
  1. 全是你的过错,他们最好还没有走远。

    For your sake , they better not have gone far .

  2. 你不能怪任何人;这全是你的错。

    You can 't blame anyone ; it is all your fault .

  3. 等等,麦克斯,这些全是你的前男友吗?

    Wait , Max , are these all your ex-boyfriends ?

  4. 我会动肝火,全是你的错!

    Well , if I 'm angry , it 's your fault !

  5. 那你去跟太太说这全是你的错。

    You tell the missus it 's your fault .

  6. 报纸上全是你的新闻,老兄!

    You 're all over the news , brother !

  7. 因为国度、权柄、荣耀,全是你的。

    For the Kingdom , the power , and the glory are Yours .

  8. 这全是你的功劳。

    It was you who did the giving .

  9. 今晚我能站在这里,全是你的功劳。

    I 'm only here tonight because of you ( his wife , Alicia ) .

  10. 如果卡拉死了,那全是你的错。

    Your fault if Carla is killed .

  11. 这或许不全是你的责任。-

    This -- this might not be entirely your fault . - No , it is .

  12. 这可全是你的过错。

    You are much in fault .

  13. 我所有的全是你的。

    What I have is yours .

  14. 全是你的错!你带我们来的!你知道这会发生!

    This is all your fault ! You brought us here ! You knew this was gonna happen !

  15. 你怎么可以这样对我?这全是你的主意。

    Rachel : Phoebe , how would you do this to me ? This was all your idea .

  16. 他们再过两天就要搬家了,这全是你的错!

    They 're gonna move from their house in two days , and it 's all your fault !

  17. 迈克尔,对于玛丽亚的事我很抱歉。迈克尔:你不用道歉,那不全是你的错。

    Michael : you don 't have to be sorry for it , pedro . it 's not all your fault .

  18. 如果有一天我能到你心里去,我也会流泪,因为那里全是你的无所谓。

    If one day I can go to your heart , I will also tear , because there is the matter .

  19. 并没有所谓的“我们”,这全是你的错这这这,还有这所有的一切

    There is no " we . " This is all your fault . This . This . This ! All of this .

  20. 你的潜在雇主可能会猜测是什么样的原因促使你和前任上司的关系这么恶劣,并怀疑这全是你的错。

    Your prospective boss will wonder what caused your relationship with your prior employer to sour and will suspect that you could have been at fault .

  21. 真正爱你的女孩,虽然有很长一段时间看不到你,但你会发现她的日记里写的全是你的名字。

    The girl who loves you truly , can give up the rest time to weave a scarf or make a intimate thing for you , because she wants to let you know she frequently miss you .

  22. 我一直认为有一天你会名声大噪我能想象广告牌上全是你的照片公车车身广告上也有你但你根本不愿意主宰自己的权利

    I thought one day you 'd make a name for yourself . You know , I could imagine your picture on billboards . And ... The side of a bus . But you aren 't willing to own your power . Yes , I am .

  23. 这全是你的主意。菲比:我知道,我知道,我本来是要纹的,可是后来他拿着针走进来,你,你知道他们是用针纹的吗?瑞秋:真的?

    This was all your idea . 3 Phoebe : I know , I know , and I was gonna get it but then he came in with ⑤ this needle and uh , di - did you know they do this with needles ? 4 Rachel : Really ?

  24. 要尽量去想这不一定全是是你的错。

    Just try to remember it 's not really your fault .

  25. 整本书不全是你写的

    Well , you didn 't write that whole book yourself .

  26. 这全是你做的一个梦。

    This is all just a dream you 're having .

  27. 里面全是你丢掉的袜子,还有一个消音器。

    With all your missing socks and mufflers in it .

  28. 那全是你说的-我完全是为了他好

    Because you suggested it . - I did it for his own good .

  29. 不过那全是你自己的错。

    But it was entirely your own fault .

  30. 他说全是你演的。

    He told me they were all you .