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  • 网络indigenous culture;aboriginal culture;aborigines culture
  1. 步行一直是土著文化的一重要部分。

    Walking has always been a big part of aboriginal culture .

  2. 大部分地区以土著文化为主。

    Aboriginal culture is predominant in most regions .

  3. 2002年访问昆士兰土著文化公园时,对土著部族领导人WilliamBrin说:你们现在还会互相扔长矛不?

    Do you still throw spears at each other ? To Aboriginal leader William Brin during a visit to the Aboriginal Cultural Park in Queensland , 2002 .

  4. 中原文化与土著文化在梅州的整合研究&以梅州客家山歌的形成为例

    Cultural Integration Study of Zhongyuan Culture and Original Culture in Meizhou

  5. 现代教育技术在保护土著文化中的应用

    Application of Modern Educational Technology in Protecting Aborigines ' Culture

  6. 殖民地被烧毁时,该地文化自动转回原有的土著文化。

    Culture now reverts to the natives original if the colony is burned .

  7. 保护土著文化世界基金

    World Fund for the Protection of Indigenous Cultures

  8. 乌卢鲁是土著文化的中心。

    Uluru is a centre of Aborighinal culture .

  9. 研究团体需要把自己浸泡在土著文化中,不顾一切地去尝试。

    the research community needs to immerse itself in indigenous culture or die trying .

  10. 现在全世界所有的土著文化都在说,我们在这里。

    And now all over the world all indigenous culture is saying we are here .

  11. 本尼迪克特:美国人类学家,以其对美国土著文化和日本文化的研究而闻名。

    Benedict : american anthropologist noted for her study of Native american and Japanese cultures .

  12. 在许多土著文化中,一个问题提出后,只有在沉默中思考之后,才会有人回答。

    In many aboriginal cultures , a question will be answered only after a period of contemplative silence .

  13. 汉文化刺激、滋养、提升土著文化,同时整合社会结构和行为方式。

    The alien culture stimulated , nourished and promoted the aboriginal culture while integrated social structure and behavior patterns .

  14. 但是,这些文化,这些土著文化,消失得比森林还快。

    But also , these cultures , these indigenous cultures , are disappearing much faster than the forests themselves .

  15. 笔者认为A类戈当地土著文化风格较强,其作用主要是实战用的武器。

    The author thinks that the Type A was mostly used for war because it has a strong aboriginal culture .

  16. 客家文化是由中原南迁的汉民族所带的中原文化与土著文化相互交融而产生的。

    Hakka culture was formed during their migration southward from central China plain area and gradually blending with aboriginal culture .

  17. 从地理上看,夏商周中原文明的浸润由西而东递减,土著文化因素递增;

    Geographically , Civilizing influences in Xia , Shang and Zhou descended from West to East with autochthon culture factors ascended .

  18. 在这部作品中,琳达·霍根表达了她关于女性、自然、土著文化传统、土著人的生存及动物保护等观点。

    In this book , she expresses views of women , nature , Native cultural tradition , survival and animal protection .

  19. 奥克那露提印第安村的表演更真实的展现了我祖母一代人和他们的土著文化。

    A much more accurate portrayal of my grandmother 's people and early indigenous culture was presented at Oconaluftee Indian village .

  20. 这个地方充满着超自然的力量,它作为土著文化的一个要塞和澳大利亚最后的边疆居民之一存在下去。

    Steeped in the supernatural , it endures as a stronghold of native culture and one of Australia 's last frontiers . "

  21. 损失的水牛,一个主要的资源平原印度人,是一个生存的打击,许多土著文化。

    The loss of the buffalo , a primary resource for the plains Indians , was an existential blow to many native cultures .

  22. 竹崇拜是南方少数民族的一大土著文化,是中国传统竹文化重要的组成部分,分为自然崇拜和图腾崇拜两个层面。

    Bamboo worship is a great native culture of the southern ethnic minorities . It is an important part of Chinese traditional bamboo culture .

  23. 保护和发扬土著文化最关键的是要坚持文化多元化的方针,坚决抵制文化霸权主义。

    The most essential of preserving and developing the aboriginal culture is adhering to the principle of cultural diversification and combating firmly cultural hegemony .

  24. 青海省古代各种文化遗址中数量最多、分布范围最广的一种土著文化是什么文化?发现于哪里?

    Which is the largest number and the most extensive distribution of an diversified indigenous culture of Qinghai ancient cultural relics ? Where did it be found ?

  25. 本文通过对匈奴青铜器动物纹的初步探讨,初步辨识了影响它的土著文化和外来文化,以及它们之间的关系。

    Based on animal images Hun bronze preliminary study , a preliminary identification of the impact of its indigenous culture and foreign cultures , and the relationship between them .

  26. 泰伯“端委以治周礼”表明代表当时先进文化的周文化对蛮夷土著文化的渗透和交融。

    Tai Bo administrated the country with Zhou 's etiquette , which showed the infiltration and blend from the advanced Zhou 's culture to the original Man Yi 's culture .

  27. 战国时期皖西为南北文化交流的中间地带,外来文化和土著文化在激烈碰撞中逐渐融合。

    It was the central area for culture communication between South and North in the Warring Period . Gradually , the alien culture and native culture integrated accompanying the severe collision .

  28. 从该地区文化发展的历程看,江淮地区周文化变体创新因素及土著文化因素对该地区的影响比豫东南、鄂东北要小得多。

    The cultural history of the area shows that new variant of Zhou and indigenous cultural factors had a much less influence on the parts of southeast Henan and northeast Hubei .

  29. 但自从1788年白人入侵之后,土著文化就一直遭到严重的歪曲、鄙视与忽略,这就给土著人造成了严重的身份危机。

    But since the white invasion in 1788 , the indigenous culture has been badly distorted , despised and neglected , which makes the Aborigines suffer from a severe identity crisis .

  30. 对于中国的现代化而言,包括客家生态民俗文化在内的土著文化具有自身独特的价值,是中国可持续发展的重要支持力量。

    As to China 's modernization , the aboriginal culture including the ecological folk culture of Hakkas has its own unique value and is a critical supporting force for China 's sustainable development .