出一张空白卡片,问他的姓名、年龄和地址。

    The lady gave him a queer look , but pulled out a blank card asked him his name , age and address .

  7. 咱们背张司理扣问了茶叶的种类、品质、价钱等题目。

    We have inquired of Manager Zhang about the varieties , quality and price of tea .

  8. 她取出一张空白卡片。问他的姓名、年龄和。

    She pulled out a blank card and asked him his name , age , and address .

  9. 也要事先考虑到你的优错误谬误,筹备一张问题表来问你未来的雇主。

    Also consider your strengths and weaknesses in advance , and prepare a list of questions to ask your prospective employer .

  10. 菲奥娜医生定时会跟我汇报她的病况,而马拉拉最初写的一张纸条上,问的就是你的近况。”

    Dr Fiona has kept me updated , and one of the first notes Malala wrote was to ask about you . '

  11. 爷爷生日那天,晨晨和朋友琳琳送给他一张生日卡,问能不能和他一起放风筝。

    On the grandfather 's birthday , Chenchen and his friend Linlin bring him a birthday card and ask whether they can fly a kite with him .

  12. 有一天,在吉米的个人画室里,一个人买了吉米的一张油画,然后问这个聪明的孩子:“请告诉我一件事,吉米,你为什么总是在纸的下半部分画,却不在纸的上半部分画?”

    One day , in Jim 's own studio , somebody bought one of Jim 's oil paintings and then said to the bright boy , " please , tell me this Jim , why do you painted on the bottom half of your pictures but not on the top half . "