
  • 网络nielsen;NELSON;nielson;Neilson;jameer nelson
  1. 研究公司尼尔森(Nielsen)发现,在英国,电子书的销量在下降,而纸质书的销量在上升。

    Research company Nielsen found that in the UK , sales of e-books are falling while sales of paper books are rising .

  2. 上个月,尼尔森集团将这个人群归为“零电视”家庭,因为他们已经不属于传统意义上的电视家庭。

    Last month , the Nielsen Co. started labeling people in this group " Zero TV " households , because they fall outside the traditional definition of a TV home .

  3. 行业通讯《尼尔森报告》的负责人大卫·罗伯逊表示,在邮寄新信用卡方面要考虑相对成本问题。

    When it comes to mailing out new credit cards , it 's all about relative costs , says David Robertson , who runs the Nilson Report , an industry newsletter .

  4. AC尼尔森中国连锁业的解决方案简析

    AC Nielsen : A brief analysis of the solution to the Chinese chain industry

  5. 财经新闻机构MarketNewsInternational今年7月的一项调查还发现,中国消费者情绪低落。尼尔森的调查也显示,第二季度中国消费者信心有所回落。

    A July survey by Market News International also found consumers in a despondent mood , and the reading on Nielsen 's second-quarter confidence survey fell .

  6. CodeOne杂志的编辑埃里克·赫斯于尼尔森完成其第八次F-22飞行的那一周在爱德华兹空军基地采访了尼尔森。

    Code One editor Eric Hehs visited Nelson at Edwards the week after Nelson piloted the F-22 for his eighth time .

  7. 尼尔森音乐(NielsenMusic)的数据显示,在最近一周,该唱片的销售量为4.5万张,表现一般。

    In its latest week the soundtrack sold a modest 45000 copies , according to Nielsen Music .

  8. 尼尔森?德索萨(NelsonDeSousa)就有这样的遭遇。

    That 's what happened to Nelson De Sousa .

  9. 尼尔森是一名临床心理学家,她为电子书《如何让坏上司为你所用》(GotaBadBoss?WorkThatBosstoGetWhatYouWantatWork)进行了一些研究,然后给出了建议行为清单。

    Nelson , a clinical psychologist , bases her list on the research she did for her e-book , Got a Bad Boss ? Work That Boss to Get What You Want at Work .

  10. 据尼尔森(Nielsen)的数据,CD专辑销量在2015年下降了14.9%,相比之下,流媒体音乐销量有整体提升。

    According to Nielsen , sales of albums on CD decreased by 14.9 percent in 2014 , compared with an overall increase in streaming .

  11. AC尼尔森调查集团对46个国家开展的一项调查发现,三分之一的人在护肤上的花销占美容总花销的大头,这一潮流为亚洲和美国的消费者所引领。

    A survey by research group AC Nielsen across 46 countries found that one in three people spend most of their beauty budget on skincare , with Asian and U.S. consumers leading the trend .

  12. 如今,我们了解到了他下一站落脚的地方&黑石集团(theBlackstoneGroup),它刚好也是2006年收购尼尔森的6家私募股权公司之一(尼尔森在2011年重返公开交易市场)。

    Now we know his next stop : the Blackstone Group , one of six private equity firms that purchased Nielsen in 2006 ( it returned to the public markets in 2011 ) .

  13. 市场研究机构尼尔森(Nielsen)公布的数据显示,7月22日巴西世界杯美国对战葡萄牙的小组赛家庭收视率为7.3。

    The July 22 World Cup game between the U.S.A. and Portugal earned a Nielsen household rating of 7.3 .

  14. 尼尔森公司(Nielsen)2012年的一项调查显示,超过一半的客户现在通过社交媒体寻求补救措施;

    A 2012 Nielsen survey shows more than half of all customers now turn to social media for redress ;

  15. 尼尔森表示,ESPN在截止今年8月的一年时间里失去了约300万订户。

    The channel lost an estimated 3m subscribers in the year to August , said Nielsen .

  16. 尼尔森营销业务副总裁詹姆斯罗素(jamesrusso)表示,随着消费者信心下降,此类行为模式可能会进一步加强。

    James Russo , vice-president of marketing at Nielsen , said these patterns of behaviour were likely to intensify as consumer confidence declined .

  17. 韩国一线演员全智贤(JunJi-hyun)和金秀贤近来在韩国赢得了24.8%的收视率,这在韩国尼尔森市场调查公司看来是颇高的。

    Top South Korean actors Jun Ji-hyun and Kim Soo-hyun recently earned a popularity rating of 24.8 percent in their country , considered strong by Nielsen Korea .

