
dòng màn
  • Anime;Animation;Comic;comics and animation
  1. 独特的宏观环境是日本动漫产业发展的现实土壤。

    The unique macro-environment is the objective reality of Japanese comics and animation industry development .

  2. 第二章回顾了世界动漫强国的动漫产业发展史。

    The second chapter reviews the development history of comics and animation powers in the world .

  3. 动画不再仅仅吸引小孩子和动漫迷的眼球,而成了主流娱乐方式。

    Animation has stopped being eye-candy for kids and geeks and become mainstream entertainment .

  4. 国产动漫产业一年强于一年。

    The domestic animation industry is getting better every year .

  5. “正是它们脆弱的本性吸引了我”,《纽约客》动漫画家罗兹·查斯特说。

    " There 's something about their delicate nature that appeals to me , " says New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast .

  6. 在日本,这一类模型套装多事动漫人物,而在美国,电影中的怪物通常是手办的主角。

    In Japan , kits4 often depict5 anime characters , and in the United States depictions of movie monsters are common .

  7. 气场强大的男人,头像一般是动漫人物,气场不强的男人,头像是真相。

    a man with a strong aura field usually chooses comic figures as his avatar , while a weak man 's avatar often is a photo of himself .

  8. 3月6日,该片超过2019年奇幻动漫电影《哪吒之魔童降世》,成为中国影史票房第二高的电影。目前,位列影史票房冠军的是2017年的动作冒险影片《战狼2》,票房成绩为56.93亿元。

    The film overtook the 2019 animated 2 is currently topping the all-time box office chart covering all films ever screened in China with a total revenue of 5.693 billion yuan , according to data compiled by the China Movie Data Information Network .

  9. 迪拜动漫网站web系统的设计与分析

    Dubai Animation Platform Web System Design and Analysis

  10. 当蠢笨且表情夸张的日本动漫人物遇上免费短信和语音通话技术,两者的结晶就是日本唯一一款在海外大热的应用&连我(Line)。

    What do you get if you cross emoting , goofy manga characters with free messaging and calls ?

  11. 纽约国际动漫展(NewYorkComicCon)上,200个卡酷机器人(Kakurobot)模型首次亮相。

    New York Comic Con also saw the debut of 200 Kaku robot sculptures .

  12. 随着3D影视动漫产业的日渐繁荣,3D技术应用浪潮正在互联网中悄然兴起。

    Along with the gradual flourishes in3D movie & TV and animation industry , the application tide of3D technology in Internet is springing up .

  13. 随着3G手机与3G技术的来临,手机动漫已成为运营商增值业务的主要发展方向之一。

    With the approach of3G mobile and3G technology era , mobile animation has become one major development orientations of valued-added service of operators .

  14. manga一词在日语中是动漫的意思。

    Manga is Japanese for comic or cartoon .

  15. 他不仅是小樱桃卡通公司的CEO,还是中国第一本动漫产业期刊的总负责人。

    Not only is he CEO of Xiaoyingtao Cartoon Company , but now he 's also General Director of China 's first periodical dedicated to the animation industry .

  16. 通过在原型系统中的实验结果表明,本文提出的方法既可以高效地设计出创意新颖的3D动漫角色造型,又可以快速高效地生成大批的3D动漫群体造型。

    Experimental results in the prototype system show that the proposed methods can not only efficiently design creative 3D animation role modelings , but also quickly and efficiently generate a large number of 3D animation crowd modelings .

  17. 随着休闲经济的兴起和手机立体娱乐时代的到来,手机Flash动漫正逐步在全球形成一种产业,并被视为最有潜力的无线增值业务。

    With the arise of leisure economy and mobile phone era of three-dimensional entertainment , mobile Flash animation is gradually forming a global industry , and is considered as the most promising wireless value-added services .

  18. 得益于在线游戏和动漫的流行,Cosplay已经成为一种遍及全球的现象。

    Thanks to the prevalence of online games and comics , cosplay has grown into a world-wide phenomenon .

  19. 来自数码市场调研公司M2Research的比利•皮金指出:“任天堂(Nintendo)除了出席圣迭戈的动漫大会,还要去纽约参加小型展会,这是他们的营销活动的组成部分。”

    Nintendo has been going to the comic cons in San Diego as well as the smaller one in New York regularly and this is part of their marketing , " says Billy Pidgeon of M2 research . "

  20. 韩国动漫家长年为《辛普森一家》(thesimpsons)之类的美国电视节目辛勤干活。

    South Korean animators have for many years done much of the heavy lifting on American TV shows such as " The Simpsons " .

  21. 施瓦辛格曾经是健美冠军,后来成了好莱坞明星,他的名言是我会回来的。他和Marvel漫画公司的创始人斯坦李联手打造的这一漫画人物将在一部动漫剧和漫画书中担当主角。

    The former champion bodybuilder turned Hollywood star catchphrase " I 'll be Back " has teamed up with Marvel comics founder Stan Lee to create the character which will star in an animated TV show and comic book .

  22. “CCG动漫游戏大奖”是在文化部领导下,以动漫内容为核心,跨媒介、跨产业的评奖活动,是国内动漫行业的风向标。

    " CCG Animation Game Awards " in the Ministry of Culture under the leadership of the animation content for the core , cross-media , cross-industry awards event , the domestic animation industry leader .

  23. 从纸面漫画到荧屏动画到实物,或者说从书店到影院到商店到美术馆,ANPANMAN的成长完美地演绎了日本动漫的发展路径:娱乐产业文化。

    The growth of ANPANMAN presents us with a vivid picture of Japan 's approach to the development of animated cartoons : from entertainment to industry and then to culture .

  24. 中国动漫品牌发展存在的问题及其对策研究

    Analysis on the Status of Chinese Cartoon Brand and Strategy Study

  25. 手机动漫业务是基于动漫平台实现的。

    Mobile animation business is based on the Mobile Animation Platform .

  26. 手机动漫业务运营平台及产业化分析

    The Operation Platform for Mobile Animation and the Analysis of Industrialization

  27. 加强动漫作品的知识产权保护。

    To strengthen protection of intellectual property rights of animation works .

  28. 关于南京动漫产业价值链构造的几点思考

    On the Value Chain Structure of the Animation Industry in Nanjing

  29. 动漫造型一般包括动漫角色造型和动漫群体造型。

    Animation modelings generally include animation role modelings and animation crowd modelings .

  30. 加强限制级和禁止级动漫产品管理。

    Strengthen the restricted and prohibited class animation product management .