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jiān bing
  • flapjack;thin pancake made of millet flour, etc;thin pancake made of millet flour
煎饼 [jiān bǐng]
  • [thin pancake made of millet flour,etc.] 糊状的高梁、小麦等在鏊子上烙熟的饼

煎饼[jiān bing]
  1. 在每个薄煎饼上摊上一些馅。

    Spread some of the filling over each pancake .

  2. 煎饼搁凉了就柴。

    Pancakes are hard and dry when they are cold .

  3. 你想吃煎饼吗?

    Do you like to eat pancake ?

  4. 墨西哥人打开饭盒看到玉米煎饼也跳了楼,金发人打开饭盒看到大腊肠也跳楼自杀了。

    The Mexican opens his lunch , sees a burrito and jumps too , the blonde opens his lunch , sees the bologna and jumps to his death also .

  5. 墨西哥人打开饭盒说:“又是玉米煎饼。下次如果还是玉米煎饼,我也跳下去。”

    The Mexican opened his lunch box and exclaimed , " burritos again ! If I get burritos one more time I 'm going to jump off , too . "

  6. 我想把苹果煎饼粉放在架子最高层,因为苹果是以字母A开头的(Apple)

    I wish that the apple pancake mix was on the top shelf because it starts with an " A , "

  7. 不Chris今天吃薄煎饼

    No , Chris is having pancakes .

  8. 那就是作为普通早点的荷兰小煎饼(theDutchbabypancake),一种味道香甜,口感薄脆,呈空心卷状的淡烤酥饼。

    That would be the Dutch baby pancake , a sweet , light , hollow roll ( popover ) normally served at breakfast .

  9. 煎饼早餐过后我很内疚,不光因为Mitchell做的培根火候不够。

    I felt awful after that pancake breakfast , and not just because Mitchell undercooked the bacon .

  10. 1.吃货必备——煎饼枕这款枕头是由ToddvonBastiaans和BryanMcCarthy共同设计而成,它看起来超级像一堆薄饼上放了两块黄油。

    This pillow set design by Todd von Bastiaans and Bryan McCarthy really looks like pancakes with pats of butter !

  11. (注:“魔戒”中的霍比特人)你做了“Frodo”煎饼?

    Leonard : You made Frodo pancakes ?

  12. 告诉诸位,我还有一点小小的遗憾,因为我没有机会去帕梅拉餐厅(Pamela'sDiner)品尝煎饼。

    I will tell you I 'm a little resentful because I did not get to Pamela 's Diner for pancakes .

  13. 艾丽莎•格兰迪是BingMi的店主,在她从中国旅游回到波特兰以后,她对煎饼的爱就一发不可收拾。

    Alisa Grandy , the owner of Bing Mi ! , fell in love with the snack when she returned to Portland from her trip in China .

  14. 艾丽莎格兰迪是BingMi的店主,在她从中国旅游回到波特兰以后,她对煎饼的爱就一发不可收拾。

    Alisa Grandy , the owner of Bing Mi ! , fell in love with the snack when she returned to Portland from her trip in China 。

  15. 去年,苹果公司宣布在最新9.1版本系统中加入了墨西哥卷饼和玉米煎饼的emoji表情符号。这让众多苹果用户喜出望外。

    Apple users were ecstatic to learn that the taco and burrito emojis were included in the 9.1 update last year .

  16. Soylent、Schmilk和其他一些产品一般吃起来都像是味道寡淡的煎饼面糊。

    Soylent , Schmilk and some others typically taste like bland , gritty pancake batter .

  17. Hightea是有实质内容的一餐,由可口的甜品和诱人的各式点心组成。甜品如斯康饼、蛋糕、圆面包等;点心如乳酪土司、煎饼、冷冻肉、腌蛋土司等。

    Traditionally eaten early evening , High tea was a substantial meal that combined delicious sweet foods , such as scones , cakes , buns or tea breads , with tempting savouries , such as cheese on toast , toasted crumpets , cold meats and pickles or poached eggs on toast .

  18. 那是洋葱煎饼(2.50欧元)的味道,饼里有洋葱丝、土豆丝和奶酪,出自拉斯帕伊有机农作物市场(MarchéBiologiqueRaspail)数十个摊位之一。

    It 's the onion galettes - shredded onion , potato and cheese ( 2.50 euros ) - frying at one of the dozens of stands at the March é Biologique Raspail .

  19. 我最喜欢“小佛陀展厅”,这绝非偶然。那个展厅的中心是中国设计师郭培设计的一件巨大的金色连衣裙,周围是很多陶制佛像。蕾哈娜(Rihanna)在大都会艺术博物馆慈善晚宴开场穿的煎饼裙就是郭培设计的。

    It 's no accident my favorite room is the " small Buddha room , " which features an enormous gold dress by Guo Pei , the Chinese designer who made Rihanna 's yellow egg-yolk cape for the opening gala , surrounded by multiple earthen Buddhas .

  20. 荞麦煎饼美丽你的肌肤。

    Pancakes made from buckwheat can help keep your skin clear .

  21. 我吃了薄煎饼,李晴要了鸡肉三明治。

    I had pancakes and Li Qing had a chicken sandwich .

  22. 将蘸汁材料混合,拌煎饼食用。

    Mix the ingredients of dipping sauce , serve with pancake .

  23. 贾森富有同情心,而且还会掂锅,让煎饼翻面。

    Jason is compassionate - and he can flip a pancake .

  24. 每年美国人要吃掉几百万个汉堡包和法国油煎饼。

    Millions of hamburgers and French fries are eaten every year .

  25. 有时候人们会排队半个多小时来买煎饼。

    Sometimes people queue over half an hour for the food .

  26. 那就不是A我能吃点薄煎饼吗?

    That 's not an A. Can I have some pancakes ?

  27. 如果你不想让他吃薄煎饼。

    If you didn 't want him to have the pancakes .

  28. 我母亲当时正在为一位顾客包香蕉煎饼。

    My mother was wrapping some banana fritters for a customer .

  29. 椰子谷里面有家煎饼屋肯定很棒。

    And a pancake house will be great in coconut cove .

  30. 我自己摊一个钟头的煎饼了。

    I 've been cooking pancakes by myself for an hour .