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dùn shì
  • Seclusion;lead the life of a recluse
遁世 [dùn shì]
  • [reclusion] 独自隐居,避开俗世;避世隐居

  • 遁世绝俗

  1. 霍华德?休斯(HowardHughes)似乎为如今强迫症名人们的怪癖和遁世树立了标杆

    Howard Hughes seems to have set the standard for today 's hypochondriac tics and reclusion .

  2. 霍华德·休斯似乎为如今强迫症名人们的怪癖和遁世树立了标杆

    Howard Hughes seems to have set the standard for today 's hypochondriac celebrities ' tics and reclusion .

  3. 王尔德的遁世美学及其折射的道家精神

    Oscar Wilde 's Escapist Aesthetics and the Taoist Spirit It Reflects

  4. 我对读书的挚爱从未使我成为遁世的隐士。

    My devotion to reading has never made me a recluse .

  5. 我担心自己会被人看作是个遁世者。

    I have a dread of being thought a misanthrope .

  6. 遁世者单独生活的人;遁世者。

    A person who lives alone ; a recluse .

  7. 我是说,在你之后,我有些遁世,情绪化。

    I mean , after you , I kind of retired , emotionally .

  8. 这又是美国的遁世主义。人们有一种奇特的隐遁的感觉。

    It is the American renunciation once more . One felt strangely sheltered .

  9. 他成名之后的遁世更是他异化于主流社会的行为体现。

    His reclusion can be regarded as the behavioral presentation of his alienation .

  10. 这又是美国的遁世主义。

    It is the American renunciation once more .

  11. 她显然不是个遁世者。

    She is emphatically not a recluse .

  12. 沃勒:我过着半遁世的生活,对通俗文化了无兴趣。

    [ RJW ] I lead a semi-reclusive life , completely disinterested in popular culture .

  13. 人类的恐怖行为导致这位遁世的预言家对人世深恶痛绝。

    The horror of man led the misanthropic prophet to implacable hatred of the world .

  14. 除规避人群的隐士及遁世者外,大部分人都是喜好群居的。

    Except for hermits and recluses , who shun company , most people are gregarious .

  15. 霍华德·休斯似乎为如今强迫症名人们的怪癖和遁世树立了标杆。

    Howard Hughes seems to have set the standard for today 's hypochondriac celebrities'tics and reclusion .

  16. 默想常常被误解成一件困难又具神秘仪式的事,是遁世的僧侣们修行的方式。

    Meditation is often misunderstood as some difficult , mysterious ritual practiced by isolated monks and mystics .

  17. 这又是美国的遁世主义。它的哲学是一种对实际的浮夸遁辞。

    It is the American renunciation once more . Its philosophy was a pompous evasion of real things .

  18. 为了逃避尘世的困扰,人们通常选择遁世,选择隐居。

    To escape earthly problems , people often choose a way of retiracy and lead a cloistered life .

  19. “您还记得吗,当我想遁世入修道院的时候,您当时是多么得生我的气?”

    " When I wished to retire into a convent , you remember how angry you were with me ?"

  20. 他会不时露面,以防过分追求遁世反而会给他带来更多的公众注意。

    He got around enough to avoid the terrible fate of having his privacy draw more attention to him .

  21. 试析东正教的遁世主义修道理念在拜占廷时期的发展

    A Preliminary Analysis of the Development of Monastic Idea of Escapism of Eastern Orthodox Church during the Period of Byzantine Empire

  22. 沉默使她成为传奇人物,五十年的遁世更是一个传奇。

    And her silence made her a legend . But it was a legend she tried to escape for fifty years .

  23. 从那个时候起,他不再消极遁世,而是自由自在,兴高采烈的回到从前的朋友和同事们中间。

    From that hour on he was not a recluse , but mingled freely and cheerfully with his former friends and associates .

  24. 独立,个性,多元的当代文化迫使中国画从传统文人画隐逸遁世、虚静幽闭的状态中走出。

    Independent , individual , multitudinous contemporary culture forces Chinese painting to walk out from the conservative and secluded state of the traditional scholar painting .

  25. 从安东妮亚重回大草原,吉姆定居东部城市可见,凯瑟并不是一个消极遁世的人。

    As Antonia returns to the prairie and Jim settles in the east , the conclusion that Cather is not a negative recluse is drawn .

  26. 星期六早些时候,据朝鲜国家新闻社报道,朝鲜,这个封闭遁世的国家,已将发射一颗据其自称是“实验性通信卫星”所需的准备工作准备就绪。

    North Korea has completed preparations for launching what it says is " an experimental communications satellite ," the reclusive nation'sstate news agency reported early Saturday .

  27. 然而,我们一旦再度意识到日常世界之时,我们就不禁作呕,觉得这尘世可厌,于是一种遁世绝欲的心情便由此产生。

    But as soon as that quotidian reality enters consciousness once more it is viewed with loathing , and the consequence is an ascetic , abulic state of mind .

  28. 爱尔兰和英国现代诗人叶芝渴望在仙境中与精灵为伍,忘却人世的烦忧,或者在小岛上遁世寡居,享受内心的宁静;

    Yeats the modern Anglo-Irish poet wishes to forget the earthly troubles by living with fairies or to enjoy peace of the inner heart by escaping to a tiny island ;

  29. 这位父亲从此变得痛苦遁世,避开很多朋友,拒绝参加一切能使他恢复平静、回到自我的活动。

    The father became a bitter recluse , shutting himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self .

  30. 因为这里没有甚么使人想到遁世,灵性,清规戒律的东西:这里我们只听到精力充沛生意盎然的凯旋,这里存在的一切,不论善恶,都被奉若神明。

    Nothing in these deities reminds us of asceticism , high intellect , or duty : we are confronted by luxuriant , triumphant existence , which deifies the good and the bad indifferently .
