
  1. 近日,一个#在猪肉店起舞的9岁芭蕾女孩#登上了热搜,话题阅读量超过了2亿。一个女孩在中国西南部云南省一个村庄的猪肉摊上跳舞的视频片段在网上疯传,感动了许多网友。

    A video clip of a girl dancing at a pork stall in a village in Southwest China 's Yunnan province went viral online , moving many netizens .

  2. 这篇报道在推特上火了,上周六威廉王子的名字一度登上推特热搜,同时成为热门话题的还有网友对斯坦利·图齐落选的抱怨。

    The report caught traction on Twitter , and at one point on Saturday , Prince William 's name was trending on the platform , along with complaints that Stanley Tucci didn 't make the cut .

  3. 这一消息也是中国最大的搜索引擎百度(Baidu)上的最热搜话题。

    The news was also the most-searched topic on China 's biggest search engine , Baidu .

  4. 这个话题成了微博热搜。

    This becomes a trending topic on Weibo now .

  5. 谷歌发布了英国人2018年度热搜。

    Google has revealed what people in the UK have been searching for in 2018 .

  6. 我请谷歌的分析师分享了一些最热搜的健康问题。

    I asked the analysts at Google to share some of the most commonly searched health questions .

  7. 五岁的乔治王子排在第四,他标志性的彼得潘衣领衬衫引发了整年的热搜。

    Five-year-old Prince George was fourth , with his trademark Peter Pan collar shirts inspiring searches throughout the year .

  8. 啧啧,谷歌时代精神2010热搜榜评选“聊天轮盘”为快速窜红,最受欢迎的事物。

    Tsk-tsk , Google released its 2010 zeitgeist with its fatest growing and most popular terms of the year .

  9. 那篇推特里包含了这对情侣的名字的首字母,一行关于丈夫爱护妻子的圣经诗文以及热搜标签#完美将至#。

    It included the couple 's initials , a Bible verse about husbands loving their wives and the hashtag \# bestisyettocome .

  10. 在营销机构Digitaloft制作的图表上,最热搜的问题是:“我怀孕了吗?”

    The most popular question on the pictorial chart , created by marketing agency Digitaloft is : ' Am I pregnant ? '

  11. 谷歌日前发布2013全球热搜榜,位列榜首的是已故南非前总统纳尔逊-曼德拉。

    Google has released its top trending searches for 2013.The top searched item was Nelson Mandela , the former president of South Africa .

  12. 腾出功夫看看最热门、最流行、已经上博客热搜榜的消息吧。

    Take a moment and get the rundown of what 's hot , what 's trending , and what 's drawing the most buzz on the Chinese blogosphere .

  13. 梅根和哈里王子、尤金妮公主和杰克·布鲁克斯班克这两对新人的婚礼让“王室婚礼”成为热搜榜第三。

    Her marriage to Prince Harry , together with the wedding of Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank , helped ' Royal Wedding ' reach third on the overall list .

  14. 梅根·马克尔去年位居榜首,今年为世界杯让位,位列热搜榜单第二。

    Meghan Markle , who topped the list last year , was knocked off her perch by the World Cup but still managed to be the second-most searched term in 2018 .

  15. 最近这部剧也位居微博热搜榜单首位,从7月19日第一集播出,全中国的网民都称之为轰动一时的剧。

    The show has been at the top on Weibo 's trendy list since the first episode debuted on July 19 , and netizens across China are calling it a sensation .

  16. 然而,随着男女主人公两人感情的升温,剧集的收视率也在飙升,并且持续霸占中国社交媒体热搜榜。

    Nevertheless , as the chemistry gradually sparks between the two protagonists , the show 's ratings have soared . It also continues to top the trending lists on Chinese social media .

  17. 谷歌热搜趋势相当于文化晴雨表,展现出英国过去一年在新闻、体育、大型事件上的兴趣点,而今年,谷歌这个全球最受欢迎的搜索引擎也整整二十岁了。

    Google Search trends act as a cultural barometer , revealing what news , sports and events captured the nation 's interest over the last year , with the world 's most popular search engine turning 20 this year .

  18. 隐私丑闻让“如何删除脸书”成为谷歌热搜问题第一,而加密货币价格起伏则让“啥是比特币”登上热搜榜。

    Privacy scandals helped ' How to delete Facebook ? ' become one of the most-asked questions using Google , while the dramatic rise and fall in cryptocurrency prices helped drive searches for ' What is bitcoin ? ' .

  19. 斯托米·丹尼尔斯、安特·麦克帕特林等名人也位列榜单,覆盖了热搜诸如“如何……”或者“谁是……”此类搜索。

    Several other celebrities like Stormy Daniels and Ant McPartlin also appeared on the lists , which covered a wide range of categories including top trending ' How to ... ? ' and ' What is ... ? ' queries .