
  • 网络dingxi;dingxi city
  1. 目的:评价定西市药品不良反应(ADR)报告表质量。方法:根据我国ADR报告表的填写要求,对定西市2005年收集的ADR报告表进行统计、分析。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the quality of ADR reports from Dingxi city in 2005.METHODS : All ADR reports collected in 2005 were statistically analyzed and evaluated according to the requirements for writing ADR report in China .

  2. 目前定西市马铃薯加工业遇到了发展中的瓶颈,即加工原料严重不足。

    A bottleneck is coming into the development of Dingxi potato industry : raw materials are in serious deficiency .

  3. 定西市市长唐晓明告诉中国中央电视台(CCTV),在岷县及该市南部多个农村地区均有伤亡报告。

    The deaths and injuries were reported in Min County and other rural southern parts of the municipality , Dingxi mayor Tang Xiaoming told state broadcaster CCTV .

  4. 结论:定西市ADR报告表存在数量少、质量差的问题,建议进行ADR报告表填写专项培训。

    CONCLUSION : Problems such as small in quantity and poor in quality are found with the Dingxi city ADR reports . Suggest that training on how to fill out an ADR report be conducted .

  5. 村庄精英在社区公共事务中的角色扮演以甘肃定西市Z村婚嫁丧葬仪式为例黄土丘陵区不同退耕模式对土壤物理性状影响研究以甘肃定西市为例

    The Role-Playing of Rural Elites in Public Affairs of the Community ; Research of the Effect on the Physical Properties of Different " Conversion of Farmland to Forest " Practices - Take Dingxi City of Gansu Province as An Example

  6. 对定西市乡镇财源建设的思考

    On Financial Resources Construction of Villages and Towns in Dingxi

  7. 定西市2005年药品不良反应报告表质量分析

    Quality Evaluation of ADR Reports from Dingxi City in 2005

  8. 地震发生在甘肃省定西市附近。

    The quake hit near the city of Dingxi in Gansu province .

  9. 定西市中药材生产现状与发展对策

    Producing Situation and Developing Countermeasures of Chinese Medicinal Herbs in Dingxi City

  10. 定西市马铃薯产业发展现状分析

    Analysis on the Present Development of the Potato Industry in Dingxi City

  11. 2006~2008年定西市34家乡级医疗机构不合理用药分析

    Irrational Drug Use in 34 Township Hospitals of Dingxi During 2006 ~ 2008

  12. 定西市水土保持监测系统的构想

    Ideas of Soil and Water Conservation Monitor System on Dingxi , Gansu Province

  13. 定西市气候资源特点与开发利用

    Climate characteristics of Dingxi area and its utilization

  14. 定西市马铃薯产业开发中政府行为研究

    Potato Industry Development Dingxi City of Government Behavior

  15. 定西市安定区马铃薯产业化组织模式探讨

    Discussion of Potato Industrial Production Organization Model in Anding District in the City of Dingxi

  16. 适宜在定西市半干旱山区及其同类地区推广种植。

    It can be planted in semi-arid mountainous area of Dingxi City and the similar area .

  17. 定西市加工型马铃薯品种大西洋高产栽培技术研究

    A Research on the Technology of High-yielding Culture of the Potato Cultivar Atlantic in Dingxi Gansu

  18. 马铃薯种植及流通的成本收益比较分析&以定西市为例

    The Comparative Analysis of Cost-benefit in Potato Plant and Circulation & Taking Dingxi City as an Example

  19. 欠发达地区特色农产品产业化经营对策探讨&以定西市为例

    Exploring Management Game of Characteristic Agricultural Products Industrialized for Less Developed Area & Taking Dingxi city for Example

  20. 位于甘肃省中部,定西市西部,是省会兰州的南大门。

    Located in central Gansu Province , Dingxi City West , is the southern gate of the provincial capital Lanzhou .

  21. 定西市乡镇医疗机构卫生人力现状及需求调查分析

    An Investigation Study of the Current Situation and Demand of Health Human Resources on Community Health Service Institutions in Dingxi

  22. 定西市马铃薯产业在最近几年飞速发展,已成为当地的农业主导产业,马铃薯产业收入已经是农民的主要收入来源。

    Dingxi area during the potato industry in recent years the rapid development , has become a local agricultural leading industry .

  23. 甘肃省定西市安定区退耕还林前后土地利用/覆盖动态变化研究

    Study on the Land Use-Cover Change ( LUCC ) Before and After the Project of Returning Farmland to Forest in ANDING District GANSU Province

  24. 黄土丘陵沟壑区耕地资源人口承载力研究&以甘肃定西市为例

    Study on Population Carrying Capacity of Loess Hilly and Gully Area of Arable Land Resources : The Case Study on Dingxi City of Gansu Province

  25. 定西市水土流失面积16726.6km2,占总土地面积的83.2%。

    The area of soil and water loss in Dingxi Municipality is 6 726.6 km ~ 2 , accounting for 83.2 % of the total land .

  26. 结果表明定西市具有光照充足、光能资源丰富、气候温凉、热量分布差异大、降水少变率大、光热水匹配基本合理等特点。

    The results show that it has the sufficient sunshine , cool weather , sharp heat distribution , lack precipitation and reasonable match of heat and light .

  27. 据甘肃省地震局消息,7月22日7时45分,甘肃省定西市岷县、漳县交界发生6.6级地震。

    The 6.6 - magnitude quake happened at 7:45 a.m. at the junction of the Minxian County and Zhangxian County , the Gansu Provincial Seismological Bureau said .

  28. 第四部分属于实证部分,主要对比分析了典型地区&甘肃省定西市漳县农户退耕前后的收入情况。

    The fourth part is empirical part which analyses farmers ' income of the typical major areas-Zhang County of Gansu Province around the returning farmland to forest .

  29. 甘肃省有2600万人口,是中国人口较少的省份之一,不过定西市总人口约有270万。

    With a population of 26m , Gansu is one of China 's more lightly populated provinces , although Dingxi has a total population of about 2.7m .

  30. 定西市马铃薯加工企业与农户的合作效率低下,合作对象之间缺乏信任;风险共担和利益共享的意识不够;信息沟通不够充分;合作模式的运行效率不高。

    Inefficient Cooperation between potato processing enterprises and peasants is from distrust of partners , inadequate concept of risk mutual bearing or profit sharing , insufficient information communication .