
  • 网络PIP;Pingyao International Photography Festival
  1. 2004平遥国际摄影大展在日本传播

    Press Conference of the 2004 Pingyao International Photography Festival Held in Japan

  2. 平遥国际摄影大展开辟中国内陆地区对外交流的文化口岸

    Pingyao International Photography Festival Opens a Cultural " Port " in Inland China

  3. 谈平遥国际摄影大展与文化品牌建设

    Pingyao International Photography Show and Culture Brand Construction

  4. 平遥国际摄影大展中外摄影家艺术交流的平台

    Pingyao International Photography Festival : a Platform for Exchanges between Chinese and Foreign Photographers

  5. 文明·发展&2004年平遥国际摄影大展策划方案

    Civilization and Development & The Curatorial Plan of the 2004 Pingyao International Photography Festival

  6. 打造摄影名都扩大文化交流建设文化强省&在2005平遥国际摄影大展北京新闻发布会上的讲话

    Speech at the Press Conference in Beijing on the 2005 Pingyao International Photography Festival

  7. 平遥国际摄影大展与品牌文化营销

    Pingyao International Photography Festival and Cultural Branding

  8. 2002平遥国际摄影大展印象

    Impressions of 2002 Pingyao International Photography Festival

  9. 兴办文化盛事构筑开放舞台&2002平遥国际摄影大展综述

    A Cultural Festival Provides a Stage for Opening-up Summary of 2002 Pingyao International Photography Festival

  10. 2005中国平遥国际摄影大展喜迎四海宾朋

    2005 Pingyao International Photography Festival Welcomes Guests and Friends from Four Corners of the World

  11. 展示文明历程汇聚发展力量&2004平遥国际摄影大展综述

    Showcase of Civilization 's March , Collection of Development Strengths A summary of the 2004 Pingyao International Photography Festival

  12. 文明的闪光发展的呼唤&关于2004平遥国际摄影大展主题的思考

    Lights of Civilization , Call for Development A few thoughts on the theme of the 2004 Pingyao International Photography Festival

  13. 三晋文明之光&2002平遥国际摄影大展开幕式文艺晚会侧记

    The Lights of Shanxi 's Civilization Sidelights on the evening gala and the opening ceremony of 2002 Pingyao International Photography Festival

  14. 平遥国际摄影大展是山西强省文化品牌的一个成功典范,通过品牌文化的营销给山西带来多方面的效益。

    Pingyao International Photography Show is the successful example of culture construction to make the province strong , which is profitable to Shanxi Province .

  15. 最后,探讨了平遥国际摄影大展所产生的旅游影响并对其发展前景做出了预测建议。

    Finally , the article specifically discusses the tourism influence which the Pingyao International Photography Festival produces and we also make forecast to its development prospects .

  16. 建言献策共铸品牌&华夏文明看山西文化艺术周平遥国际摄影大展精品展研讨会

    Suggestions and Recommendations for Building a Brand Symposium on " Shanxi : a Microcosm of Chinese Civilization " Culture and Art Week and Exhibition of the Selected Works of the Pingyao International Photography Festival

  17. 从平遥古城1997年被联合国科教文组织确定为世界文化遗产,到平遥国际摄影大展一年胜过一年的国际影响;

    From the ancient city of Pingyao in1997 by UNESCO as world cultural heritage , to the Pingyao International Photography Exhibition year 's international influence than a year ;