
  • 网络water taxi;Abra;taxi boat
  1. 水上的士充电后可行驶一天。

    The water taxi can run for a day after being recharged .

  2. 福利:如果晚上也想狂欢,可以去派对中心塔马林多,距离海滩不远(沿着沙滩步行一小时再乘约一美元的水上的士或者直接打的坐45分钟)。

    Bonus : it 's not too far from party-central Tamarindo ( an hour walk on the beach + a water taxi for a dollar or so , or a 45-minute taxi ride ) if you do want to do at least one big night out .

  3. 水上的士和公共汽车取代了汽车,沿着城市的运河运送人们。

    Instead of cars , water taxis and buses carry people along the city 's canal .

  4. 你可以租上一辆自行车或乘坐水上的士去参观梵高美术馆或安妮?弗兰克博物馆。

    You can rent a bicycle , visit the Van Gogh or Anne Frank museum , or take a water taxi .

  5. 蜿蜒的马六甲河上穿梭的快艇倍受欢迎,连接马六甲中央车站和城区的水上的士也将很快开通。

    Boat rides along the meandering Melaka River are popular and soon water taxis will connect Melaka Sentral bus station with downtown .

  6. 只要坐上一艘小小的水上的士,游客们就能悠闲地漫游于村庄之间,从不同的角度欣赏美景。

    By taking a small water taxi , visitors can take a leisurely cruise through these village getting a different perspective on them .

  7. 游轮不只为这座城市带来收入,还顺着一整条供应链创造着就业机会,让机修师、服务生以及水上的士司机获益。

    The cruise ships don 't just bring fees into the city , they also create jobs down a whole supply chain , benefiting mechanics , waiters and water taxis .

  8. 只需花上2-9.5美元,你就可以从任何地方乘坐河上巴士或水上的士游览这座“北方的威尼斯”。

    From anywhere between 2 US dollars and 9 dollars 50 cents , you can use the canal bus or a water taxi to cruise the " Venice of the North . "

  9. 只要坐上一艘小小的水上“的士”,游客们就能悠闲地漫游于村庄之间,从不同的角度欣赏美景。

    By taking a small water " taxi , " visitors can take a leisurely cruise through these village getting a different perspective on them .