
  • 网络Secondary structural zone;second-level tectonic belt
  1. 二级构造带对油气的控制明显,目前已发现的油气藏绝大多数位于小宽、秦家屯等二级断裂构造带及其附近。

    Second-order tectonic belt controlled hydrocarbon obviously , most oil and gas traps are found near the second-order tectonic belt .

  2. 龙井运动具压扭特点,西湖凹陷压扭构造特征表现为二级构造带错开排列、背斜构造雁行排列和断层共轭排列。

    Longjing Movement is transpressional , and the transpressional structures in Xihu sag are characterized by staggered second-order structure belts , en echelon anticlines and conjugate faults .

  3. 济阳坳陷古潜山圈闭体系按二级构造带可划分为高潜山油气藏体系、中潜山油气藏体系和低潜山油气藏体系。

    " Buried hill " trap system of Jiyang depression can be divided into high , medium and low reservoir system of buried hill according to secondary structure .

  4. 该凹陷分为5个二级构造带,沉积地层以第三系为主,主要烃源岩为始新统平湖组煤系。

    The sag can be divided into 5 secondary tectonic belts , the main sedimentary formation is Tertiary and the main source rock is Pinghu coal measures of Eocene .

  5. 基底断裂的早期显性活动控制了主要二级构造带的边界、古凸起(古梁)展布、主断裂分布及四大压扭构造带的展布方向。

    Early dominant activity of basement faults controlled the boundaries of main secondary structural zones , the up-growth of ancient lobes , distribution of main faults and stretching direction of four pressing-twisting structural zones .

  6. 其内部二级构造带由西向东可以分为北北东向延伸的西部斜坡带、中部洼陷带和东部郯庐断坡带。

    Secondary structure units of the basin can be divided into the western slop belt , central sub-sag belt and the Tan-Lu fault fault-slope belt from west to east , which are all NNE-trending .

  7. 太190区块位于大庆长垣二级构造带上的两个三级背斜构造的鞍部,是被断层复杂化的小断块油田。

    Tai 190 is a small fault-block oilfield complicated by many faults . It is located in the saddle between two anticlines ( third structure scale ) of Daqing placanticline ( second structure scale ) .

  8. 天然气聚集带的分布受二级构造带背景控制,主要天然气聚集带可归为隆起带型、凸起型、斜坡带型、断阶带型等。

    The distribution of the natural gas accumulation belts are mainly controlled by the secondary structural belts . The main gas accumulation belts can be divided into four types of the uplift belt , prominence , fault bench belt and slope belt .