
  1. 特早熟苹果新品种‘早香玉’

    A New Special Early-season Ripening Apple Variety ' Zaoxiangyu '

  2. 牡丹‘香玉’品种属于乙烯敏感型和呼吸跃变型花卉。

    Tree peony cv . ' Xiangyu '' is ethylene sensitive and climacteric .

  3. 黑玉米紫香玉的生产与利用

    Production and utilization of black maize

  4. 经两年的试验,紫香玉黑玉米市场前景好,食用营养价值高,其开发利用广阔。

    According to two years'test , the foregrounds of the black maize are great and the values of nutrition and edible value are high .

  5. 结果表明,人工点授桔早生、西农早蜜和早香玉桃的花粉,以及花期喷硼砂均能显著或极显著提高布目早生桃树的座果率;

    The results showed that artificial pollinating pollens of Juzaosheng 、 Xinongzaomi 、 Zaoxiangyu and foliar borax spraying at florescence can increase the rate of peach setting significantly or extremely significantly .

  6. 牡丹‘香玉’香气物质醇类、酯类、烷类、芳香烃类、酮类为主,也含有少量醛类,烯类,吡喃和酚类。

    The essential oils in flowers of tree peony cv . ' Xiangyu ' are mainly alcohols , alkanes , esters , ketones and benzene . And it also has small amounts of aldehydes , pyran , alkenes and phenols .