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  • 网络Wang Zeng
  1. 有一个古老故事说:“昔日米达斯(Midas)王曾很久在林中寻找酒神的伴侣,聪明的西列诺斯(Se-lenus),但没有找到。

    An old legend has it that King Midas hunted a long time in the woods for the wise Silenus , companion of Dionysus , without being able to catch him .

  2. 所罗门王曾威胁要把孩子砍成两半。

    King Solomon threatened to cut the baby in half .

  3. 在二十世纪七十年代伊朗的最后一任君主伊朗王曾疯狂地购买军火。

    In the1970s Iran 's last monarch the Shah went on the spending spree for military hardware .

  4. 上主,的确,亚述王曾毁灭了所有的民族和他们的国家。

    It is true , Yahweh , that the kings of Assyria have laid waste all the countries of the earth .

  5. 因此,你这万王之王曾把自己修饰了来赢取我的心。

    And for this , thou who art the King of kings hast decked thyself in beauty to captivate my heart .

  6. 有史料经载,商王曾派3000~5000人出兵打仗,更有参战士兵多达13000人的时候。

    It was also recorded that the king dispatched an army of three thousand or five thousand , sometimes even thirteen thousand to go to war .

  7. 你要告诉他们说,巴比伦王曾到耶路撒冷,将其中的君王和首领带到巴比伦自己那里去。

    ' Say to them : ' The king of Babylon went to Jerusalem and carried off her king and her nobles , bringing them back with him to Babylon .