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  1. 这位中国七尺健将曾短期效力于NBA的四支队伍--它们分别是密尔沃基雄鹿队、新泽西网队、华盛顿奇才队和达拉斯小牛队。

    The Chinese seven-footer has played for four different teams in the NBA with short stints with the Milwaukee Bucks , New Jersey Nets , Washington Wizards , and Dallas Mavericks .

  2. 阳泉七尺煤层瓦斯抽放参数计算

    Calculation of gas drainage parameters for Qi Chi coal seam in Yangquan

  3. 苏格兰军人:威廉?华莱士有七尺高!

    Scotsman : william Wallace is seven feet tall !

  4. 七尺是一个相对的事情。

    Seven feet is the opposite case .

  5. 嗯,你说过这件事:你被深埋在地下七尺,才会觉得安全。

    Well , you said on this subject : never safe until you 're seven feet underground .

  6. 作为七尺长人却有令人印象深刻的协调性。

    Impressive coordination for a 7-footer

  7. 事实是它的平均高度没有超出六尺或七尺。

    The fact is , that it did not exceed an average height of six or seven feet .

  8. 我重新认识了老爸&少了一个小男孩儿的敬畏,多了一个七尺男儿的敬重。

    I rediscovered Daddy again & not as a boy in awe , but with respect as a man .

  9. 虽然是个挑战,但菲尔让它看起来很简单,七尺之上。

    It 's definitely a challenge ... But Phil made it look easy , 7 feet off the ground .

  10. 我们丢给了她船尾的一条七尺长的绳子,让她舒适地感受落潮的律动。

    We dropped her astern on the end of a seven-inch manilla , and she laid comfortably on the ebb tide .

  11. 阿多高近七尺,很难相信他竟是老奶妈的后代。

    Hodor was nearly seven feet tall . It was hard to believe that he was the same blood as Old Nan .

  12. 本德尔,高七尺一寸,球商过人,身兼后卫之技,能持球能射三分。

    Bender is a 7-foot-1 big man with guard skills ; he can shoot 3s and handle , and has a high basketball IQ .

  13. 现如今阿联这个七尺男儿已经28岁,在广东队一战就是四个赛季。为国出征里约奥运会五场比赛场均20.4分和6.6个篮板。

    The 7-footer , now 28 , has spent the past four seasons with Guangdong and averaged 20.4 points and 6.6 rebounds for China in its five games in Rio .

  14. 无论怎么说,一个七尺长人在防守的压迫下运球进禁区都会很尴尬,杜兰特打挡拆时失误率高达22.7%。

    A 7-footer dribbling into the lane with the full attention of the defense could get awkward , and Durant had a high turnover rate on those plays , 22.7 percent .

  15. 庄子抬头看着这只怪鸟。他发觉这只鸟的翅膀伸展开时竟有七尺长,眼睛好大,足足有一寸宽。

    Looking up at the weird bird , he found that the bird 's wings were seven feet in width when stretching fully and its eyes were one inch in diameter .

  16. 如果一个中锋能控球,能投三分,能传出那些其他七尺大汉根本想不到的传球,还能到低位强吃,那你还能怎么办呢?

    What do you do with a ballhandling center who can pull up from 3 , make passes that , at 7 feet tall , no one else in the world can make , and bully people down low ?

  17. -如果我们把七个小矮人变成七尺高会是怎么样?

    What if we made the seven dwarves seven feet tall and - No way . -