
  • 网络cardiomyopathy;Myocardial disease
  1. 心肌疾病左心室顺应性的改变

    Changes of Left Ventricular Diastolic Compliance in Myocardial Diseases

  2. 结论:胎儿心脏右心占优势,胎儿循环处于高阻力状态,胎儿心室顺应性低下,先天性心脏病发病率为3.3%。心肌疾病左心室顺应性的改变

    Conclusion : ECHO is practicable for study fetal heart hemodynamics . Changes of Left Ventricular Diastolic Compliance in Myocardial Diseases

  3. 用PCR检测心肌疾病患儿心肌组织EV-RNA

    Detection of enterovirus RNA in myocardial tissue from patients with myocarditis and cardiomyopathy by polymerase chain reaction

  4. QRS低电压判定标准和诊断心肌疾病的价值

    The Criterion of QRS Wave Low Voltage and the Diagnostic Value for Assessing Myocardial Disease

  5. 本研究结果提示,CMV感染可能是中国人群中病毒性心肌炎的病因之一,由CMV诱导的免疫系统的慢性刺激是心肌疾病的一种可能的病理机制。

    The results suggest that the CMV infection may be one of the causes of myocarditis and the chronic stimulation of immune system induced by CMV may be a possible pathogenesis of this disease .

  6. 结论一部分DCM可能是由病毒性心肌炎后CVB持续性感染所致,nRT-PCR法敏感、特异,非常适合病毒性心肌疾病的临床快速诊断。

    Conclusion A proportion of DCM are possibly due to persistent viral infection of CVB following an episode of viral myocarditis . nRT-PCR is a very specific and sensitive technique for the diagnosis of viral myocardial disease .

  7. 目的进一步探讨柯萨奇病毒(CVB)感染与心肌炎及扩张型心肌病(DCM)发病的关系,同时为临床诊断病毒性心肌疾病探求一个快速、敏感和特异的辅助检查方法。

    Objective To study the relationship in the pathogenesis between the Coxsackie virus B ( CVB ) infection and myocarditis , or and dilated cardiomyopathy ( DCM ), and explore a rapid , specific and sensitive technique for clinical diagnosis .

  8. 血清抗层粘连蛋白-IgG(LN-IgG)与心肌疾病的关系

    Relationship between IgG antibody to laminin in serum and myocardial disease

  9. 导管法心内膜心肌活体组织检查三例心肌疾病报告

    Cardiac Catheterization for Endomyocardial Biopsy & Report of Three Cases

  10. 这些基因编码的肌节蛋白质,当其突变时会导致成人心肌疾病。

    These genes encode sarcomere proteins that , when mutated , cause adult-onset cardiomyopathies .

  11. 线粒体脱氧核糖核酸缺失与病毒性心肌疾病患者心功能损伤的关系

    The Deletion of Mitochondrial DNA in Patients with Viral Myocardial Disease and Its Relation to Heart Function

  12. 尽管形态上与成年遗传心肌疾病相似,但基因是否导致儿童初发型肥厚,这是未知的。

    Despite morphologic similarities to genetic cardiomyopathies of adulthood , the contribution of genetics to childhood-onset hypertrophy is unknown .

  13. 心肌病:一种心肌疾病,尤指病因未知或难解的心肌疾

    " cardiomyopathy : a disease or disorder of the heart muscle , especially of unknown or obscure cause . "

  14. 表明本法是一种安全、简便、敏感、可靠的评定心肌疾病心功能的新方法。

    Therefore the method is a safe , simple , sensitive , reliable and new way for the assessment of the myocardial disease .

  15. 我们进行第一项前瞻性、全国范围的多中心研究以描述儿童因心肌疾病导致心力衰竭的发生率和预后。

    Background & We undertook the first prospective , national , multicenter study to describe the incidence and outcome of heart muscle disease – induced heart failure in children .

  16. 今天出版的科学杂志&JAMA上发表了一篇文章,该文章首次揭示了小儿患者中难以诊治的心肌疾病的部分谜底。

    The mystery behind a commonly untreatable and undetected heart muscle disease in children is partially revealed for the first time in today 's edition of the scientific journal JAMA .

