
  • 网络Aer Lingus;Ryanair
  1. 航空公司也雇佣了它现在的CEO米勒,米勒来自爱尔兰航空公司。

    The airline also hired Mueller , its current CEO , from Irish carrier Aer Lingus .

  2. 在爱尔兰航空公司,米勒把公司推入激烈的竞争,留下了强大的商业模式和持久的利润,而这恰恰是马航希望得到的。

    At Aer Lingus , Mueller pulled the company through tough competition , leaving it with a strong business model and consistent profits , and is expected to be exactly what Malaysia Airlines needs .

  3. 我们与一架爱尔兰航空公司(AerLingus)的飞机一前一后地被引导至曼彻斯特机场降落,那架飞机的飞行员有一口我多年来听到过的最性感的爱尔兰裔美国人口音。

    We were brought into Manchester in tandem with an Aer Lingus flight , whose pilot had the sexiest Irish-American accent I 've heard in ages .

  4. 该公司之前从爱尔兰航空公司聘请米勒来监督此次转型。

    The company earlier hired Mueller from Irish national carrier Aer Lingus to oversee the transition .

  5. 而尽管许多爱尔兰人对乘坐瑞安航空的经历大吐苦水,但大部分人还记得,在瑞安航空出现、并与爱尔兰载旗航空公司爱尔兰航空(AerLingus)展开竞争之前,机票非常贵。

    And while many Irish people complain bitterly about their experiences flying with Ryanair , most remember the huge cost of air travel before the airline emerged to compete with Aer Lingus , the Irish flag carrier .