
  • 网络energy crisis
  1. LNG作为天然气加工的重要产品,其市场需求随着世界能源危机的加深和环境问题的突出而迅速增长。

    LNG is one of the important products in natural gas processing and its market demand is rapidly growing due to the deepening world energy crisis and outstanding environmental pollution issues .

  2. 70年代的世界能源危机,有力地促进了强化传热技术的发展。

    The energy crisis of 1970s accelerated the development of heat transfer enhancing technology dramatically .

  3. 当今世界能源危机日益加剧。

    Today , there is a crisis of energy shortage in the world .

  4. 随着世界能源危机的持续,节能技术越来越受到重视。

    As energy crisis continues in the world , energy-saving technology has drawn more and more attention .

  5. 世界能源危机和环境污染使得新能源的开发利用变得至关重要。

    The development and utilization of new energy sources is extremely important as global energy crisis and environmental pollution .

  6. 自19世纪70年代世界能源危机以来,各国都十分重视节约能源的问题。

    Since the world energy crisis broke out in 1970s , the various countries all pay more attentions to the problems of the energy .

  7. 随着经济的发展,能源的消耗速度越来越快,导致世界能源危机。

    With the development of economy , the depletion rate of energy grows faster and faster 、 so that the world energy crisis occurs .

  8. 为应对世界能源危机和温室效应,世界各国高度重视新能源产业的发展。

    To cope with the world energy crisis and greenhouse effect , the whole world attaches great importance to the development of new energy industry .

  9. 风力发电是解决世界能源危机的一个行之有效的途径,而并网型风力发电是推动风力发电发展的主要力量。

    Wind power is an effective approach to solving the world energy crisis , and grid-connected wind generation plays an important role in the development .

  10. 世界能源危机和全球生态环境日益恶化迫使人们急需开发可再生能源。

    In light of the world 's energy crisis and the fast deterioration of the global environment , the development of renewable energy sources is urgently needed .

  11. 随着世界能源危机时刻的到来,核电作为清洁能源之一,越来越引起全球各国的关注。

    With the world energy crisis coming , nuclear power as one of clean energy sources , have attracted more and more attention all over the world .

  12. 随着世界能源危机和环境污染日趋严重,光伏发电系统受到各国政府的高度重视。

    All over the world focus on the photovoltaic ( PV ) generation system seriously due to the worldwide energy crisis and worse and worse environment pollution .

  13. 随着全世界能源危机的愈演愈烈,持续走高的石油、煤炭价格以及愈演愈烈的环境问题,如温室效应,局部天气异常等。

    As the world energy crisis intensified , bringing the sustained higher oil , coal prices and intensifying environmental problems such as global warming , local weather anomalies .

  14. 由于世界能源危机和国内煤炭紧缺,很多电厂纷纷采购褐煤,以掺烧的方式代替部分烟煤。

    But as the world energy crisis and domestic coal shortage , each of big power plant purchases lignite to instead of bituminous by the method of blending .

  15. 随着气候变化和世界能源危机的加剧,风能等可再生能源越来越受到世界各国政府的高度重视。

    With climate change and the world energy crisis intensifies , the wind and other renewable energy sources are highly valued by more and more governments around the world .

  16. 世界能源危机的加剧使得光伏发电得到了长足的发展并已成为新能源利用的主流之一。

    Solar " photovoltaic " power has made great progress and become one of the most effective clean and renewable energy with the energy crisis aggravated of the world .

  17. 随着世界能源危机的加剧,核电已经成为21世纪初世界各国争相发展的新能源。

    With the world energy crisis intensifies , nuclear power as new energy is being raced to develop by many countries in the world in the early 21st century .

  18. 随着世界能源危机问题的日益突出,对于新型能源和节能技术的开发和利用,逐渐得到各个国家的重视,相变储能技术包括其中。

    With the energy crisis increasing , development and application of new energy sources and energy saving technologies have received more attention , which include phase change energy storage technology .

  19. 面对全球工业化的高度发展和世界能源危机,如何最有效的利用资源是当前亟待解决的问题。

    With the fast development of global industrialization and the crisis of world energy sources , currently how to utilize the sources efficiently is a key problem to be resolved .

  20. 随着世界能源危机的到来、生态环境的日益恶化和人类可持续发展要求,大力开发可再生能源成为当今重要的战略任务。

    With the energy crisis , deterioration of the environment and the growing demand of sustainable development , the development and utilization of renewable energy is an important strategic task .

  21. 在世界能源危机和环境恶化日益严重的今天,更好的开发利用太阳能等可再生能源以实现可持续发展变得至关重要。

    Because of the world energy crisis and environmental deterioration , it is vital to develop and utilize the renewable sources ( for example : solar energy ) for sustainable development .

  22. 在当今世界能源危机、环境问题日趋严重的形式下,全球许多国家都在加快智能电网的建设进程,以保证现有电网的安全、稳定的运行。

    With the energy and environment crisis , many countries around the world are accelerated in the construction of intelligent power grid to ensure the safety and stability of power system .

  23. 在全球气候变暖,世界能源危机常态化的时代背景下,能源问题已经成为世界各国国家战略安全重要组成部分。

    Under the background of global warming and normalized energy crisis , the energy issue has become a crucial element of national strategy security for each single country across the globe .

  24. 由于世界能源危机日益严重以及环境污染问题的日益加剧,发展可再生的清洁能源成为了解决这两个问题的最有效的方法之一。

    Since global energy crisis and pollution problems got worse and worse , the development of renewable and clean energy become one of the most effective methods to solve both of the problems .

  25. 在世界能源危机和制冷技术逐渐成熟的背景下,可以回收利用低品位余热的吸收式热泵得到了广泛的研究和迅速的发展。

    In the context of the world energy crisis and developing of the refrigeration technology , the Absorption Heat Pump which can recovered low taste heat has been extensive researched and rapid developed .

  26. 世界能源危机和环境恶化促使开发利用可再生能源和各种绿色能源以实现可持续发展成为人类当前的首要任务。

    Because of the world energy crisis and environmental deterioration , it is becoming the primary task for human being to exploit the renewable and green energy sources for the sake of sustainable development .

  27. 在当今世界能源危机加剧之下,能源储存变得尤为重要,而深部空间用作能源储存具有安全性高等许多有利因素。

    Nowadays , energy conjuncture is obviously , energy storage become more and more vital . There are many advantaged factors such as high safety on deeply space as a medium for energy storage .

  28. 现代工业的迅猛发展,以及日益严重的世界能源危机,使得能量有效利用技术越来越受到重视。

    With the rapid development of modern industries and in the light of world energy crisis , more and more attention has been put on technologies for effective use of all kinds of energy .

  29. 由于世界能源危机和汽车尾气对大气环境污染的日益严重,规划与发展内燃机清洁代用燃料已引起了全世界范围研究者的高度重视。

    Due to the global energy crisis and increasing pollution from the vehicle emissions , development of clean alternative fuels for internal combustion engines has been brought to the forefront by researchers throughout the world .

  30. 进入21世纪以来,世界能源危机日益加剧,各国对节能减排战略日益重视,颁布了关于涂料的各项环保法规以限制传统溶剂型涂料的应用。

    Since entering the 21st century , with the Growing world energy crisis and the growing national emphasis on energy conservation strategies , many regulations have been enacted to limit the application of traditional solvent-based coatings .