
  1. 基于半参数GARCH模型的中国黄金市场波动性研究

    Semi-parametric GARCH Modeling of the Volatility of China Gold Market

  2. 放而能收&设计中国黄金市场的一种思路

    Flexible , a concept to design a gold market in China

  3. 以商业银行为核心构筑中国黄金市场

    Build Chinese gold market based on commercial bank as the cores

  4. 中国黄金市场的理性探索&1999年中国黄金市场理论研究概览

    Chinese Market Chinese Market A rational study on the Chinese gold market

  5. 中国黄金市场的现状及发展趋势分析

    Analysis on the Current Situation and the Trend of China Gold Market

  6. 中国黄金市场开放政策初探

    Preliminary Research on the Opening Policy of Chinese Gold Market

  7. 充分发挥商业银行在中国黄金市场中的作用

    Making full use of commercial banks in domestic gold market

  8. 上海期货市场能为开放中国黄金市场提供舞台

    Shanghai forward market to provide a stage for gold market

  9. 中国黄金市场的基本框架及快速发展

    Constitution and Development of China 's Gold Market

  10. 上海黄金交易所开业,标志着中国黄金市场的开放。

    The foundation of Shanghai Gold Exchange symbolized the opening of Chinese gold market .

  11. 中国黄金市场期货与现货价格关系实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Relationship between Futures and Spot Price in Gold Market of China

  12. 并在第四章的后半部分着重介绍中国黄金市场的发展。

    In the latter part of Chapter IV , the development of Chinese gold market is to be investigated .

  13. 此外,本文还提出黄金生产者应该充分挖掘黄金市场潜力、培育黄金产业、满足多样化投资需求的建议,同时也为中国黄金市场未来发展提出了几项政策建议。

    Moreover , we suggest gold producer should excavate the gold market potential , cultivate the gold industry , and meet diversified investment demand .

  14. 中国黄金市场建立时间较短,市场效率较低,这在很大程度上是由于目前国内黄金市场结构不完善现状造成的。

    It is not a long time since the establishment of gold market in China , and the incomplete market structure leads to low efficiency .

  15. 而近代中国黄金市场和外汇市场均是附属于白银市场的次级市场。

    In addition , the gold market and the foreign exchange market , affiliated to the silver market , were secondary markets in modern China .

  16. 但他补充道,中国黄金市场仍有“巨大的增长潜力”,反映出了一种该行业广泛认同的观点。

    But he added that the Chinese gold market still had " huge potential " for growth , echoing a widely held view in the industry .

  17. 2008年1月9日,黄金期货合约在上海期货交易所挂牌交易,实现了中国黄金市场由商品性市场向金融性市场质的转变。

    January 9th 2008 , gold futures contracts traded at the Shanghai Futures Exchange , market achieve the qualitative change from commodity market to financial market .

  18. 文中从商业银行介入中国黄金市场的必要性,商业银行可发展的黄金业务,以及商业银行发展黄金业务尚需解决的问题3个方面来探讨如何发挥商业银行在黄金市场中的作用。

    The paper discusses the necessity of commercial banks being involved in the domestic gold market , the possible gold business and the existing problems for the commercial banks to develop gold business .

  19. 文中首先从黄金的特殊性、中国黄金市场的目标定位以及中国黄金市场对金融体系的影响入手,分析了完善国内黄金市场结构的重要性;

    Firstly , the paper discusses the particularity of gold , the aim of gold market and its effect on finance system . Secondly , the importance to perfect domestic gold market structure is analyzed .

  20. 最后一部分结束语,主要总结了中国黄金市场开放和发展对黄金产业、金融市场和经济发展的作用,并表明了对上海黄金交易所成为世界主要黄金市场的预期。

    Chapter IV brings out the solutions and the suggestions to the problems of China Gold Market 's farther development . Conclusion deals with the relevancy between gold industry , financial system , economic-development and China Gold Market .

  21. 人们迫切需要对中国黄金期货市场的特征和规律有深入的了解和认识。

    The characteristics and rules of Chinese gold futures market are necessary for the participants to recognize .

  22. 第二部分:回顾中国黄金饰品市场的演变发展经历,描述产业的经营现状。

    The second part : firstly reviewed the evolution of golden industrial revolution of china and describe the present situation .

  23. 四是,以往对中国黄金期货市场的研究中,都没有把市场作为可变状态研究,我们通过对比一般模型和多状态模型的拟合效果,后者更加准确。

    Four , the Chinese gold futures market study , do not take market as a state variable study , we compared model and multi state model fitting effect , the latter is more accurate .

  24. 中国国内实物黄金市场极为活跃,但至今没有一只以贵金属为基础资产的ETF。

    China already has a very active physical gold market , but no exchange-traded funds for any precious metals .

  25. 丰田的一位高管承认:我们没想到中国会成为黄金市场。

    We never thought of [ China ] as an El Dorado , one Toyota executive admits .

  26. 黄金现货价格单方向的影响黄金期货价格,期货市场的价格引导作用不明显,这说明中国的黄金期货市场还存在一定的问题致使中国的黄金期货市场的价格发现功能不能得以有效实现。

    Spot price of gold influence the futures prices in one direction , the leading role of futures market prices is not obvious .

  27. 分析师表示,这一巨大缺口意味着,去年中国央行在黄金市场上扮演了买方角色&尽管其声明的内容与此相反。

    This chasm suggests that the central bank was a buyer in the gold market last year in spite of its protestations to the contrary , say analysts .

  28. 购买量同比下降了8%,为2003年中国解除对黄金市场管制以来同比降幅最高的一次。

    That was down 8 per cent from a year ago and the sharpest year-on-year fall since 2003 , when the Chinese bullion market had just been deregulated .

  29. 中国作为新兴的黄金市场,对金价需求的增加有巨大的推动作用。

    China as an emerging gold market would make a huge boost to the increase demand of gold .