
  • 网络integrity;Structural Integrity;ENSIP
  1. XML结构完整性约束的研究

    Study of Structural Integrity Constraints for XML

  2. 两种精子优选法对精子DNA结构完整性及其它参数的影响

    The effect of two sperm selection technique methods on structural integrity of sperm DNA and other factors

  3. XML结构完整性约束下的路径表达式的最小化

    Minimization of Path Expression Under Structural Integrity Constraints for XML

  4. 基于XML的类结构完整性和一致性研究

    The Research on Integrity and Consistency of Class Structure Based on XML

  5. 高分辨X射线衍射研究杂质对晶体结构完整性的影响

    Studies of the impurity effects on crystalline quality by high-resolution X-ray diffraction

  6. DTD模式下的XML结构完整性约束

    Structural Integrity Constraints for XML Under DTD Schema

  7. 本文对目前管道检测的前沿技术埋地水管结构完整性监测(structuralintegritymonitoring,SIM)系统进行了深入研究。

    The advance technology of pipe detection : SIM ( structural integrity monitoring ) system is studied in this paper .

  8. 作者认为,Bi系2223相的Tc,nH与热处理所导致的氧含量变化以及局域组成和结构完整性之间存在着重要的关联。

    We propose that Tc and n_H . of the Bi-system are closely related to oxygen content , local composition and structure perfection .

  9. XML的结构完整性约束用来表示元素之间或路径之间的结构关系,它们在XML查询优化中有着举足轻重的作用。

    Structural integrity constraints for XML , which denote the structural relationship between elements or paths , play an important role in XML query optimization .

  10. PDA检测桩身结构完整性的探讨

    The Pile Structural Integrity Determined from PDA Measurements

  11. 结论通过适当的热处理可以恢复HA的结构完整性,同时提高涂层的结晶度。

    Conclusion Heat treatment could increase the amount of crystalline HA of the coatings and resumed the structural integrality .

  12. DNA是机体生命活动中最重要的遗传物质,其分子结构完整性和稳定性的保持对于细胞的存活和正常生理活动具有重要意义。

    DNA is the most important genetic material in the living creature and the integrity and stablity of genomic DNA is very meaningful for the live and the normal physical activity of cells .

  13. PRT低应变仪检测桩基的结构完整性

    Inspecting the structural integrity of foundation using the PRT low strain gauge

  14. 飞机发动机零部件结构完整性的概率R6评定

    Probabilistic R6 assessment for structural integrity of aircraft engine components

  15. 结果表明:未经任何热处理的TiO2粉体即为无定形态,结构完整性较差,样品颗粒呈类球形,分布均匀。

    Results show that TiO_ ( 2 ) samples without any heat treatment is amorphous with poor structure and they are in spherical shape and well dispersed .

  16. 概率形式的R6结构完整性评定方法

    A Probabilistic Approach to the Applications of R6 's Structural Integrity Assessment Method

  17. 根据DTD语法,简单的对XML文档实现结构完整性和有效性检查。最后,本文论文总结了完成的工作,并提出了方案中需要进一步研究的问题。

    Referring to DTD , it can check the structure integrity and validness of the XML document simply . Finally , we conclude the thesis and list the future work .

  18. 结论:PNS对培养神经细胞缺氧性损伤具有保护作用,其机制可能与改善能量代谢,保护细胞结构完整性有关。

    CONCLUSION : The protection against hypoxic damage of PNS was related to improving energy metabolism , preserving the structural integrity of neurons .

  19. 结果提示,Se可能通过改变红细胞内表膜面Spectrin蛋白与RBC膜骨架结合状态以及Se和VE抗氧化损伤保护细胞膜结构完整性的作用,影响RBC的变形性。

    The results suggested that the dietary deficency of Se and VE may change condition of combination Spectrin with RBC membrane so that effect on erythrocyte deformability .

  20. 多处损伤(MSD)是影响老龄飞机结构完整性的重要因素之一。

    Multiple Site Damage ( MSD ) is one of important factors which affect structural completeness of old aircraft .

  21. 结论E-cad参与了正常黏膜和皮肤表皮上皮细胞间的同质性粘附,在维持上皮结构完整性中扮演着重要的角色;

    Conclusions E-cad plays an important role in maintaining the phenotype of epithelial cell of SCC and normal oral mucosa .

  22. 羟基自由基能够分解叶绿素a,破坏赤潮藻细胞膜结构完整性;可以降低SOD酶活性,实现致死赤潮藻的效果。

    Hydroxyl radicals can decompose chlorophyll a , destroy the structural integrity of red tide algae cell membrane . It can decrease the activity of SOD enzyme , realize the lethal effect of red tide algae .

  23. 随着DCP含量的增加,交联PE-HD的晶体尺寸变小,并且结晶结构完整性变差。

    The crystal size of PE-HD was reduced with the increment of DCP content and the crystal structure more incomplete .

  24. SPP引发使种子细胞膜结构完整性得以恢复,表现在种子渗漏物质减少。

    The structure and function of the membrane system of the primed seeds was improved , which resulted in the decrease of the leakage from seed cells .

  25. 在此基础上,对PIT反射波法进行桩身结构完整性测试的波形判读中的有关问题进行了讨论,以供桩基检测技术人员参考。

    The author also discusses the relevant problems in the wave form interpretation of the pile construction integrity is tested by the back wave method of PIT . This is for the technician of pile foundation test reference .

  26. 遥感图的矢量化是RS和GIS集成的重要方式,同时为了保证矢量数据在GIS中的工作效率和实用性,GIS对矢量化算法的效率、拓扑结构完整性都有较高的要求。

    In order to keep the efficiency and practicality of the system , GIS has high requirements for the efficiency of vector algorithms and topological structural integrity . Remote sensing classification map is an important integration method of RS and GIS .

  27. 用基桩高应变检测技术检验桩身完整性PRT低应变仪检测桩基的结构完整性

    Pile High Strain Detection Technology in Testing of Pile Integrality Inspecting the structural integrity of foundation using the PRT low strain gauge

  28. 采用CVI工艺制备出三维针刺C/SiC复合材料螺栓螺母M8,螺纹结构完整性好,并将该方法申请专利(已受理)。

    The bolt and nut with specification M8 are manufactured with good integrality through this method , which is applying for a patent ( already accepted ) .

  29. 本文通过几个工程实例讨论了PDA打桩分析仪检测桩身结构完整性的精确性和局限性,并对破损的原因进行了分析。

    The accuracy of PDA measurements for pile structural integrity was studied with some case histories . Furthermore , the cause of damage was analyzed , and some useful result on effective PDA application was obtained .

  30. 采用失效评定图评定缺口结构完整性的关键是缺口断裂韧性JA的获取,本文给出了估算缺口断裂韧性JA的近似方法。

    Furthermore , for the key to the utilization of the notch FAD is obtaining the notch fracture toughness , J_A . an approximate method for estimating notch fracture toughness , J_A , has been given in the paper .