
  • 网络Tengzhong
  1. 周二在谷歌(Google)搜索引擎上,对中国四川腾中重工机械有限公司的搜索量成倍增长。

    Google searches shot up Tuesday for China 's Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Co.

  2. 四川腾中重工网站的信息显示,公司主要生产建筑机械和特种车辆。

    Tengzhong 's own Web site said the company specializes in producing construction equipment and special-use vehicles .

  3. 据中国官方的中国新闻网(ChinaNewsNet)报导,四川腾中重工曾预计2007年收入是人民币30亿元(合4.4亿美元)。

    China News Net , an official Chinese news site , said Tengzhong expected revenue in 2007 of 3 billion yuan , or $ 440 million .

  4. 如果腾中重工利用自有资金完成交易,北京方面或许没什么可说的。

    If Tengzhong uses its own funds to finance the transaction , Beijing may have little to say .

  5. 一个四川人在一个网络公告牌上写道,四川腾中重工的员工每月工资是人民币3000元左右(约合450美元)。

    One Sichuan local wrote in a that Tengzhong pays its employees about 3000 yuan a month , or about $ 450 .

  6. 据中国主要金融报纸《中国证券报》报导,四川腾中重工从未生产过自己的消费车辆。

    According to China Security News , a leading financial newspaper in the country , Tengzhong has never made its own consumer vehicles .

  7. 的意思就是“”.一些人对悍马成为国产品牌的前景感到骄傲,而其他人认为腾中重工只是在拣通用汽车急于甩掉的包袱。

    Some took great pride in the prospect of making Hummer a Chinese brand , while others think Tengzhong is only buying something GM wants to

  8. 腾中重工表示,将生产更为节能的悍马,并希望在美国和中国(这些地方的有钱人不怎么在乎油价贵贱)大量销售。

    Sichuan Tengzhong says it will make the Hummer greener , and hopes to sell lots in the US and China where the rich care little about the petrol price .

  9. 腾中重工将获得悍马品牌的所有权,以及对该公司管理层的控制权。其后它将与通用汽车订立有关车辆生产及配套商业服务的合约,使悍马的美国业务基本上不受影响。

    The deal will see ownership of the Hummer brand and control of its management move to the Chinese company , which will then contract vehicle manufacturing and business services from GM , leaving the brand 's US operations largely intact .

  10. 这并不仅仅是谷歌上面的搜索情况,也不仅仅是美国网络上的搜索情况。在收购悍马的消息周二传出之前,最大的中文搜索引擎百度上关于四川腾中重工的搜索条目也只是寥寥数条。

    It isn 't just on Google , and it isn 't just in the U.S. Before Tuesday 's news hit the Web , only a handful of results showed up for Sichuan Tengzhong on baidu , the largest Chinese search engine .