
  • 网络Synutra;Syrutra
  1. 恒天然是圣元国际奶粉产品的供应商。

    Fonterra is a supplier of milk powder to Synutra International .

  2. 而更令人不安的是,消费者对包括圣元在内的国产奶粉的信任度受到重创。

    More seriously , customer confidence in domestic milk brands like Synutra has been badly dented .

  3. 四分之一的儿童曾经食用过圣元配方的但是后来更换了牌子,新华社引用医院官方的说法。

    A fourth baby had used Synutra formula but then switched brands , Xinhua cited the hospital official as saying .

  4. 武汉儿童医院内分泌科的副主任说,四分之三有这种情况的儿童从来没有用过圣元配方的奶粉。新华社报道。

    The deputy head of Wuhan Children 's Hospital 's endocrine department said three of the four children treated for the condition had never consumed baby formula made by Synutra , Xinhua reported .

  5. 这里有一个短练习来测试一下您对混淆词对的认识。每一个正确的答案都予以两圣元作为奖励。所有参加者都会另外奖励两个威望。

    The following is a short exercise to test if you understand the above confusing word pairs . 2 SY will be awarded to each correct answer and2 WW will be awarded for those who participate .