
  • 网络Nessie;The Water Horse;the Loch Ness Monster;Loch Ness
  1. 有很多人或随意或认真地尝试过,想要找到尼斯湖水怪。

    There have been many attempts , both light-hearted and serious , to locate the Loch Ness Monster .

  2. 尼斯湖水怪是一个著名的传说。

    The Loch Ness Monster is a famous legend .

  3. 关于尼斯湖水怪的第一个故事出现在500多年前,但这个传说到20世纪才广泛流传。

    The first story about a monster in Loch Ness was told over 500 years ago , but the legend of the monster spread widely only in the twentieth century .

  4. 这个东西与有关尼斯湖水怪的描述一模一样。

    It ` s just like the descriptions of Nessie . `

  5. 那么我同意,这就象尼斯湖水怪。

    Then yeah , it 's like the Loch Ness monster .

  6. 尼斯湖水怪通常被认为是一种湖中的怪物。

    Nessie is usually categorized as a type of lake monster .

  7. 就像我们有了自己的尼斯湖水怪

    It was like us having our own Loch Ness monster .

  8. 他最喜欢的动物是尼斯湖水怪。

    And his favorite animal is the Loch Ness monster .

  9. 但在近80年时间里,尼斯湖水怪却始终是一个引发巨大争议的现象。

    Yet it has remained a contested phenomenon for almost 80 years .

  10. 甚至连尼斯湖水怪也榜上有名,排行第56位。

    Even the Loch Ness Monster makes the list at number 56 .

  11. 1933年的今天,休·格雷拍摄了已知的唯一一张“尼斯湖水怪”的照片。

    1933-Hugh Gray takes the first known photos of the Loch Ness Monster .

  12. 人们为追踪假定存在的尼斯湖水怪做了许多努力。

    There have been many attempts to track down the putative Loch Ness monster .

  13. 尼斯湖水怪也叫尼西,据说在这个地区生活。

    The Loch Ness Monster , also called Nessie , is supposedly living in this area .

  14. 好吧你不是曾跟我说你相信尼斯湖水怪吗?

    Okay , didn 't you once tell me you believed in the Loch Ness monster ?

  15. 他说:20世纪30年代尼斯湖水怪已经成为苏格兰的标志是国家身份的象征。

    He said : During the 1930s Nessie had become a Scottish icon , a symbol of national identity .

  16. 一个相貌或衣着古怪的人有些人相信尼斯湖水怪是存在的。

    A person of odd or grotesque appearance or dress . Some people believe in the Loch Ness monster .

  17. 截至1934年位于伦敦的国家历史博物馆和位于爱丁堡的苏格兰皇家博物馆都想得到尼斯湖水怪。

    By 1934 both the Natural History Museum in London and the Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh wanted Nessie .

  18. 但是这个与尼斯湖水怪名气相仿的流言吸引的可不仅仅是本地人。

    But the rumours of a rival to the Loch Ness Monster have not just caught the imagination of residents .

  19. 科学家普遍认为,尼斯湖水怪不过是一些人痴心妄想的产物。

    Scientists have widely written off the idea as a modern-day myth and continued sightings as set ups and wishful thinking .

  20. 苏格兰当局公布了一份1933年12月的尼斯湖水怪文件。同年发现水怪后,人们不断要求进行调查。

    The Scottish Office opened a file on Nessie in December 1933 after being bombarded with inquiries following sightings that year .

  21. 最早有关尼斯湖水怪的场景记录出现在公元565年,阿德曼写的圣鸽属的传记中。

    The earliest recorded sighting of the Loch Ness Monster was in the biography of St. Columba by Adamnan in the year 565 AD.

  22. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一英国网民在虚拟地球的卫星图片中发现了传说中的尼斯湖水怪!

    One Internet fan claims he found the legendary Loch Ness monster in satellite images on the virtual globe , Daily Mail reported .

  23. 这些现象包括不明飞行物,也有对像大脚怪,尼斯湖水怪这些非人类生物的发现和邂逅。

    These include UFOs as well as sightings and encounters with " nonhuman creatures " such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster .

  24. 在圣诞节,一部关于这个传闻中令人难以捉摸的动物的新家庭影片即将上映:《尼斯湖水怪》。

    On christmas , a new family film about the alleged , elusive beastie will hit theaters : the water horse : legend of the deep .

  25. 尼斯湖水怪迷认为,这种动物应该是一种蛇颈龙。蛇颈龙是一种水生爬行动物,生活在侏罗纪初期,很多人认为它们早已灭绝。

    Nessie enthusiasts believe the creature is a plesiosaur - an aquatic reptile that appeared at the start of the Jurassic period and is widely believed to be extinct .

  26. 我打小就住在汉江边上,那时我会向江心望去,思量里面是不是会有尼斯湖水怪。

    I lived next to it from a young age . I would look over and wonder if there was a monster like the Scotland Lochness Monster in it .

  27. 一个评论家说这个艺术中心就是“法国自产的怪物,犹如尼斯湖水怪”,但另一个却说“多看几眼,你就会爱上她”。

    One critic commented that it was ' France 's own monster , like the one in Loch Ness ' and another called it ' love at second sight ' .

  28. 还有一些人说是杂草丛生鳗鱼。最著名的尼斯湖水怪的照片很可能是上校罗伯特·威尔逊拍的“外科医生的照片”。

    A few suggest an over-grown eel . Probably the most famous picture of the Loch Ness monster was the " surgeon 's photo " supposedly taken by Colonel Robert Wilson .

  29. 在所有关于尼斯湖水怪的故事中,这恐怕是最荒诞的一个了:英格兰计划劫持尼斯湖水怪并在伦敦展出它的遗骸。

    Of all the tales about the Loch Ness Monster , it must be one of the most unlikely - an English plot to kidnap the beast and display its carcass in London .

  30. 一名退休探员声称见过水怪两次,他的父亲曾拍下其中一个著名的「尼斯湖水怪」影像,这再次开启了水怪是否存在的讨论。

    A retired detective whose father captured one of the most famous images of the " Loch Ness monster " has reopened the debate over the beast 's existence by claiming he has seen it twice .