
fānɡ jiān bēi
  • obelisk
  1. 从非洲到欧洲,从杀人机器到一座标志性的方尖碑,CNN学生新闻为你带来全世界最新最热的新闻资讯。

    From Africa to Europe and from killer robots to an iconic obelisk , CNN STUDENT NEWS is bringing the world to your classroom .

  2. 在广场的正中央,是根一柱擎天的埃及方尖碑。

    At the middle of the piazza , stood an obelisk .

  3. 现在,555英尺的方尖碑重新对公众开放。

    Now that the 555 foot obelisk reopens to the public .

  4. 被埋置在方尖碑缸包含地球从11个省。

    Embedded in the obelisk are urns containing earth from the11 provinces .

  5. 公元前1600年方尖碑首先竖立在埃及赫利奥波利斯。

    The obelisks was erected first in Heliopolis , Egypt , in1600 B.

  6. 下面哪个建筑是方尖碑形状?

    Which of these objects is an obelisk ?

  7. 走过海湾部分的一段方尖碑地段就是纪念他死亡的纪念碑了。

    An obelisk on a spit of land across the bay commemorates his death .

  8. 如果将这个方尖碑竖立起来,它可是全埃及最大的方尖碑。

    If stands erect this obelisk , but it entire Egypt and biggest obelisk .

  9. 附件那张图片是暗黑方尖碑,是建造暗黑圣堂武士的前置建筑。

    That is the Dark Obelisk , a prerequisite building to build Dark Templars .

  10. 纪念这次战役的一座花岗岩方尖碑。

    A granite Obelisk commemorating the battle .

  11. 接着,他向左转身,沿着铜线向北面的方尖碑走去。

    Then he turned left and followed the brass line due north toward the obelisk .

  12. 一个方尖碑是就像华盛顿纪念碑那样的有四条边,顶部是金字塔形状。

    An obelisk has four sides and ends in a pyramid shape like the Washington Monument .

  13. 这些男子围绕寥寥几个坟墓建造了微型的克里姆林宫式的围墙,还有一座简单的白色方尖碑。

    The men have built a miniature Kremlin wall around the few graves and a simple white obelisk .

  14. 在这行星上,一个实体黑色方尖碑屹立著,代表对这位深具影响力的帝国军官一个尊崇的回忆。

    On that planet , a solid black obelisk stands as tribute to the memory of this influential Imperial .

  15. 其中另一项新增加的是神族能够在基地建立一个方尖碑。

    One of the other new boosts to the Protoss race is the ability to build an obelisk at your base .

  16. 据考古队成员拉奇介绍说,这尊塑像被埋藏在古埃及女法老哈奇苏特的方尖碑附近地区1.6米深处。塑像上,耐夫侯特普一世的前额处有一个眼镜蛇图案。

    The forehead bears an emblem of a cobra , which ancient Egyptians used as a symbol on the crown of the pharaohs .

  17. 该方尖碑是为纪念布宜诺斯艾利斯建城400年而建,如今是该国的标志性建筑之一。

    The obelisk of Buenos Aires , one of the main icons of Argentina , was built to commemorate the400th anniversary of the founding of the city .

  18. 纪念碑高38米,为方尖碑。它是由17000多块花岗岩和大理石建成的。

    The monument is 38 metres high , in the form of obelisk . It is made of over 17 , 000 pieces of granite and white stones .

  19. 我来到了梵高背着画板独自远行,以及他凝视着歪橄榄树、方尖碑样的丝柏树和令人眩晕的星夜的地方。

    I had gone to where van Gogh trekked alone with his easel on his back , gazing at the crooked olive groves , the obelisk-like cypresses and the swirling starry nights .

  20. 这时候,那只端坐在方尖碑顶端的熊猫,也许早已“高处不胜寒”了。

    Guess the panda , who never leaves his seat on the top of the obelisk , may has felt " too high and supernal to be warm and cozy enough " long , long before .

  21. 一方尖碑,这是非常高,冷,因为它的立场庄严,在您的愿景是指您所需要的软化您的性质,因此,您不会似乎使冷战和遥远的那些你爱。

    An obelisk that is very tall and cold as it stands stately in your vision denotes that you need to soften your nature so you will not seem so cold and distant to those you love .

  22. 这就是为什么我们和埃塞俄比亚、意大利和非洲联盟合作将阿克苏姆方尖碑带回埃塞俄比亚。阿克苏姆方尖碑在殖民时代被意大利偷走。

    That is why we 've been working Ethiopia , Italy and the African Union so that the Obelisk of Axum in Ethiopia , which had been stolen during the colonial period , has been brought back to Ethiopia .