
  • 网络Anxi Tea;tea in Anxi County
  1. 同时对安溪茶叶包装的材料、形式、结构进行适度、健康、可回收的绿色效能研究。

    The paper also insists that people should carry on a so-called " moderate , healthy and recyclable " green efficiency research on the materials and forms of Anxi tea packaging .

  2. 纵观安溪茶叶产业发展历程可以看出,安溪茶叶产业大而不强,产量虽高但产品附加值少。

    Looking over the development of Anxi tea industry , you might find that the tea industry in Anxi is big but less competitive , the output is large but the attached value is low .

  3. 八马茶业是一家集茶园基地、生产加工、内销外销为一体的大型茶叶企业,是福建省农业产业化重点龙头企业,也是安溪茶叶的龙头企业之一。

    Eight Horses Tea set tea base , production , processing and sale for domestic and abroad as one of a large-scale tea enterprise , is the Fujian Province key Leading enterprises for agriculture industrial production , and is one of Anxi tea Leading enterprises .

  4. 第8章对安溪县茶叶安全生产的典型案例进行分析。

    In Chapter 8 , the typical case of safe production of Anxi tea was analyzed .

  5. 安溪生产茶叶已逾千年,形成了独特的民风茶俗,创造了古老绚丽的茶文化。

    Tea product in Anxi dates back to one thousand year , which has developed a unique custom and created colorful tea culture in ancient time .

  6. 主要是第八章。(7)根据以上研究结论,提出安溪县茶叶产业链的整合管理与优化升级的政策建议,主要是文章的第九章。

    It is mainly the eighth chapter . ( 8 ) According to the above research conclusion , it put forward Anxi county tea industry chain integration management and optimization and upgrading of the policy proposal .

  7. 分析安溪县茶叶产业发展现状及存在的问题、安溪茶叶产业发展与安溪县经济发展的关联度以及安溪县茶叶产业链整合管理优化与延长拓宽的重要意义。

    It analyses the present situation and the existing problems of tea industry in Anxi county , the association between the development of tea industry and the economic development of Anxi , the significance of the integration management optimization and lengthening and widening of tea industry chain .

  8. 茶叶产业是安溪的传统优势产业,改革开放以来,安溪茶叶产业发展迅速,已经成为安溪经济的重要支柱产业。

    In Anxi , since the tea industry has been traditional and superior industry , and it has developed rapidly because of the performance of reform and open policy in China , it has played an important part in Anxi economy .