
  • 网络bulk cargo;Commodity;lot cargo
  1. 承接全国各地的大宗货物及整车、零担货物运输。

    To undertake all parts of the country 's bulk cargo and vehicle , Lingdan transport of goods .

  2. 在现今世界,对于长距离、大宗货物的运输&船舶运输仍占据主要地位。

    In the modern world , marine transportation is in the dominant position for the distant and bulk cargo transportation .

  3. 运送,尤其是大宗货物的运送,也是令人头疼的问题。

    Delivery , especially of bulky goods , is a headache .

  4. 采用共同配送,使筹集资金、大宗货物得到较好的解决。

    Adopt common delivery to better resolve funds rising and predominant goods .

  5. 吨袋是一种柔性运输包装容器,适合包装大宗货物的一种包装袋。

    FIBC is a kind of flexible packaging bag suitable for bulk goods .

  6. 对于大宗货物,由卖方安排舱位更为方便。

    For bulk goods , it 's convenient for sellers to arrange the shipping space .

  7. 大宗货物买家表示找不到合适的欧洲供应商。

    " I can 't find a European producer to supply me ," a bulk customer said .

  8. 发展港口市场,为大宗货物的供求双方提供一个贸易交接平台;

    Developing the port market to provide a trade platform for sellers and buyers of large amounts of goods ;

  9. 本文分析了主要大宗货物在沿海和内河主要水系的运输流向。

    The paper analyses the transportation flows of main five kinds of cargoes in coast and inland water systems .

  10. 购买本店大宗货物,免费送货上门。

    Free home delivery is offered for a customer who Buys a large quantity of goods at this store .

  11. 茶叶是中国最为主要的出口货物之一,也是各东印度公司贸易的大宗货物,故而随着饮茶在欧洲的流行也是荷兰东印度公司积极开展蔗糖贸易的一大动力之一。

    Tea is one of the most major export goods for China and the bulk goods for East India Company .

  12. 世界干散货运输船队在世界海运船队中占有极其重要的地位,特别是在大宗货物运输方面。

    The world bulk fleet plays a significant role in the world shipping , especially in the large amount cargo shipping .

  13. 煤炭物流是大宗货物的物流,存在于煤炭从生产到用户整个过程之中。

    The coal logistics is bulk cargo logistics and it exists in the whole process which coal is from being manufactured to being delivered to users .

  14. 铁路运输在国民经济、国家战略建设方面具有较大的影响力,尤其是对于大宗货物的运输不可或缺。

    Railway transportation plays very important role in the state economy and country strategy , especially for the bulk goods it is unreplaceable in land transportation .

  15. 煤炭运输作为长距离大宗货物运输的典型代表,在铁路各主要干线的货流密度中比重很大。

    Coal transportation takes a great proportion in the density of the freight flow in the main lines , as a typical representative of long-distance freight transportation .

  16. 利用公路短途配送,结合铁路长距离直达输送,为您提供大宗货物、长距离运输货物全程监控的快速货运。

    Our service combines short-distance highway distribution and long-distance complete railway nonstop transportation , providing whole course package tracking at express delivery of bulk freights and long-distance transport .

  17. 摘要:我国铁路大宗货物未来的流向基本稳定,流量逐年增加。

    ABSTRACT : The straits of the staple freight in our country railroads in future are that the direction is stable and the flux is increasing year by year .

  18. 提出了基于大宗货物道路运输招投标的区域物流发展模式,指出随着现代物流的深入发展和市场经济体制的逐步确立,上述模式应逐渐演化到基于大宗物流活动招投标的区域物流发展模式。

    The paper puts forward a regional logistics development mode based on bidding for large amount of road freight with the deepening development of modern logistics and gradual establishment of market economy system .

  19. 港口运输具有运输成本低、运输货物量大等天然优势,港口贸易成为对外贸易的主力,特别是大宗货物的运输。

    Port transportation has low cost , transport goods transport amount is large and other natural advantage , port trade has become the main foreign trade , especially large carriage of the goods .

  20. 根据国家十五计划及远期发展规划,全国货物运输量的60%将仍然是煤炭、矿石和粮食等大宗货物的运输。

    According to the tenth five-year plan and a long-term development plan , the 60 % of freight traffic volume throughout the country are such mass freight as coal , ore and food supplies .

  21. 招标投标制是在市场经济条件下,进行大宗货物买卖,工程建设项目的发包与承包,服务项目的采购与提供所采用的一种交易方式。

    Under the market economy term , inviting and entering Bids is adopted to proceed the big goods business , send and contract reports of the construction engineering items purchase and provide the service items .

  22. 大宗货物直达列车的开行是我国铁路适应社会货运需求,确保国家重点物资运输,促进国民经济平稳快速发展的重要保证。

    The operating of through trains for mass goods is important to meet social transportation demand , to ensure transportation of national key material , and to promote steady and rapid development of national economy .

  23. 但许多托运人却抱怨说,诸如煤炭、化学制品和粮食这类需要长途运输的大宗货物,公路运输的成本太高。因而那些铁路运输公司就会制约住他们。

    But many shippers complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances , such as coal , chemicals , and grain , trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them by the throat .

  24. 通过原始数据,推测蔗糖在荷兰东印度公司大宗货物贸易中所占的比例,从而得出蔗糖贸易在荷兰东印度公司贸易初期的重要性。

    Some original data suggests that the proportion of sugar in the bulk cargo trade in the Dutch East India Company shows that sugar trade played an important role in the Dutch East India Company trade .

  25. 铁路运输是我国综合运输系统中最重要的运输方式之一,在大宗货物长距离运输中具有不可替代的优势和作用,为我国经济高速稳定发展做出了重大贡献。

    As one of the most important means of transport in the comprehensive transportation system , Railway transportation plays an irreplaceable role in the long-distance transportation of bulk-goods and makes great contributions for the high-speed-steady economic development .

  26. 其出口商品主要是丝绸、瓷器、铁器等大宗货物,也有各种生活用品;进口货物多为贵金属和香料等高档消费品。

    The chief exports were silk , china , and ironware , together with some kinds of daily used things , and the chief imports were high grade consumer goods , such as rare metal and spice .

  27. 对于具有固定的大宗货物来源的重载线路,组织直达运输能加速物资周转、降低运输成本,是缓和铁路运输能力紧张的一种合理方式。

    For the heavy haul railway , which has the stable source of bulk cargo , direct transport from loading area is a significant way to accelerate the turnover of goods and reduce the cost of transport .

  28. 从运输方式上来比较,在长距离及大宗货物运输方面,铁路比公路更具有优势:安全、经济、快捷,货物装车后,能直接运达出海港口。

    Compared in respect of transport way , the railway has advantages over highway in long distance and mass goods transportations : safe , economic , fast ; and direct transport to the shipping port after loading of goods .

  29. 由于马来西亚的经济从去年起就一直受到疲软的油价和国际大宗货物的重创,所以本次马来西亚对中国游客免签措施是为了吸引中国游客,从而促进本国旅游业的发展。

    This is among the Malaysian government 's efforts to lure Chinese tourists to prop up Malaysia 's tourist industry , as the country 's economy continues to suffer from weak oil and international commodity prices since last year .

  30. 玛雅·库帕在美国化学学会年会上说:“如今,我们正在探寻实现生物再生系统的可能性,涉及农作物在太空种植和将大宗货物运往火星基地。”

    Maya Cooper , speaking at the American Chemical Society 's annual conference , said : " Right now , we are looking at the possibility of implementing a bio-regenerative system that would involve growing crops in space and possibly shipping some bulk commodities to a Mars habitat as well .