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  1. 王称,法律制定者应该对何时限制网络通信提供细则。

    Wang said policymakers should offer detailed guidelines for when authorities can limit access to the Internet .

  2. 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)是一种热塑性塑料,有塑料王之称,具有高度的化学稳定性和优异的润滑性,是重要的防腐和减摩材料。

    As thermoplastic , polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE ) which is famous as " The King of Plastic " has been widely used as antiseptic and friction materials for excellent chemical stability and lubricating properties .

  3. 等你称了王,称了霸

    once you 're king of the mountain ,

  4. 黑茶是全发酵和手工制作的,有世界茶王之称。

    Dark tea , which is100 % fermented and and crafted , is the King of all teas .

  5. 运用溶剂热反应尝试在温和的条件下,用钠和具有塑料王之称的聚四氟乙烯进行反应,成功地得到了碳纳米球;

    We , used alkali metals sodium and polytetrafluorethylene , at mild reaction condition , obtained carbon spheres .

  6. 虎素有百兽之王之称,其威武、勇猛,尽显王者风范。

    Tiger is known as the king of beasts , and its majestic , bravery , majestic demeanor .

  7. 木瓜素有百益果王之称,属蔷薇科,为落叶小乔木或灌木;

    Pawpaw , commonly known as " King of Fruits ", belongs to rose family ( shrub in appearance ) .

  8. 王医生称,战胜微博成瘾最好的界,与朋友重新建立联系。

    Doctor Wang says the best way to beat the addiction is to return to the real world and re-build connections with friends .

  9. 王周淑涵称,美国教育部在2012年停止了对中文浸入式教育项目的资助,不过国防部依然在给予微量拨款。

    The United States Department of Education stopped funding Chinese immersion in 2012 , Dr. Wang said , though the Department of Defense still contributes a minimal amount .

  10. 王海称,若无医学需要,但孕妇及其家人要求剖宫产时,只有在孕妇和其主治医生都签名后,医生才能进行手术。

    Doctors can perform a C-section when there is no medical requirement if the pregnant woman or her family demands it , and only after receiving signatures from both the pregnant woman and her doctor in charge , Wang said .

  11. 中国化工(ChemChina)总经理任建新有中国“并购王”之称,此前他已策划过6次海外收购,涉及法国、挪威、以色列和澳大利亚,但迄今尚未在美国有什么大的交易活动,部分原因在于他无法获得赴美签证。

    Ren Jianxin , the chairman of state-owned ChemChina dubbed China 's " merger king , " has previously orchestrated half-a-dozen acquisitions in countries including France , Norway , Israel and Australia , but has yet to do a big deal in the US in part because of his inability to reliably obtain visas .

  12. 疯王.人们称他为疯王.

    The Mad King . Commonly known as the Mad King .

  13. 有‘喜剧之王’之称的周星驰的最新电影作品《美人鱼》近日发布了预告片。

    Comedy King Stephen Chow 's upcoming film ' The Mermaid ' has released its first trailer .

  14. 酒店一个姓王的经理称,这是该酒店首次推出如此大餐,服务对象为高端消费群体。

    A manager surnamed Wang said that it is the first time for the hotel to promote such delicacy , targeting high-end consumer groups .

  15. 有“债券之王”之称的格罗斯颇受媒体瞩目,时常撰写有关债券及其他市场的投资展望报告。

    Known as the " bond king " , Mr gross has a high media profile and writes about the outlook for bonds and other markets .

  16. 现年50岁的他是三个孩子的父亲,是1700万荷兰公民的王,他称飞行是一种“爱好”。飞行让他把皇室的职责留在地面上,完全专注于其他事情。

    The 50-year-old father of three and king to 17 million Dutch citizens calls flying a " hobby . " It lets him leave his royal duties on the ground and fully focus on something else .

  17. 西汉初的制度和政策:刘邦在与项羽争夺天下的时候,曾封韩信、英布、吴芮等数人为王,史称“异姓王”。

    Political System and Policies : When scrambling for sovereignty with Xiang Yu , Liu Bang enfieffed Han Xin , Ying Bu , Wu Rui and others as princes , who were known as kings who were not relative to the imperial family .

  18. 因此,他们完全可以分阶段做这项工作;他们可以首先允许养老基金投资人民币债券。黄王慈明补充称,让机构投资者进入该市场还有助于中国在人民币交易中引进国际最佳做法。

    So they can even do this in stages ; they can allow pension money to invest in renminbi bonds first . Ms Wong adds that bringing institutional players to the market would also help China introduce international best practices to their currency trade .

  19. 见记者不语,“王大仙”又称与记者有缘,可便宜一些。

    See a reporter anti language ," Wang Da Dun Xian " calls to decree by destiny with reporter again , a little bit cheap .

  20. 赞同王的意见,称中美合作对全球经济稳定复苏至关重要。

    Agreeing with Wang , Bernanke said that cooperation between China and the US is essential in bringing about a stable recovery of the global economy .

  21. 为巩固统治,在实行郡县制的同时,刘邦又大封其子弟为“诸侯王”,史称“同姓王”。

    Hoping to perpetuate the supremacy of the imperial court , Liu Bang installed princes of royal blood to head fiefdoms , which co-existed with prefectures .

  22. 比如,姓李的局长被称为李局,姓王的科长被称为王科;如果你是总经理、总工程师或总编,就会被称为什么总。

    If somebody is a chief engineer or a chief editor , he will be called something like " Li chief " or " chief Li " .

  23. 美国保证从美国出口高科技产品到中国会变得容易。王说,他称之为“完美的成功”。

    " The US pledged to facilitate exports of high-technology products from the US to China ," he said , while calling the SAED a " full success " .

  24. 储光羲向来与王孟一起被称为盛唐山水田园诗派的代表,然而论及储光羲诗歌的真正面貌时,诸多文学史几乎一笔带过,语焉不详。

    Chu Guangxi has always been known as the Tang and Meng together representatives of Pastoral Poetry , however , Chu Guangxi addressed the real face of poetry , the many literary history almost a passing , did not elaborate .