
  • 网络President of Nigeria
  1. 对身着传统民族服装的尼日利亚总统说:你看起来像是要去上床睡觉的样子啊!

    ON STATE VISITS You look like youre ready for bed ! To the President of Nigeria , who was wearing traditional robes .

  2. 然而,该地区整体安全形势仍然非常脆弱。尼日利亚总统亚加杜瓦告诉出访该国的OPEC代表团,尼日利亚现在已达到每天出产180万桶石油的份额。

    Nigeria 's president , Umaru Yar'Adua , told a visiting OPEC delegation that Nigeria can now meet its current production quota of 1.8 million barrels per day .

  3. 如果是在一二十年前,尼日利亚总统古德勒克乔纳森(GoodluckJonathan)做出的这一取消能源补贴的决定,可能会让整个国家濒临政治崩溃。

    A decade or two ago , the subsidies decision taken by President Goodluck Jonathan could have brought the country close to political meltdown .

  4. 去年,尼日利亚总统穆罕默杜布哈里(MuhammaduBuhari)表示,在2014年军队夺回被武装分子占领的土地和城镇后,博科哈拉姆(BokoHaram)的“军事实力已被削弱”。

    President Muhammadu Buhari said last year that Boko Haram had been " militarily degraded " after the army won back territory and towns seized by militants in 2014 .

  5. 尼日利亚总统OlusegunObasanjo昨天在尼日利亚的阿布亚组建了一个新的传统医学委员会,他敦促这个委员会在该领域建立一个培训和研究机构。

    The Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo launched a new committee on traditional medicine in Abuja , Nigeria yesterday ( 5 December ), urging it to set up a training and research institute in the field .

  6. 尼日利亚总统古德勒克·乔纳森昨天公开表示反对博科圣地组织。

    Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan spoke out yesterday against Boko Haram .

  7. 尼日利亚总统亚加杜瓦宣布,由于最近对反叛分子举行特赦活动取得成功,遍布尼日尔三角洲产油区的冲突结束。

    Nigerian President Declares Niger Delta Stable Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua has declared the conflict that

  8. 周二早些时候,再次当选的尼日利亚总统乔纳森坚持全国范围的州级选举按照计划进行。

    Earlier on Thursday , Nigeria 's re-elected President Goodluck Jonathan insisted state elections would go ahead as planned across the country .

  9. 尼日利亚总统亚拉杜瓦重组内阁。两个月之前,在重组中有半数内阁成员被解雇。

    Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua has reconstituted his Cabinet , almost two months after sacking half the panel in a drawn-out re-organization .

  10. 外界认为奥巴桑乔带来了尼日利亚总统乔纳森的信息。乔纳森目前是非洲联盟主席。

    Obasanjo is thought to be carrying a message from Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan , who is the current head of the West African alliance .

  11. 尼日利亚总统亚拉杜瓦病逝之后,代总统古德勒克·乔纳森宣誓就职。

    Nigeria 's acting President Goodluck Jonathan has been sworn in as head of state following the death of President Umaru Yar'Adua after a long illness .

  12. 国际监督员称,周六的尼日利亚总统选举基本上在无事故的情况下完成,虽然有数千万人投票。

    International monitors say Saturday 's presidential election in Nigeria appears to have gone largely without incident , as tens of millions of people cast their ballots .

  13. 这份令人蒙羞的名单包括菲律宾总统马科斯,扎伊尔总统蒙博托,尼日利亚总统阿巴查及海地的小医生杜瓦利埃。

    The roll of dishonor includes presidents Marcos of the Philippines , Mobutu of Zaire , Abacha of Nigeria , and " Baby Doc " Duvalier of Haiti .

  14. 尼日利亚总统乔纳森在一份声明称这次袭击是“野蛮,愚蠢和懦弱的。”他表示政府仍将致力于打击恐怖主义。

    In a statement , Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan called the attack ," barbaric , senseless and cowardly . " He said his government remains committed to fighting terrorism .

  15. 尼日利亚总统亚拉杜瓦命令军队彻底摧毁该组织。但是许多人没有受到政府对该危机的反应的影响。

    President Umaru Yar'Adua had ordered troops to crush the movement " once for all . " But many were not impressed with the government 's response to the crisis .

  16. 在一份声明中,尼日利亚总统乔纳森称这次袭击是“野蛮的,无情的,懦弱的”。他说,他的政府仍然致力于打击恐怖主义。

    In a statement , Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan called the attack , " barbaric , senseless and cowardly . " He said his government remains committed to fighting terrorism .

