
  • 网络Tencent;QQ.COM
  1. 观众也可以通过乐视网和腾讯网在网络平台上观看,

    Viewers can also watch it through online platforms like LeTV and Tencent Video .

  2. 我认为腾讯网风险低。

    I think Tencent 's online store is less risk ( Perceived risk ) .

  3. 腾讯网QQ门户网站一向是以娱乐为主,比较小家碧玉。

    Website of portal of QQ of2 Tecent net is to amuse all along give priority to , compare small jasper .

  4. 该调查由北京非政府组织21世纪教育研究院(21st-CenturyEducationResearchInstitute)进行,调查数据通过多种网络平台收集,包括门户网站腾讯网(Tencent.com)的教育频道以及其他致力于在家教育孩子的论坛。

    Conducted by the 21st-Century Education Research Institute , a Beijing-based NGO , the survey data was collected via various online platforms , including the education channel of web portal Tencent.com and other forums dedicated to homeschooling .

  5. 门户网站腾讯网(tencent)除了提供游戏和极具人气的qq即时通讯服务,也发布了类似于facebook的服务平台qzone。

    Tencent , the portal which offers games and the hugely popular QQ messaging service , launched qzone , a service resembling Facebook .

  6. 最后,感谢中国腾讯网为本次论坛及本人提供的平台和机会。祝愿大家快乐、健康。

    FinallyThanks the Web-based forum and a platform and opportunities of myself by China Tencent . I wish you all a happy and healthy .

  7. 微博在新媒体中占有重要的地位,腾讯网应重视腾讯微博对网络营销的作用,利用腾讯微博的优势进行网络营销。4.加强营销管理。

    Micro blogs play an important role in new media , Tencent should put emphasis on the effect of internet marketing and marketing through the advantage of Tencent micro blogs . 4 .

  8. 网信办表示,新浪网、网易网、财经网、腾讯网、今日头条网等不少有影响力的新闻门户网站已因违规运营新闻而被罚款或处罚。

    A number of heavyweight news portals , including sina.com.cn , 163.com , caijing.com.cn , qq.com and toutiao.com were either fined or disciplined for running news that broke the rules , according to the office .

  9. 中国最大的门户网站——腾讯网也刊登出一组王菲于9月13日午夜抵达首都国际机场的照片,并报道称王菲看上去很疲惫,且神色悲伤。

    Tencent , China 's largest and most-used Internet portal , also released photos of Wong arriving at Beijing International Airport around midnight on Sept 13 . The reports said Wong looked tired and sad .

  10. 中国最大的门户网站&腾讯网也刊登出一组王菲于9月13日午夜抵达首都国际机场的照片,并报道称王菲看上去很疲惫,且神色悲伤。

    Tencent , China ` s largest and most-used Internet portal , also released photos of Wong arriving at Beijing International Airport around midnight on Sept 13 . The reports said Wong looked tired and sad .

  11. 该剧导演李雪告诉腾讯网,他们对梅长苏所住的房子做了较大的改造以使其更能融入剧中的氛围,为此剧组种了一片竹林并修建了一个用鹅卵石铺建的院子。

    As Li Xue , one of the production 's directors told qq.com , major changes were made to the house where Mei Changsu lives to better fit the atmosphere of the show . The crew planted a bamboo garden and built a pebbled courtyard path themselves .

  12. 此事经腾讯大楚网转载后,引起数千网友的关注和跟帖,其中不少人关心:离开人体后的艾滋病病毒(HIV),还能存活多久?

    Chu by a large network reprint Tencent aroused the concern of thousands of users and threads , and many of them concerned about the people : to leave the human AIDS virus ( HIV ), can survive long ?

  13. 一名腾讯高管接受新华网采访时表示,腾讯对这一事件给用户带来的不便感到抱歉。

    Tencent official told Xinhua that the company felt " sorry " for the inconvenience brought to QQ users .

  14. 第二部分对《重庆商报》与腾讯·大渝网联姻的动因进行深入分析,然后归纳《重庆商报》与腾讯·大渝网报网互动的两个发展阶段。

    The second part analyses the reason of newspaper-net interaction between Chongqing Business News and Tencent Dayu Net , and induces its two stage .