
chóng fā
  • retransmission;repeat;rewire
重发[chóng fā]
  1. 介绍差错控制方式,重点分析了自动重发请求方式中的奇偶校验与CRC。

    Introducing error control mode , analysing parity check and CRC in auto request repeat mode .

  2. 讨论了三种在多个并行的Markov信道上进行实时数据传输时使用的选择重发式自动请求重发(SR-ARO)协议。

    Three selective repeat automatic repeat request ( SR-ARQ ) protocols working on multiple Markov channels were analyzed for real-time constrained data transmission .

  3. 该方案通过对移动IP注册消息的认证,避免了针对注册过程的假冒攻击和重发攻击。

    By using authentication , this solution avoids the counterfeit attack and replay attack directed against the Mobile IP register process .

  4. 我们采用了滑动窗口、超时重发和确认机制确保了TCP协议的可靠性。

    Slide window , timeout retransmission and acknowledgement mechanism are used to make sure of the credibility of TCP .

  5. 通过连续重发两个相同的OFDM符号,应用最大似然估计方法确定采样频率偏差。

    At last , a maximum likelihood estimating method of sampling frequency offset by transmitting two identical OFDM symbol was proposed .

  6. 在阅读器IP软件设计中采用CRC校验码检错、出错重发相结合的方法来确保应答器与阅读器的通信可靠;

    In reader software IP design , the method of CRC was used to ensure the communication reliability between the reader and responder .

  7. 提议的方案包括FEC(正向纠错)和选择性重发。

    The proposed schemes include FEC and selective retransmission .

  8. 纠错技术中可能用到自动重发请求(ARQ)。

    Automatic Repeat Request ( ARQ ) might be used in error control technology .

  9. 自动重发请求(ARQ)是高速无线网络最常用的有效差错控制方法。

    The ARQ is the most effective error control scheme for the high-speed wireless network .

  10. 文章提出了一种基于多个马尔可夫信道的自适应联合选择重发ARQ协议。

    This paper proposes an Adaptive Joint Selective Repeat ARQ protocol for multiple wireless Markov channels .

  11. 文章研究了自动重发请求(ARQ)机制,来满足这些新的要求。

    This paper investigates automatic repeat request ( ARQ ) schemes to meet these new challenges .

  12. 这张唱片现在迎来了第二春,今年夏天早些时候旧金山的旧唱片重发厂牌优越高架桥(SuperiorViaduct)再次发行了它。

    The album is now enjoying a second life , thanks to its release earlier this summer on the San Francisco-based reissue label Superior Viaduct .

  13. 在TCP、HDLC等能提供可靠通信服务的通信协议中,需要使用定时器来对数据包的超时重发进行计时。

    In reliable protocols such as TCP and HDLC , a timer is required to timing for data package overtime retransmission .

  14. 同时提出了基于HERMES的端到端、交换到交换的前向纠错(FEC)和检错重发(ARQ)的容错机制。

    Sencondly , fault-tolerant mechanisms about FEC and ARQ varying from end-to-end to switch-to-switch on HERMES is proposed .

  15. RCS分为4个层次:基本通讯层、纠错重发层、结点状态控制层和Spooling层。

    RCS is devided into four layers : basic communication , error-correcting retry , node state control and spooling layers .

  16. 自适应联合选择重发ARQ和多重应答结合,可以成为未来的无线网络上数据传输协议的重要组成部分。

    Adaptive Joint Selective Repeat ARQ , together with Multiple Acknowledgement , can serve future wireless networks as radio link protocol .

  17. 即使有恶意第三方能够窃取消息,除非他能攻破SSL客户机/服务器身份验证,否则也无法将消息向其它方重发。

    Even though a malicious third party could steal a message , it cannot re-send it to some party unless it can break the SSL client / server authentication .

  18. 在报文传送过程中,采用“选择重发SWARQ”模式来同时发送多个数据包,减少协议的空闲时间;

    In the process of message transmission , a selective repeat SW-ARQ protocol for simultaneously sending several packets was proposed to decrease idle time .

  19. OMR协议通过中间节点的协作转发和自动重发,以及汇聚节点启动的重发机制保证了端到端数据传输的可靠性。

    The timeout and retransmission mechanisms by intermediate nodes and sink in OMR guarantee the end-to-end reliability .

  20. 数据频道组采用重发和跳频机制可以多路数据并行发送而互不干扰,增加了adhoc网络的鲁棒性和高效性。

    On data channels , by using resending and frequency hopping mechanisms , multiple data can be transmitted in parallel without disturbance in each other . The robustness and effectiveness of Ad Hoc network are enhanced .

  21. 通过对比分析,本文建议采用Snoop技术进行平滑切换和快速重发,从而改善移动IP切换的TCP性能。

    On these comparisons , a recommendation is brought out that is to use Snoop technique to improve TCP performance in the process of mobile IP handoff with smooth handoff and quick resend .

  22. 实现了基于Matlab平台的虚拟静态场景的多声源耳机重发与定位,并测试虚拟声源定位的效果。

    Realizing the headphones-based reproduction and localization of multi-sound-source based on Matlab platform in the virtual static scene . This study tests the effect of the virtual sound localization by the way of making subjects to draw the scene layout .

  23. 设计了一种可变LLC长度的帧结构,在SW-ARQ方式的基础上,提出了一种选择重发SW-ARQ方式,该方式可以提高HF信道宝贵的带宽资源的利用率。

    A LLC frame structure with alterable length is put forward , a protocol of selective repeat SW-ARQ is proposed .

  24. 这既提高了RSA的加密速度,又可抵御对RSA的低指数攻击和重发攻击,还可实现发送者识别。

    Therefore , the encryption speed of RSA was raised while withstanding the low exponent attack and multi-sending attack . Furthermore , this protocol was provided with the function of recipient identification .

  25. ECA基于口令和数字签名双因素认证方法,采用双向的认证机制,结合使用ID卡存储用户信息,实现二次认证有效防止了重发攻击。

    Based on the bi-factors certification method of password and digital signature , ECA effectively avoids replay-attack by adopting two-way certification mechanism together with ID Card to save users ' information .

  26. ALOHA协议是现代通信网络和计算机网络中常用的一种协议,在该系统中存在着分组的碰撞和重发。

    ALOHA protocol is a common protocol in modern communication networks and computer networks . There are conflicts and repeats of packets in ALOHA system .

  27. 开发基于VxWorks的CAN驱动程序,支持通信重发和超时控制机制确保系统通信可靠,采用简单的等&停高层协议解决长报文短帧拼接问题;

    Developing the CAN driver in Vx Works which supports re-send and timeout control to improve the reliability of the real-time communication , adopting a simple stop-wait protocol to actualize the compages of short frames ;

  28. 这意味着当服务尝试执行其常规的消息重发或发送确认信息的WS-RM逻辑时,将无法完成此任务。

    This means that when the service tries to do its normal WS-RM logic of resending messages , or sending acknowledgements , it can 't.

  29. 论文对最简单的反碰撞算法ALOHA算法进行了研究,在识别时间和重发次数之间作一下折衷,确定如何选择退避时间。

    This text studies the most simple anti-collision algorithm-ALOHA algorithm , and comprises between identifying time and sending times , then determines how to choose avoidance time .

  30. 着重分析了滑动窗口协议和差错控制的策略,最后给出模拟后退N连续ARQ的滑窗协议和选择重发连续ARQ滑窗协议的程序计算结果及其分析。

    Focused on the analysis of sliding window protocols and the strategy error controlling , calculated results together with analysises of sliding window protocols using analogous go back n ARQ and selective repeat were given at last .