
jiān jiǎo
  • fried dumpling
煎饺[jiān jiǎo]
  1. Emojination运动的支持者认为,饺子emoji表情的缺失也疏忽了其它同一类型的全球美食,比如波兰水饺、日式煎饺、意大利馄饨等等。

    Emojination supporters argue that the lack of a usable dumpling emoji ignores an entire genre of global cuisine that includes Poland 's pierogi , Japan 's gyoza and Italy 's ravioli , to name a few .

  2. 丽丽:饺子的种类很多,有水饺、蒸饺、煎饺等等。

    Lili : There are many kinds of dumplings ; boiled , steamed or fried .

  3. 平常工作总是忙忙碌碌,今天周末休息了,自己做了煎饺!

    Normal work always busy , today , weekend breaks , and they are doing Jian Jiao !

  4. 品尝过松软香甜的西式蛋挞和鲜美的中式煎饺,冠军印度小姐一定要见见厨师。

    Having tasted the sweet and fragrant western egg tarts and Chinese delicious fried dumplings , the Champion Miss India wanted to see the cook .

  5. 周六一天的冒险回来,轮到我给大家准备晚餐了。我希望大家会喜欢我的素煎饺。

    Having had our adventures of the day on Saturday , it was my turn to prepare dinner for everyone . I hope they all like fried vegetarian dumplings .

  6. 在伦敦时如果我不迫不及待地慢跑我就不能离开我的屋子,这里甚至在我清理完我的住处之前我不得不面对煎饺和煎饼摊,注定会让任何跑出去的尝试都立即失败。

    While in London I couldn 't leave my house without falling over a jogger , here I have to contend with fried dumplings and the pancake stall before I even clear my building , dooming any attempt to run outside to instant failure .