  17. 心肌疾病左心室舒张期顺应性的改变与疾病的严重程度和形态学改变相关,也表明这种变化可导致或促进充血性心力衰竭的发生和发展。

    It suggested that the change in left ventricular diastolic compliance in myocardial diseases is related to the intensity of the diseases and its morphologic abnormality , and this change in compliance might precede or aggravate the development of congestive heart failure .

  18. 脂肪间质干细胞在心肌缺血性疾病中的应用

    Application of Adipose Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Myocardial Ischemia Disease

  19. 结论本方法灵敏、特异、稳定,可用于临床急性心肌损伤疾病的诊断。

    Conclusion This assay is sensitive , specific and stable , and is of value in the diagnosis of acute myocardial ischemic diseases .

  20. 背景:细胞移植是近年来出现的治疗心肌缺血性疾病的新方法,目前对于平滑肌细胞移植的研究报道尚不多见。

    BACKGROUND : Cell transplantation is a new technique to treat myocardial ischemic diseases in recent years . There are not many reports regarding smooth muscle cell ( SMC ) transplantation at moment .

  21. 根据其作用机理的不同,将其分为特异性受体依赖性和非特异性受体依赖性,为研究防治心肌缺血性疾病提供了新思路。

    According to mechanisms , these medicines can be classified into two kinds : specificreceptor-dependent and non-specific receptor-dependent like kinin receptor agonist and ATP-regulated potassium channel opener , which appears a novel access to treatment of cardiovascular diseases .

  22. 目前,心脏移植成为治疗心肌坏死疾病的一有效途径,但由于供体短缺、复杂的免疫反应及高额的治疗费用限制了其治疗作用。

    Currently , heart transplantation is one of effective therapeutic skill of cardiac necrotic diseases , but due to the shortage of donor , immunoreactions and the expensive therapeutic cost , the use of heart transplantation are limited .

  23. 随着人们生活水平的显著提高,心肌缺血性疾病已成为全世界发病率和死亡率均非常高的疾病之一,严重威胁人类的健康和生命。

    Due to the excess nutritional intake resulted from remarkably improved living standards , myocardial ischemic disease has become one of the diseases with the highest morbidity and mortality in the world , which poses a serious threat to human health and life .

  24. HBDH活性测定在临床诊断中有重要意义,在某些临床诊断中HBDH、CK、CK-MB需联合测定,但就心肌受损相关疾病而言,没必要同时检测。

    The HBDH activeness determination has the vital significance in the clinical diagnosis , in certain clinical diagnose HBDH , CK , CK-MB must be used united in the determination , but speaking of sufferings of injury correlated diseases of the cardie muscle , it is unnecessary to examine simultaneously .

  25. 川崎病心肌损伤在疾病各期及随访管理中的观察

    Observation on the myocardiac lesion in every stage of Kawasaki disease

  26. 心肌梗死等疾病在梗死区域仍有一定数量的存活心肌,对治疗和临床预后意义较大。

    The survival myocardium in the area of myocardiac infarction in clinic .

  27. 急性心肌梗死病人疾病不确定感与应对方式的相关性研究

    Relative Study on the Uncertainty and Coping of Hospitalized Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients

  28. 这样的结果对研究人类心肌肥大的疾病发生机制有重要的理论意义。

    The effect has a theoretical significance in studying mechanism of human cardiac hypertrophy .

  29. 乏氧是许多重大疾病的主要特征之一,广泛存在于肿瘤、脑缺血和心肌梗塞等疾病中。

    Hypoxia is the one of main characteristics of many serious diseases and widely occurs in malignant tumors , cerebral ischemia and myocardial infarction .

  30. 原发性高血压是多因素疾病,它是冠心病、脑卒中、左室肥厚、急性心肌梗死等心血管疾病的独立危险因素。动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis,AS)是一种多因素疾病。

    Essential hypertension is a kind of multiple genetic disease , which is the independent risk factors of coronary heart disease , stroke , left ventricular hypertrophy , acute myocardial infarction .