  17. 尼日利亚总统亚加杜瓦下令该国警方和法庭帮助寻找由该国五大主要银行产生的高达数十亿美元的不良贷款。

    The Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua has told the country 's police and courts to help recover billions of dollars in bad loans made by five of the country 's major banks .

  18. 尼日利亚总统古德勒克在应对博科圣地的问题上一直面临严厉批评。他一直未能把激进分子一年前绑架的数百名学生解救回家。

    President Goodluck Jonathan has faced scathing criticism for his handling of Boko Haram and his inability to bring home hundreds of school girls kidnapped by the extremist more than a year ago .

  19. 五月时,尼日利亚总统古德勒克·乔纳森宣布,东北部三个动荡的州进入紧急状态,这其中就包括博尔诺州,但是虽然军方镇压了该地区,但是暴力冲突依然持续。

    In May Nigeria 's President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency in three troubled northeastern states , including Borno , but the violence continues despite a military crackdown in the region .

  20. 参加辩论会的外交官说,尼日利亚总统奥马鲁.亚拉杜瓦对穆加贝在选举中的行为提出质疑,不过穆加贝反驳说,尼日利亚的选举更肮脏。

    Diplomats attending the session say Nigeria 's President Umaru Yar'Adua confronted Mr. Mugabe over the conduct of his election , but that the Zimbabwean leader replied that Nigeria 's election was even dirtier .

  21. 尼日利亚总统乔纳森告诉他的军队停止在该国中部高原州的暴力行为,那里是种族和宗教冲突的现场。

    The Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has told his armed forces to halt the violence in Plateau state , in the centre of the country , the scene of vicious ethnic and religious clashes .

  22. 脊髓灰质炎流行国家的领导人们—包括阿富汗总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊,尼日利亚总统古德勒克·乔纳森,巴基斯坦总统阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里,他们表示根除脊髓灰质炎将是最重要的:

    Leaders of countries where polio is endemic - including Afghanistan 's President Hamid Karzai , Nigeria 's President GoodLuck Jonathan , and Pakistan 's President Asif Ali Zardari - said they will make polio eradication a priority :

  23. 尼日利亚代理总统古德勒克·乔纳森(GoodluckJonathan)解雇了国家安全顾问SarkiMukhtar,任命已退休的中将AliyuGusau接替其职位。

    Nigeria 's acting president has Acting President Goodluck Jonathan fired National Security Advisor Sarki Mukhtar and replaced him with retired Lieutenant General Aliyu Gusau .

  24. 尼日利亚前总统奥卢塞贡奥巴桑乔(olusegunobasanjo)执政时期,中国也曾提出以一笔类似的贷款换取石油区块,但未获成功。

    Under the previous administration of Olusegun Obasanjo , an offer of a similar loan in return for oil blocks failed to lead to a deal .

  25. 尼日利亚前总统奥卢塞贡·奥巴桑乔(OlusegunObasanjo)执政期间,Gusau已经担任该职位。许多人认为他是明年选举潜在的总统候选人。在上届执政党主要人物中仅次于现任总统亚拉杜瓦。

    Gusau held that post under former president Olusegun Obasanjo and is seen by many as a presidential candidate in next year 's election , having finished second to President Umaru Yar'Adua in the last ruling-party primary .

  26. 最近在乔斯城附近发生的新一轮的种族和宗教暴力造成数百人死亡,随后,尼日利亚代理总统任命了新的国家安全顾问。

    Nigeria 's Acting President Replaces Security Chief After Latest Violence

  27. 尼日利亚下次总统大选按计划将于2015年举行。

    Nigeria 's next presidential election is scheduled for 2015 .

  28. 看起来尼日利亚现任总统乔纳森已经赢得该国的选举。

    It looks very much as if Nigeria 's president Goodluck Jonathan is set for victory in the country 's elections .

  29. 尼日利亚代总统乔纳森已宣布,尼日利亚将为亚拉杜瓦的去世举行7天全国哀悼,各地降半旗志哀。

    The acting president Jonathan has announced the seven-day national mourning for the death of Yar'Adua , mourning over their flags .

  30. 尼日利亚新总统乔纳森宣誓就职的仪式上,军人在阿布贾的雄鹰广场手持绿白两色国旗,空军战机列队飞行,带着巨大的轰鸣通过广场。

    Nigerian soldiers raised the nation 's green-and-white flag above Abuja 's Eagle Square as air force jets zoomed by in a flyover in honor of President Jonathan 's inauguration .