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  • Snapper;sea bream;daurade
  1. 当潜泳的观光客吐著气泡经过时,整群的小梭鱼和鲷鱼,从阴暗锈蚀的战舰残骸中窜出。

    Shoals of jackfish and snapper emerge from the gloom of the scuttled , rusting warship as visitors snorkel past .

  2. 有关科学家报告称,那里像汽车一般大小的珊瑚里存在大量鱼群,比如鲷鱼,鲨鱼和金枪鱼。

    Scientists report corals as big as cars and say it is teeming with fish such as snapper , sharks and tuna .

  3. 在鲷鱼和小圆蛤蜊这两道菜之间,他回忆新书中的女主角蒂娜(Dena)在两人之间的关系刚开始进入困难期的时候,在卧室里安慰他。

    In between the kinmedai and the cherrystone clam , he remembered how Dena , the woman at the center of his new book , comforted him early in their relationship during a bumpy time in the bedroom .

  4. 他们的菜单上没有鲷鱼。

    They don 't have bream on the menu .

  5. 这道鱼汤是用鲷鱼、鲈鱼和海鲂做的。

    The fish soup was made with sea bream , sea bass and John dory .

  6. 我期望有的海胆,中拖罗,三文鱼子或好一点的鲷鱼均欠奉。

    I was really expecting some Uni , chu-toro , ikura and some better snappers .

  7. 过度捕捞一些特定的鱼类和贝壳类,像是鲷鱼、梭鱼,甚至是龙虾……

    Overfishing certain species of fish and shellfish like snappers , barracudas and even lobsters ...

  8. 北欧的低地湖泊与河流里发现了许多鲷鱼。

    A lot of bream are found in quiet lowland lakes and rivers in northern europe .

  9. 乌贼和鱿鱼似乎不受影响,而鲷鱼和黑鲈等其他鱼只偶尔发现受污染。

    Octopuses and squid seem to have escaped contamination , whereas other fish such as red snapper and sea bass are only sometimes found to be contaminated .

  10. 一种属于鲷科或鲂科的可食海生鱼,尤指鲷鱼(菱羊鲷),生长于西大西洋海岸水域。

    Any of various marine food fishes of the family Sparidae or Bramidae , especially a sparid fish ( Archosargus rhomboidalis ) of western Atlantic coastal waters .

  11. 住在小屋里就像你待在金鱼缸里一样,静静地坐着,你可以看到神仙鱼、鹦嘴鱼、梭鱼和鲷鱼透过窗户偷窥你哦。

    the lodge is like a goldfish bowl in reverse , where you sit and watch angelfish , parrotfish , barracuda and snappers peering in at you through the window .

  12. 真正吸引眼球的地方是各种各样的鱼。住在小屋里就像你待在金鱼缸里一样,静静地坐着,你可以看到神仙鱼、鹦嘴鱼、梭鱼和鲷鱼透过窗户偷窥你哦。

    The real attraction are the fish ; the lodge is like a goldfish bowl in reverse , where you sit and watch angelfish , parrotfish , barracuda and snappers peering in at you through the window .

  13. 对南海区4种鲷鱼精子的适盐性及其活力进行了比较,黄鳍鲷、平鲷、黑鲷和真鲷精子激活所需的最低盐度分别为8、10、>8、>10;

    It was found that the lowest activating salinity of each of spermatozoa of yellowfin bream , silver bream , black porgy and red seabream should be 8 , 10 , > 8 , > 10 at least respectively .
