
  • 网络nierji water complex;nierji hydraulic project
  1. 尼尔基水利枢纽是嫩江干流控制性工程。

    Nierji water complex is a control project in Nenjiang river mainstream .

  2. 尼尔基水利枢纽的挡水建筑物为心墙土石坝。

    The water retaining structure of Nierji water complex is the earth-rock dam with core wall .

  3. 尼尔基水利枢纽骨料加工与混凝土拌和工程,是向尼尔基水利枢纽主体工程提供成品混凝土的工程,混凝土总量为105.13万m3,施工期为5a,每年仅可施工6个月。

    The finished concrete which the principle part of the aggregate processing and concrete mixing words . The gross of the concrete is 105.13 × 104 m3 , concrete period is 5 years , and construction of concrete will be conducted for 6 months every year .

  4. 尼尔基水利枢纽工程渗流稳定分析简化为平面稳定渗流。

    The stability analysis in Nierji Project is simplified as the plane seepage analysis .

  5. 文章介绍了嫩江上尼尔基水利枢纽主坝坝型选择,上游面护坡形式选择,坝体结构设计及基础防渗处理。

    The paper introduces the selection of dam type , type of upstream slope protection , the structure design of dam body and the treatment of dam foundation seepage prevention .

  6. 摘要尼尔基水利枢纽是嫩江上唯一的一座大型综合性控制工程,具有防洪、工农业供水、发电、航运、环境和湿地保护等综合利用功能。

    As the only one large and comprehensive control project on the Nenjiang river , Nierji hydraulic key project has such functions as preventing flood , supplying water for Industry and agriculture , generating electricity , shipping and protecting environment and swamp , and etc.