
  • 网络Seven Friends
  1. 巴菲特将与中标者和最多七个朋友一起进餐,这一年度传统已经为旧金山慈善机构Glide累计筹集2300多万美元。

    Mr Buffett will meet the winning bidder and up to seven friends for an intimate meal , in what has become an annual tradition that has netted more than $ 23m in total for the San Francisco charity , Glide .

  2. 以前我也去夜店,但音乐太吵了,38岁的安德鲁·科佩奇(AndreCoppedge)说,他开车带七个朋友从宾夕法尼亚州的阿伦敦(Allentown)赶来南街海港。

    I used to go to clubs , but the music is too loud , said Andre Coppedge , 38 , who drove with seven friends from Allentown , Pa. , to the South Street Seaport .

  3. 在内战初,七个朋友开始一次横越全国的旅途为了参加同盟军队。

    At the beginning of the civil war , seven friends embark on a cross-country journey in order to join the Confederate army .

  4. 奥尔森夫妇于2010年创立了赋桥,当时的目的是为了帮助解决七个孩子的朋友们遇到的难题:学术教育让他们掌握了批判性思维的技能,但却并没有让他们做好面对现实生活的准备。

    The Olsons founded Fullbridge in 2010 to address a problem they saw their seven children 's friends struggle with : Academia gave them critical thinking skills , but left these young people unprepared for real-life work .

  5. 她还有其他七个虚构出来的朋友。

    Who has seven other imaginary friends .