
  • 网络automated theorem proving;theorem proving;mechanical theorem proving
  1. 这一工具本质上是一个定理机器证明的专家系统。

    This tool is essentially an expert system of automated theorem proving .

  2. 从九章消元法到定理机器证明

    From the elimination in Arithmetic in Nine Sections to the automated theorem proving

  3. 符号逻辑与定理机器证明的研究中,语义归结PI碰撞与电子排列次序有关。

    In symbolic logic and mechanical theorem proving , semantic resolution PI-clash is related to the order of electrons .

  4. Clifford代数与几何定理机器证明

    Clifford Algebra and Automated Geometric Theorem Proving

  5. 基于知识的定理机器证明、数学软件系统集成、数学语义Web、高级数学教学系统等对数学知识的表示和获取产生了巨大的需求。

    Mathematical knowledge representation and acquisition are major tasks in many mathematical applications , including knowledge-based automated theorem proving , integration of different mathematical software systems , mathematical semantic Web , and high-level mathematical instruction .

  6. 本文主要介绍Clifford代数在数学机械化的核心内容&几何定理机器证明中的应用。

    In this paper we introduce some applications of Clifford algebra in automated geometric theorem proving the kernel of mathematics mechanization .

  7. 探讨了在初等平面几何范围内定理机器证明切实可行的2种方法:Grobner基方法与吴方法,介绍了它们相应的算法原理和实现方法,并进行了实践与比较。

    Two feasible methods & Grobner basis-method and Wu method are probed in this paper for proving theorem with machine within the elementary plane geometry . Their relevant algorithm principle and realizing method are introduced , and a comparison is conducted in practice .

  8. 例证法在定理机器证明中的应用

    The Application of Citing Instances Method in the Mechanical Theorem Proving

  9. 定理机器证明的图论法初探

    A Preliminary Study of Machine Theorem Proving Based on Graph Theories

  10. 一阶谓词演算定理机器证明的余式方法

    Remainder method for the mechanical theorem proving in first-order predicate calculus

  11. 集合论等式型定理机器证明系统的研究与开发

    Research and development of automated theorem proving system for set theory

  12. 基于指标形式张量的微分几何定理机器证明

    Mechanical theorem proving for tensor with indexes in differential geometry

  13. 吴文俊建立的数学机械化方法,极大的推动了几何定理机器证明领域的研究。

    Wu-method greatly contributes to geometry theorem proving research in the field .

  14. 几何定理机器证明系统的开发与研究

    Research and Development of Machine Proving System on Geometry Theorem

  15. 一种几何定理机器证明的零维化方法

    A Zero - Dimensional Method for Mechanical Geomery Theorm Proving

  16. 几何定理机器证明的结式矩阵法

    The sub - resultant method for automated theorem proving

  17. 多值逻辑定理机器证明的代数方法

    Algebraic methods for mechanical theorem proving in many-valued logics

  18. 定理机器证明与传统数学观

    Machine Proof to Theorems and Traditional Mathematical Concept

  19. 近年来,随着计算机容量的扩大和计算速度的不断更新,计算机在数学领域的应用也不断深入,另一种几何定理机器证明方法&定理机器证明的数值方法,也得到了蓬勃发展。

    Another method , namely numerical method for theorem prove was also been expanded vigorously .

  20. 几何定理机器证明的WE完全方法

    We complete algorithm for automated theorem proving

  21. 一类初等微分几何定理机器证明的算法与实现

    Algorithm and implementation of Mechanical Proving of a class of theorems in elementary differential geometry

  22. 基于多项式组主项解耦消元法的几何定理机器证明

    Mechanical Geometry Theorem Proving Based on the Elimination Method with Decoupling of Leading Terms for Polynomial Set

  23. 定理机器证明的研究已有将近50年的历史,并已经在数理逻辑、初等代数和几何学等学科取得显著成功。

    There has been a lot of success in the study of automated theorem proving during the past 50 years .

  24. 然而,上述几何定理机器证明方法主要针对等式型定理的证明,不等式型定理的机器证明则一直是自动推理领域中的一个难题。

    Nevertheless , all those methods were aimed at equality theorems and inequality theorem still was the difficult problem in automatic reasoning field .

  25. 在几何定理机器证明方法中,常用的有几何代数方法、演绎数据库方法和例证法等方法。

    Methods , including geometric algebraic method , deductive database method and paradigmatic prove method have been widely applied in the geometric theorem prove field .

  26. 以计算逻辑为基础,介绍了定理机器证明中一种新的启发式方法&波动方法,它是一种在证明中通过处理归纳结论来激活归纳假设的策略。

    The popular approaches are introduced and summarized , especially model checking based method , theorem proving based method , logic programming based method and so on .

  27. 传统上,定理机器证明常常使用某种逻辑表示,然后再进行推理,这些方法往往缺乏灵活性,且证明过程难以理解。

    Traditionally , Mechanical theorem proving often use a logic representation , and then inference , these methods lack of flexibility and the proving processes are difficult to understand .

  28. 首先,本文的主体给出有关几何计算和推理方法的综述,简单介绍几何定理机器证明发展的情况和一些常用的方法及相关软件包。

    It first gives a survey on geometric computation and reasoning , in particular the development of geometric theorem proving , and reviews some of the important methods and software packages .

  29. 所提出的准线性变换消元法可应用于涉及非线性代数方程组求解的几何定理机器证明、计算机辅助设计、机器人等多个领域,具有十分重要的理论意义与实用价值。

    The presented method provides a new way for solving the problem involving nonlinear algebraic equation in many fields such as geometric theorem machine proven , CAD , forward and inverse kinematics of robots .

  30. 中国传统数学的构造性和程序化思想启发和影响了吴文俊的几何定理机器证明和数学机械化工作,表明在现代数学发展中中国传统数学仍有巨大的潜力。

    The mechanical thought of mathematics in ancient china made a deeply influence to Wu Wen-jun 's work about mathematics mechanization , it also exhibited the potential of mathematics in ancient china to modern mathematics .