
  • 网络Winery;Wine Chateau
  1. 在弗林德斯,您会找到美丽的海滩、葡萄酒庄和高尔夫球场。

    In Flinders , you 'll find great beaches , wineries and golf courses .

  2. 例如,法国政府为葡萄酒庄每公顷补贴300欧元。

    For example , the French government gives 300 euros to every hectare of wineries .

  3. 黄家葡萄酒庄被评为国家级乡村旅游示范点。

    Huang Zhuang wine was named a national demonstration sites in rural tourism .

  4. 世界上最古老的葡萄酒庄

    The Oldest Red Wine Fazenda of World

  5. 我还被两个新葡萄酒庄出产的真正鼓舞人心的红葡萄酒所打动。

    I was also heartened to come across truly inspiring red wines from two new wineries .

  6. 对于在中国市场投放广告的葡萄酒庄,德国政府补贴一半的广告费用。

    The German government subsidises half of the advertising fees if the ads are placed in China .

  7. 玛歌产区内有二十一个顶级葡萄酒庄,比其他任何一个梅多克产区都要多。

    The Margaux AOC has twenty-one Cru Class é Ch â teaux , more than any of the other M é doc commune appellations .

  8. 中国葡萄酒庄建设尚处于初步发展阶段,对兼具观光和生产的葡萄酒庄景观设计还缺乏一定研究。

    Chinese wineries building development is still in the preliminary stage , both tourism and production wineries landscape design is also a certain lack of research .

  9. 布兰迪葡萄酒庄(Blandy’s)的五年玛尔维萨(至少存放了五年时间)是很好的入门级马德拉,售价约为20至25美元。

    Blandy 's 5-Year malmsey , a wine aged a minimum of five years , is a good entry-level Madeira and costs about $ 20 to $ 25 .

  10. 美国的企业,从纳帕谷的葡萄酒庄到内布拉斯加的电影投影仪制造商,无一不希望从中国消费大军的崛起中分得一杯羹。

    In the U.S. , businesses from Napa Valley wine makers to manufacturers of cinema projectors in Nebraska are hoping to cash in on the rise of the Chinese consumer .

  11. 高女士个子不高,笑容干脆,这些酒产自她家族经营的葡萄酒庄。酒庄位于戈壁沙漠边远的宁夏,一个中国偏远的省份,此时她组织学生们品尝的,正是她家酒庄里近期出产的葡萄酒。

    Ms. Gao , a diminutive woman with a quick smile , was conducting a tasting of recent vintages from her family-run winery in Ningxia , a remote Chinese region on the edge of the Gobi Desert .

  12. 自她所导演的处女作《致青春》于2013年上映后,赵薇的事业走向了巅峰,几乎包揽了中国的各大奖项。同时她还购买了葡萄酒庄,投资了多家电影制作公司。

    After making her directorial debut with So Young in 2013 , Zhao has been riding on high tides , taking home prizes from many prestigious awards in China , whilst showing her entrepreneurship through purchasing wine chateaus and investing in film production companies .

  13. 他举了那些想要在中国开办葡萄酒进口企业之人的例子:现在局面已经反转过来,中国企业正在世界各地收购葡萄酒庄。

    He cites the example of those who want to set up a wine importing business in China : now the tables are turned and Chinese companies are buying vineyards around the world .