
  • 网络Nimitz;Chester Nimitz
  1. 在尼米兹号航母战斗群是在进行例行的部署到该地区。

    The Nimitz Carrier Strike Group is on a routine deployment to the region .

  2. 尼米兹级航母抗毁伤能力深化研究

    The Deepened Research in the Anti - damaged Capability of the Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier

  3. 美军司令上将尼米兹怠于出战,这是可以理解的。

    The American commander , Admiral Nimitz , was understandably reluctant to join the battle .

  4. 海尔赛是尼米兹的僚属。

    Halsey was Nimitz 's man .

  5. 尼米兹豪宅厨房是一家专业从事欧式、古典实木橱柜的企业。

    Nimitz Luxury Kitchen is a professional enterprise specially dealing with such business as Europe-style and classic solid wood kitchen cabinets .

  6. 其他美国战舰今年已经访问香港,包括尼米兹航空母舰战斗群和蓝岭号两栖登陆指挥舰。

    Other U.S. war ships have already visited Hong Kong this year , including the carrier the Nimitz and the command ship Blue Ridge .

  7. 分析介绍的对象包括俄罗斯的库兹涅佐夫级航母,美国的尼米兹级航母,法国的戴高乐号航母。

    It analyzed the living compartment of foreign carriers which included the Russian Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier , the American Nimitz-class aircraft carrier and the French Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier .