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yīn qīn
  • in-laws;affinity;relation by marriage;relationship by marriage
姻亲 [yīn qīn]
  • [affinity;relationship by marriage] 因婚姻而构成的亲戚(如妻子的兄弟)

姻亲[yīn qīn]
  1. 她被带去会见未来的姻亲了。

    She is taken to the meeting relation by marriage of future .

  2. 她是姻亲,因为她嫁给了我表兄。

    She 's a relation by marriage because she married my cousin .

  3. 她和她的姻亲彼此嫌恶。

    There 's no love lost between her and her in-laws .

  4. 星期天,和姻亲们共进午餐已经成了例行的公事。

    Sunday lunch with the in-laws has become something of a ritual .

  5. 我们星期天要去拜访我的姻亲。

    We 're visiting my in-laws on Sunday .

  6. 喜欢指手画脚的姻亲最让人头疼。

    Interfering in-laws are the prime sources of the blues .

  7. 与姻亲之间的矛盾常常让人两面为难

    Rows with one 's in-laws often create divided loyalties .

  8. 姻亲:在这张照片里,凯丽被拍到与PierredePolignac亲王跳舞。

    In-law : Kelly is seen here dancing with Prince Pierre de Polignac .

  9. 婚姻支付变迁与姻亲秩序谋划&辽东Q镇的个案研究

    The Vicissitude of Marriage Payments and the Equilibrium of Power in Affinal Relationships : A case study in Q county of Liaoning province

  10. 《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)发现,现年44岁,高中文化程度,且无房地产开发经验的瓦德拉在姻亲执掌新德里政权的十年间聚敛了大量房地产资产。

    The Wall Street Journal found that during the decade Mr. Vadra 's in-laws have held sway in New Delhi , the 44-year-old with a high-school education and no experience in property development amassed a large real-estate portfolio .

  11. n.姻亲关系;密切关系;吸引力;强烈喜爱(某人某事物);(语言、动物、植物等之间的)类同,近似,相像;(语言的)类似关系,同源关系;【化】亲合性,亲和力

    an attraction or sympathy for someone or something , especially because of shared characteristics a close similarity between two things strong liking for or attraction to sb / sth

  12. 兰宁家族,他们与德格拉斯伯爵的后代近亲通婚;还有范德卢顿一家,他n〕是曼哈顿首任荷兰总督的直系后代,独立战争前与法国及英国的几位贵族有姻亲关系。

    the Lannings , who had intermarried with the descendants of Count de Grasse , and the van der Luydens , direct descendants of the first Dutch governor of Manhattan , and related by pre-revolutionary marriages to several members of the French and British aristocracy .

  13. 在订婚后仅仅两个月第三季就开拍了,和克劳利一家包括马修(左)和姻亲布兰森(AllenLeech)准备盛大的庆典。

    Season 3 kicks off just two months after the proposal , with the Crawleys including Matthew , left , and in-law Branson ( Allen Leech ) preparing for the grand celebration .

  14. 在订婚后仅仅两个月第三季就开拍了,和克劳利一家——包括马修(左)和姻亲布兰森(AllenLeech)——准备盛大的庆典。

    Season 3 kicks off just two months after the proposal , with the Crawleys - including Matthew , left , and in-law Branson ( Allen Leech ) - preparing for the grand celebration .

  15. 穿着海军蓝和奶油色的J.Mendel礼服,艾默在晚上与她的好莱坞演员和导演丈夫乔治,以及她的姻亲尼克和尼娜克鲁尼共同出席了这场颁奖典礼。

    Wearing a navy and cream flowing J. Mendel gown , Clooney was accompanied by her Hollywood actor and director husband George on the night , as well as her in-laws , Nick and Nina Clooney .

  16. 与姻亲的矛盾可能会让你扫兴。

    Hassles with in-laws could put a damper on your day .

  17. 传统的家族式管理虽然在民营企业发展的初期起到了积极的作用,但这种基于血缘和姻亲关系的家族化人力资源配置方式已经严重制约了民营企业进一步发展的步伐。

    Traditional family management has limited the private enterprises ' development .

  18. 和姻亲之间的问题会在个人关系中导致小摩擦。

    Problems with in-laws may cause friction in your personal relationship .

  19. 女方曾为一位姻亲服过三年丧。

    She had observed a full 3-year mourning for an in-law .

  20. 欧洲大部分的皇室都有姻亲关系。

    Most European royal families are connected with each other .

  21. 第五章宗族姻亲与社会救助。

    Chapter V gens and affinity and the social relief .

  22. 他看到她正在风趣地讲述如何跟她的姻亲度周末的事。

    He found her wittily describing a weekend spent with her in-laws .

  23. 哦,原来是要和姻亲一起过周末。

    Feifei : Oh I see ! A weekend with the in-laws .

  24. 你可能会和姻亲或家人发生矛盾。

    You may have difficulties with in-laws or family members .

  25. 一个男人要靠姻亲过活是不好受的。

    A man doesn 't feel right , battening on his in-laws .

  26. 先秦时期朝聘场合的文化交流与传播元朝与高丽姻亲关系中的人员往来及其文化交流

    Personnel exchanges and cultural communications of affinity between Yuan Dynasty and Koryo

  27. 当他的姻亲来访时,他总是保持缄默,小心说话。

    When his in-laws visit , he always has to bite his tongue .

  28. 姻亲或者亲戚可能会反对你的想法。

    In-laws or relatives may oppose your personal intentions .

  29. 要结成一家门当户对的姻亲,只能靠伊莉莎白。

    An equality of alliance must rest with Elizabeth .

  30. 您关心着许多跟你没有姻亲的人。

    You take care of many people who are not related to you .