  18. 尼尔森表示,对于一些最受欢迎的电视节目,例如《办公室》(theoffice)和《恶搞之家》(familyguy),加入dvr收视情况后,相对于直播观众而言,广告收看数量有所增加。

    For some of the most popular shows , such asthe officeand family guy , the amount of commercials watched increases once the DVR viewing is included , relative to the live audience , Nielsen said .

  19. 据尼尔森(Nielsen)数据显示,相比之下,自2012年以来,年度电视广告销售增长不足6%。

    In comparison , yearly television advertising sales have grown less than 6 per cent since 2012 , according to Nielsen .

  20. 戴维•卡尔霍恩本月早些时候宣布称,他将从尼尔森控股(NielsenHoldings)CEO的位置上退下来,从他当初离开通用电气(GeneralElectric)加盟这家公司,至今已将近8年。

    Dave Calhoun announced earlier this month that he would be stepping down this year as CEO of Nielsen Holdings ( nlsn ) , nearly eight years after joining from General Electric ( GE ) .

  21. AC尼尔森国际调查集团共对42个国家进行了调查,结果发现,60%的美国人认为60岁才是中年的开始。美国堪称世界上最大的整容手术和抗衰老护肤品消费国。

    Global research group AC Nielsen surveyed people in 42 countries and found 60 percent of Americans , the world 's biggest consumers of cosmetic surgery and anti-aging skincare , believe their sixties are the new middle age .

  22. 今年5月,收视率调查公司尼尔森媒介研究(nielsenmediaresearch)开始发布一组收视率数据,衡量在广告时段还有多少观众在继续收看电视节目。

    Nielsen Media Research , the ratings company whose audience measurements serve as the benchmark for advertising-supported TV , in May started releasing a rating that measures how many viewers continue to watch a TV programme during the commercial breaks .

  23. Centerview因为对德尔蒙食品公司(DelMonte,吉尔茨在该公司任董事长)和尼尔森公司(Nielsen)等消费类企业的投资名声鹊起。

    Centerview rose to prominence for its investments in consumer companies like Del Monte ( where kilts is chairman ) and Nielsen .

  24. 此前,尼尔森(Nielsen)曾为香港设计了一种消费者信心指数,不过,该指数是每季度发布一次,跟不上不断变化的市场。

    Nielsen already has a consumer confidence index for Hong Kong , but it 's quarterly and doesn 't tend to move markets .

  25. NBC表示有两亿一千九百四十万人观看奥运会的时长有6分钟以上,这也让本届奥运会成为使用尼尔森收视率计算以来最大的一次电视盛会。

    NBC also says 219.4 million people watched at least six minutes of these Olympics , making it the biggest TV event since Nielsen started measuring ratings .

  26. AC尼尔森集团欧洲区总监帕特里克多德说:30岁至40岁之间的消费者对护肤很感兴趣,在这个年龄段,他们有更多的可支配收入花在高级美容产品上。

    Consumers tend to take a vested interest in their skincare regime in their 30s and 40s and at this life stage have more disposable income to invest in beauty extras , Patrick Dodd , president of AC Nielsen Europe said .

  27. 我很高兴地宣布,我们投资过的一家非常成功的公司&尼尔森的前CEO戴维•卡尔霍恩已经决定加盟黑石,担任私募股权投资组合营运主管。

    I am pleased to announce that Dave Calhoun , the former CEO of one of our highly successful portfolio companies , Nielsen , has decided to join Blackstone as head of portfolio operations in private equity .

  28. 10宗规模最大的发行中,有5宗是获得私募基金支持的公司,包括HCA、KinderMorgan和尼尔森控股公司(NielsenHoldings)。

    Five of the 10 largest offerings have been for private equity-backed companies , including HCA , kinder Morgan ( KMI ) and Nielsen Holdings ( nlsn ) .

  29. 根据研究机构尼尔森(nielsen)的数据,流媒体服务仍是一个利基领域,只有不到6%的人在使用。

    Streaming services are still a niche area , used by fewer than 6 per cent of people , according to Nielsen , the research group .

  30. 尼尔森全球消费者研究副总裁詹姆斯罗素(JamesRusso)表示:我们不再是2008年第四季度的自由落体状态。

    We 're no longer in this freefall that we were in the fourth quarter of 2008 , said James Russo , vice-president of global consumer insights at Nielsen .