
shèng suǒ
  • sanctuary;Holy Place;sanctum
圣所[shèng suǒ]
  1. 新译本:愿他从圣所帮助你,从锡安扶持你。

    GWT : He will send you help from his holy place and support you from Zion .

  2. 祭司从圣所出来的时候,有云充满耶和华的殿。

    When the priests withdrew from the Holy place , the cloud filled the temple of the lord .

  3. 他建了一座小教堂作为悼念亡母的圣所。

    He built a chapel as a shrine to the memory of his dead mother .

  4. 圣所中一切雕刻的、们现在用斧子锤子打坏了

    They smashed all the carved paneling with their axes and hatchets .

  5. 晶红龙圣所,一个全新的10-25人副本已经加入游戏,分为普通模式和困难模式(H模式)!

    The Ruby Sanctum , an all-new10-and25-player raid dungeon featuring normal and Heroic difficulties , has been added !

  6. 佛罗里达基韦斯特海军圣所的BillCausey起草了沼泽地的修复计划。

    Bill Causey of the Florida Keys Marine Sanctuary helped draft the plan to restore the Everglades .

  7. n.圣所;圣堂;神殿教堂通常被认为是神圣的地方。

    sanctuary The church is generally considered as a sanctuary .

  8. 但是圣所卡普卡纳度假村(SanctuaryCapCana)三英里长的白色沙滩应该可以对抗这样的湿热。

    But at the Sanctuary Cap Cana , three miles of white sand beaches should combat the heat .

  9. 比如,图尔西(Tulsi)是一种植物的方言名称,但对植物学家来说,它对应的就是罗勒属圣所(Ocimumsanctum)。

    For example Tulsi is the vernacular name of the plant which when pointed out to a botanist would be correlated to Ocimum sanctum .

  10. 在学习心灵圣所之后心灵之火不再减少法力消耗。

    Inner Fire no longer consumes mana after learning Inner Sanctum .

  11. 殿和至圣所的门各有两扇。

    And the temple and the sanctuary had two doors .

  12. 在圣所中,你要将醇酒奉给耶和华为奠祭。

    Pour out the drink offering to the Lord at the sanctuary .

  13. 膏油和为圣所用麝香的香料。

    And the anointing oil and fragrant incense for the Holy Place .

  14. 这间屋是我老公的圣所。

    This is my husband 's holy of holies .

  15. 犹大就成了主的圣所,以色列成了他的王国。

    [ KJV ] Judah was his sanctuary , and Israel his dominion .

  16. 他们指控他糟践了圣所和律法。

    They 're accusing him of preaching against the temple and the law .

  17. 致使的武器不应该出现在天主的圣所里。

    A weapon of death has no place in a house of God .

  18. 兽人的影月城堡与耐奥祖的神秘圣所被摧毁。

    The Orcish Fortress of Shadowmoon and Ner'Zhul 's Mystic Sanctum are destroyed .

  19. 又照圣所内链子的样式作链子,安在柱顶上。

    He made interwoven chains and put them on top of the pillars .

  20. 我们的圣所是荣耀的宝座,从太初安置在高处。

    A glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary .

  21. 到二千三百日,圣所就必洁净。

    For two thousand three hundred days ; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed .

  22. 她已成三一神的圣所。

    She 's become the sanctuary of God .

  23. 要从我的圣所杀起。

    And you shall begin at my sanctuary .

  24. 他真的是要反对圣所吗?

    Was he really preaching against the temple ?

  25. 你们当向圣所举手、称颂耶和华。

    2 lift up your hands in the sanctuary , and bless the lord .

  26. 你们要守我的安息日,敬我的圣所。我是耶和华。

    Observe my sabbaths and have reverence for my sanctuary . I am the lord .

  27. 应遵守我的安息日,应敬畏我的圣所:我是上主。

    Keep ye my sabbaths , and reverence my sanctuary . I am the Lord .

  28. 我们靠着这血,坦然进到至圣所。

    By this blood we have the boldness to enter into the Holy of Holies .

  29. 愿他从圣所救助你,从锡安坚固你。

    May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion .

  30. 祭司和申言者,岂可在主的圣所中被杀戮么?

    Shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the lord ?