
  1. 悬索桥结构设计的实用计算方法

    A Practical Structural Design Method of Suspension Bridges

  2. 对扇状梯形悬索屋盖结构设计的分析计算

    Analysis calculation for the structure design of fan - shaped and ladder - shaped cable suspended roof

  3. 特别是提供的力学特性研究分析数据可为悬索桥结构设计、合理选择主索线型具有一定的参考价值。

    Particularly , the data provided for study and analysis on mechanical performance can offer reference for structural design of suspension bridge and proper selection of major cable line pattern .

  4. 根据点式幕墙在我国的应用情况,重点讨论了预应力悬索结构体系设计计算和不同风荷载下幕墙结构受力的特征。

    In accordance with application of the point type curtain wall in China , this paper focuses discussion on design calculation of prestressed suspended cable structure system and stressing characteristics of curtain wall structure under different wind loads .

  5. 本文是作者几年来在悬索结构抗风设计方面研究成果的总结,内容包括:(1)探讨了悬索结构抗风设计方法的基础思路;

    This paper is a comprehensive review of the authors ' research work on the wind resistant design of cable roof structures in the recent years , including three parts : ( 1 ) The trains of thought of wind resistant design of cable roof structures ;

  6. 吉林省速滑馆悬索-拱屋盖结构设计

    Suspension Cable - arch Roof Structure Design of Jilin Speed - skating Gymnasium

  7. 空间缆索悬索桥主鞍座结构设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of Main Saddle Structure for Self-anchored Suspension Bridge with Spatial Cables

  8. 悬索结构的形式和设计选型

    Types and design options of suspended cable structures

  9. 本文提出了关于悬索结构形态优化时设计变量的选取和优化目标的确立方法。

    The method of choosing design variables and optimum objective function in form optimization of suspended cable roofs was put forward in this paper .

  10. 通过对工程案例的结构体系的几何构成及结构形态的研究,探讨了此类新型空间悬索杂交结构的概念设计;

    Based on this structure of steel roof in Zhengzhou International Convention Exhibition Center , this paper researches and discusses structural characteristics surrounding four sides : ( 1 ) The concept design of this new spatial cable hybrid structural system is discussed through studying geometrical composition and structural configuration .

  11. 悬索桥结构分析、设计与实际施工情况的差异如何调整,如何分析它们之间的误差、参数识别,影响悬索桥施工控制的因素等。

    Main contents presented in the thesis are as follows : 1 . How to adjust the difference between the structure analysis and designing of suspension and its actual construction ? How to analyze the errors and parameters between them and the factors affecting the construction control of suspension bridge ?

  12. 介绍了自锚式悬索桥在吊杆损伤断裂后对结构安全性能的影响,为以后自锚式悬索桥的结构设计提供参考。

    The paper introduced the influence of self-anchored suspension bridge on structural safety performance after the damage and fracture of boom for reference .