
  • 网络Chinese Face;China Face
  1. 几小时之后我们见到了更多标榜着自己的中国面孔,地点是昆都区(Kundu)。

    The more modern face of China reasserts itself a few hours later in the district of Kundu .

  2. 现代主义诗歌的中国面孔

    Modernistic poems with Chinese characteristics

  3. 时尚周上的中国面孔

    Chinese faces at fashion week

  4. 对世界而言,你们所有人都是最好的美国面孔,和最好的中国面孔。

    All of you are Americas best face , and Chinas best face , to the world & you truly are .

  5. 然而,学者袁鹏在《环球时报》上警告说,骆家辉可能试图利用他的血统和中国面孔来“欺骗”中国人民。

    However scholar Yuan Peng warned in the Global Times that Locke may try to use his heritage and " Chinese-looking face " to " swindle " the Chinese people .

  6. 而出生在美国的女儿们,尽管和母亲们拥有一样的中国面孔,却完全在美国文化的中浸润长大,基于她们这种特殊的个人身份,她们必然要经受两种不同文化和价值观的冲突。

    While the daughters were born in America , they grew up in the dominant western culture though they had the same features of appearance as their mothers , they had to go through the contradictions between two very different cultures and values due to their special personal identities .

  7. 如果这就是新中国的面孔,我们没什么好担心的。

    If this is the face of new China , we have nothing to worry about .

  8. 在过去100多年里,国外关于面孔对称性的研究很多,然而对面孔的对称性却一直存在争议,日前关于中国人面孔对称性的研究还很少。

    In the past 100 years , Study abroad on a lot of face symmetry , however , the symmetry of the face has been controversial . Currently , Chinese faces on the symmetry of study is little .

  9. 在听的同时,有些学生看到的是中国人的面孔,而其他人则看到的是白种人的面孔。

    But some looked at a Chinese face while they listened , while others saw a Caucasian face .

  10. 六年里,他用相机记录了在各种千奇百怪的情况下安然入睡的中国人的面孔。

    Six years , he recorded with the camera in a variety of strange circumstances of the Chinese people to sleep safely face .

  11. 黄认为,为了迎合大众口味而减弱他童年故事的独特性,会使《初来乍到》变成“反向黄面孔”——利用中国人的面孔讲述美国白人的故事。

    Huang feels that by adulterating the specificity of his childhood in the pursuit of universal appeal , the show was performing a kind of " reverse yellow ­ face " - telling white American stories with Chinese faces .

  12. 这种战术与中国摆出友好面孔同时集结进攻能力的大战略相契合。

    This tactic dovetails with China 's broader strategy to present a friendly face while building up its capabilities to go on the offensive .

  13. 结果说明,中国人的父亲面孔认知存在左手优势效应,父亲概念处在自我意识范畴之内。

    This article aims to study left hand advantage effect in Chinese face recognition by exposing subjects with original and morphed photos of self and non-self .

  14. 随着中国在国际平台上的影响力与日俱增,排行榜上出现了更多中国面孔,中国人民银行行长周小川就是其中之一。

    As China asserts a growing influence on the international forum , more Chinese candidates find their names on the list , including Zhou Xiaochuan , governor of China ` s central bank .

  15. 例如,在此次庆祝活动中演出的中国版《哈姆雷特》《夜宴》中,大家会看到哈姆雷特长了一副中国面孔,还起了个中国名字,他的故事也被移植到了中国古代的宫廷。

    In the play The Banquet , the Chinese version of Hamlet , performed during the celebrations here , you could find Hamlet not only having a Chinese face , but also a Chinese name and living in an ancient Chinese imperial court .